This Agreement is made by and between FORBES SHIRE COUNCIL (Landlord), as trust manager of the land and improvements known as the FORBES YOUTH AND COMMUNITY CENTRE, corner Battye Street and Press Street, Forbes NSW 2871.
The Centrerefers to Forbes Shire Council’s Youth and Community Centre.
Council refers to Forbes Shire Council.
A Venue User is an activity organised/operated/managed by a third party independent individual, group or organisation.
Community Groups: Forbes Shire Council has defined community groups as not for profit incorporated community groups and schools located within the Forbes Shire Council. Community or non-profit groups that charge an entrance fee to their event will be classified as fee charging community groupsfor the purposes of applying the schedule of fees.
Incident: Injury, property damage, theft, chemical spill or any other event/situation that has the potential to cause harm.
To use the facilities of the Youth and Community Centre the User will sign this agreement and abide by these conditions.
FORBES SHIRE COUNCIL will apply the hire fees published within the annually adopted fees and charges schedule effective 1 July each year.
A rental bond of $229 will be collected in relation to the terms of this agreement. Upon the finalisation, and subject to all criteria in this agreement being adhered to the Venue User will be entitled to a bond refund.
Casual Venue Users must advise of any change or cancellation with 24 hours prior to the booking otherwise the hire fee is payable.
Regular Venue Users must advise of any change or cancellation within 14 days prior to the date in which the change or cancellation is to take place otherwise the hire fee is payable.
4.Property Damage:
The Venue User must agree to notify Council of any damage incurred during their use of the building and its surrounds. The venue user must reimburse Council the cost of repairs and or replacement to the Centre’s property and equipment for any damage caused by the Venue User, their staff, their associates and/or participants in their activities. The value of the repair/replacement will be determined by Council.
The Venue User agrees not to use Forbes Shire Council’s name or branding for fundraising purposes.
6.Insurances and Indemnification:
All Venue Users, except a casual userwill ensure that they have appropriate Public Liability Insurances, to a minimum value of twenty million dollars, which must be sighted and attached to this agreement. The Venue User is required to provide a Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency each year.
(a casual user means any person or group of persons, not being a sporting body, club, association, corporation or incorporated body), who hires the Centre for non-profit making purposes, less frequently than once per calendar month or 12 times per calendar year)
The Venue User shall indemnify Council, and its staff against any claims, costs or penalties whatsoever that may arise from the Venue User’s negligence during the period of the hire of the Centre.
The Venue User shall indemnify and keep indemnified, Council, the Trust and the Minister administering the Crown Lands Act against all actions, suits, claims, debts, obligations and other liabilities that may arise as a result of the Venue User’s occupation of the Centre, except to the extent that any such claim arose as a direct result of a negligent act or omission of Council or the Trust.
7.Responsibility of Behaviour:
All Venue Users will be held responsible for the conduct and behaviour of their staff and participants and agree to indemnify Council against any action for which the Venue User is responsible.
8.Private Property:
All goods, materials or property brought into the Centre must be removed by the end of the booking.
Council accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to any property whatsoever belonging either to the Venue User or any other person attending the function or activity.
Any items or goods remaining will do so for a period of 48 hours, after this period they will be disposed of.
9.Smoke Free Zone:
Smoking is NOT permitted inside the Centre or the surrounding area which includes the outdoor fenced area. The venue user will comply with Council’s Smoke Free Outdoors Areas Policy which is available on request.
10.Alcohol or other Drugs in Youth and Community Centre:
Alcohol or other drugs are NOT to be consumed in the Centre or the adjoining grounds unless, in the case of alcohol consumption, arrangements have been made for a special function.
In the case of a special function, the Venue User must specify in writing that they wish to hold an activity which will involve the consumption of alcohol.
The Venue User will also be required to obtain, in accordance with the Liquor Act 1982, the appropriate licence for the sale or supply of alcohol in the Centre.
11.Animals in the Youth and Community Centre:
No animals shall be allowed in the Centre except animals trained to assist people with disabilities, or if Council grants special approval.
It is the responsibility of the Venue User to ensure that the Centre is left in a satisfactory condition to allow for contracted cleaning of the premises. When these areas are left in an unclean condition, additional cleaning fees will be imposed upon the Venue User.
Cleaning equipment is available in the kitchen if required.
