TCS revision

Goal: to revise the TCS implementation by assessing the maturity of each EPOS WG from a technical, financial and governance point of view.The revision was performed by a Working Team (WT) who focused on the questions presented in Table 1. In order to answer to questions, the WT have taken into consideration all the documents the WGs have sent to WP4 and WP6 in the last year: 1) May 2013 Preparatory document for the EPOS Thematic Core Services; 2) October 2013 Document for the EPOS Thematic Core Services; 3) February 2014 Financial Plan; 4) 24-28 February Prague presentations; 5) March 2014 EPOS TCS Implementation Plan, please note that questions presented in Table 1 mainly result from document #5 and discussions during the WG meeting in Prague. In the last pages of the present document a summary of these 5 documents is reported. Table 2 summarizes the main findings of the WT, which is a synopsis of the current state of each WG. This information will be presented to the IAPC during the meeting in Lisbon in late June and is being used to decide which communities are best positioned to be considered for various funding mechanisms. As the Chair and co-Chair of a EPOS WG you should please review the entire table, and check the appraisal assigned to your WG situation. The WT welcomes the opportunity to clarify its findings and we are willing to include additional and/or new information and/or corrections useful to modify/update the table.

The main findings of the WT are:

  • The general architecture of the WGs is not consistent. ACTION: EPOS PDB have proposed an more clear definition of pillars/nodes that WGs should use to consider whether they need to re-organise (see page 2 and Fig. 1).
  • The governance of the WGs is often insufficiently described. ACTION: EPOS needs that TCSs have a governance framework where data management and services will be implemented.
  • Financial information is often incomplete or not provided. ACTION: WGs need to urgently provide more detailed financial information in order to be classified as existing or under implementation.

Working Team: Alice Clemenceau, John Clinton, Lilli Freda, Thomas Hoffmann, AnnakaisaKorja

Workflow: 1) collected all documents received by the WGs in the last year(DONE);

2) summarised the information suitable to answer questions on technical, data policy and access rules, finances, and governance aspects from the various documents received by the WGs (DONE – summary provided here);

3) contact each WG for implementation/correction/finalization of the information (NOW);

3) finalize the document to be presented to the Council (24-25 June 2014, Lisbon) and to the BGR (30 September 2014, Amsterdam).

EPOS TCS Architecture - Definitions for various components as described in the EPOS 3.7 and 7.5 deliverables

TCS – community level integration – it is a Governance tool

A governance framework where the data and services are provided through different pillars and where the community discusses implementation strategies, sustainability, legal, and ethic issues.

PILLAR: Organizational structure

It represents the environment where different sets of data, products and services, directly related to a specific community, can be coordinated managed and organized through distributed/single nodes.

NODE - it is a RI element

It represents a distributed network of infrastructures or a single RI delivering data, products and/or services directly related to the data integrated in each pillar belonging to each TCS for that specific community.

SERVICES – not a topological entity – they are IT tools for data management

IT solutions provided to the scientific community through the multiple or individual nodes belonging to a pillar.

Figure 1. Please note that this figure is used only for providing a visual representation of the above definitions

Table 1. General: Questions the WT focused on for the TCS assessment

Technical / Operability:
Are the data declared currently available to users through any form of online access?
Does the TCS retain an e-infrastructure (website)?
Does the e-infrastructure work?
Limitation of the e-infrastructure?
Interoperability level:
Does the TCS use standard for data and metadata?
Does the TCS have web services?
Does the TCS adopt a data policy and AAAI?
Access to high-level data products:
Does the TCS have a plan to deliver high-level (in the data taxonomy) data products?
Data Policy / Adopted data policy:
Is the TCS adopting a data policy?
Which user’s and data’s category is the TCS adopting?
Existing access rules:
Is the TCS adopting any rule for the access to data and facilities?
IPR awareness:
Is the TCS taking into account IPR?
Financial / Summary of the cost assessment: solid, detailed, clear separation between existing / new costs
Funding model:
a)funding sources for existing services solid, clearly explained, detailed
b)long term sustainability for existing services existing costs secured or strong strategy to secure the missing part, clear vision of the future
c)information on services under implementation possibility of hosting institution/country funding, Eu or national projects in preparation
d)information on envisioned services ideas of the funding possibilities and opportunities
Expectations regarding EPOS Flexible fund: understanding of the kind of activities that EPOS may fund, understanding that EPOS is not a funding agency, activities identified are in line with EPOS vision
Governance / Internal coherence:
Is the governance (WG structured in TCS, pillars, nodes, services) coherent among all WGs?
Shared Governance Model:
Is the declared governance shared among the community behind the WG?

