
The Olcott Lions Club Scholarships are awarded to students fulfilling the requirements listed in the criteria below:


The student must..

1) be a graduating senior student from Newfane Senior High School

2)be involved in community service activities

3)submit proof of acceptance to college or university (2 or 4 year)

4)have their essay selected by the General Membership of the Olcott Lions Club for one of the scholarships

For 2013 only one Scholarship will be awarded for $1,000.00

*Application Deadline: June 3, 2013

Name: ______GPA: ______Rank: ______Street Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Home Phone Number: (____)______

Name of College You Plan To Attend: ______List Your Anticipated College Major: ______

Honors and Awards: (Use additional sheets if needed)

Examples: National Honor Society, Academic Awards, Athletic Awards, Highest Average Award, HOBY Ambassador, Business First Honors, Girl’s/Boy’s State, Eagle Scout/Gold/Silver Awards, All-State/County (Music), All-League (sports), etc.







Leadership Positions Held (Elected or Appointed)

Examples: Student Senate, Class Officer, Youth Court, Athletic Team Captain, etc.





Community Service Activities:

Examples: volunteer services, community projects, church volunteerism, peer tutoring, junior fireman, etc.





Extracurricular Activities:

Examples: Athletics, youth groups, art club, motor sports club, photo club, US FIRST Robotics, School musical/play, peer leadership, part-time employment, scholastic bowl, Model UN, HUDDLE, Yearbook staff, etc.






The Lions Club offers five youth programs that offer young people opportunities to learn, grow, serve and earn awards. As a charitable organization, the Lions Club is always open to suggestions on ways to improve programs, such as these youth programs, that would make them more beneficial to the community.

Please attach a double spaced essay (no more than 600 words) on the following topic: “What is your opinion regarding the importance of community service clubs such as the Lions, and, regarding the Lions Club’s five youth programs, please research any two of these programs and give your thoughts and opinions on their benefit/worth to the youth and community, and their appeal”. In your essay please include constructive and positive suggestions that would help make these programs more appealing and useful to the youth.

Please remember to put your name at the top of the essay then attach to the application. Good Luck!

P.S.- The quality of your essay, grammar & substance, etc., counts very heavily in determining who will receive the awards. Please take your time and put forth some effort – have someone check over your essay.

Mail your completed application to:

Olcott Lions

Scholarship Award

P.O. Box 316

Olcott, NY 14126