13.Chairs and Tables:
Council is at no time obligated to provide tables and chairs for functions. If Council’s tables or chairs are used then the placement and removal of such is the responsibility of the Venue User. Council requires a written request for the use of its tables and chairs. Tables and chairs must be returned to the space taken from.
14.Youth and Community Centre Operations/Facilities:
If the Venue User is unfamiliar with the operation of the Centre, an appointment can be made with Council prior to the hire period to go through the operation of all facilities and equipment (ie. lighting, heating, cooling etc).
15.Key Collection and Return Policy:
The Centre’s key(s) are available for collection at Council’s Administration Building in Court Street, Forbes between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.
If the function/hire occurs outside these hours, arrangements for the return of the Centre key(s) must be arranged with the Youth Development Assistant or Council’s Customer Service staff. The key(s) shall be returned no later than 10:00 am the following business day, unless other arrangements have been made.
16.Centre Security:
The signatory is fully responsible for the key(s) and security PIN number and must ensure these are not given to any other group or person.
If the key(s) are not returned the Venue User will be responsible for the cost to replace the key(s).
For bookings outside of Centre opening hours, the front door of the Centre is to be locked at all times. The doors on the eastern side of the hall may be opened, provided they are supervised.
During afterhours bookings, Venue Users are responsible for security of the building at all times.
Venue Users must ensure the building is totally secured on exit. This includes turning off lights, kitchen appliances, locking any opened doors and setting the alarm.
17.Condition of the Youth and Community Centre on Approval:
It is expected that the Centre will be left in a condition suitable for immediate use at all times. Where the Centre is considered unsuitable for use on arrival, the Venue User should notify Council. This will indemnify the Venue User against any claim by Council for loss of property or damage to the building or grounds.
18.Use of Furniture:
The Venue User is welcome to arrange tables, chairs and other furniture as required provided they are returned to the original position before leaving.
The Venue User is not to allow furniture or equipment to be removed from the Centre or from one room to another unless approved by the Youth Development Assistant.
19.Reporting of Incidents:
The venue user must report any incident whilst utilising the Centre during their hire. The incident must be reported to the Youth Development Assistantwithin 24 hours of vacating the premises. Any access of the first aid kit must be reported to Council
20.Handback Checklist:
The venue user must complete the Handback Checklist prior to return of keys. Any items found on the checklist in regards to security incidents, cleaning and property not left in a satisfactory condition will result in a loss of bond.
I ______the Venue User/Nominated Person Responsible for the Venue User, agree to abide by the hire details, hire charge schedule and the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement:-
Signed on behalf ofThe Venue User/Nominated Responsible Person
Signed on behalf of
Forbes Shire Council
Bond Receipt No:
Public Liability Insurance/Liquor
If required, copies of Public Liability and/or Liquor Licences are to be attached, otherwise this agreement will not be validated
All Charges Applicable to Youth & Community Centre Hire
2015/2016 Financial Year
Fee (inclusive of GST) / Community Group
$ / Fee Charging Community Group
$ / Private Users
Hour: / 6.80 / 11.00 / 19.00
Half Day: / 23.50 / 38.50 / 51.00
Full Day: / 38.50 / 66.50 / 89.00
Bond for hire of the Youth & Community Centre / 229.00
Forbes Youth & Community Centre Handbook Agreement
I,______the venue user/ nominated person responsible for the venue agree that I have followed the requirements for the hire of the Youth & Community Centre and that all requirements as stated below have been fulfilled upon return of the keys and for the reimbursement of the bond.
Security / YES / NO / Comment
Doors locked
Alarm code on
First aid kit used (please indicate)
Damage to property (please indicate)
Injury (please indicate)
Chemical spill (please indicate)
Complaints when using (please indicate)
Returned to correct space (please indicate)
Kitchen cleaned/tidy (please indicate)
Tea towel left in basket (please indicate)
Bins emptied (please indicate)
Hall swept (please indicate)
Return of Keys
Council sign: (please indicate) / Receipt No:
(To be provided to accounts payable officer for bond reimbursement)
Council Staff
Bond reimbursed / Amount: $
Accounts Payable Signature: / Date: /
Forbes Shire Council | Youth & Community Centre Venue User Agreement
Version 7 – July 2016 (Doc Id: 205872) / 1of 5