Table 2. General: Summary of the WT TCS Evaluation

Working Group / 1
Seis / 2
Volc / 3
Geol / 4
Geod / 5a
OBS / 5b
NF / 6
Labs / 8
Sat / 9
Mag / 10
Technical / Operability
Are the data declared currently available to users through any form of online access?
Yes (at least a subset)/ Available though other TCS/ No / Nothing yet existing / Nothing yet existing / EIDA / Nothing yet existing / Nothing yet existing
Does the TCS retain an e-infrastructure (website)?
Yes (at least for 1 service)/ No / Multiple
(will be part of EPOS) / OneGeo
(outside EPOS) / EUref / HelNeb
(outside EPOS) / Multiple,
(outside EPOS)
Does the e-infrastructure work?
(testing only by browsing website)
Yes (at least for 1 service)/ No
Limitation of the e-infrastructure?
In all cases, e-infrastructure only partially covers planned services
No obvious limitations/ minor limitations/ severe limitations / not existing / Limited coordination across services / not fully tested as not a domain specialist / No coordinated access across datacenters, limited data access / Should WG build own tools or instead use other WG?s / Should WG build own tools or instead use other WG?s / not a single infrastructure / Requires update for EPOS
Interoperability level
Does the TCS use standard for data and metadata?
Yes, good examples exist/ standards exist and will be adopted / standards need to be created or no plans to use standards / imminent / Will adopt / Will adopt / Needs to create / Will adopt / No real plan to integrate with other WG
Does the TCS have web services?
Yes (at least for 1 service) / in development, or can use services in other WGs/ No / imminent / existing infrastructures in WG1/3 / existing infrastructures in WG1/3 / existing infrastructures in community / As above
Does the TCS adopt a data policy and AAAI?
Yes, EPOS policy / Not clear/ Not existing or very restrictive / emerging / v. restricted
Access to high-level data products
Does the TCS have a plan to deliver high-level (in the data taxonomy) data products?
Yes, some high level products are planned / 0-3 / 0-3 / 0-3 / 1-3 / 0-3 / 0-3 / 0-3 / 0-3
Working Group / 1
Seis / 2
Volc / 3
Geol / 4
Geod / 5a
OBS / 5b
NF / 6
Labs / 8
Sat / 9
Mag / 10
Data Policy / Adopted data policy
Is the TCS adopting a data policy?
(Note overlap with question above)
Yes, a policy is discussed / Not clear if policy is consistent with EPOS / open access/ restricted/ embargoed / open access/ restricted/ / Not clear if OneGeol.
compatible with EPOS
EDGI / open access/ embargoed / restricted/ embargoed / open access/ embargoed / open access/ restricted/ / to be specified / open access/
INSPIRE / open access/ restricted/
Which user and data categories are the TCS adopting?
TCS plans variety of services, and references EPOS data and user policies / Not clear if policy is consistent with EPOS / data producer, academia / data producer/ academia/ government / Not clear if OneGeol.
compatible with EPOS / data producer/ academia/ government / data producer / data producer/ academia/ / data producer/ academia/
government / data producer/ academia/
government / data producer/ academia/
Existing access rules
Does the TCS already implement open access rules consistent with EPOS for existing services
Yes / Not clear/ No existing services / anonymous/
authorized / anonymous/
GEO / Not clear if OneGeol.
compatible with EPOS
to be checked / registered / authorized / registered/
Possibly inconsistent with EIDA / registered / Possibly inconsistent with EPOS / registered / registered/
IPR awareness
Is the TCS taking into account IPR?
Yes, IPR is clearly taken into account / Not clear/ No information / citation needed / planning to use
DOI / planning to use
EPOS IPR rules
Working Group / 1
Seis / 2
Volc / 3
Geol / 4
Geod / 5a
OBS / 5b
NF / 6
Labs / 8
Sat / 9
Mag / 10
Financial / Summary of the cost assessment
solid, detailed, clear separation between existing / new costs
Clear plan / no existing services or new services proposed/ Problems / financial info not available / No financial info / No financial info / Financial Plan under revision / No existing services / Seems to build services already existing in other WGs / No existing services / No financial info / Clear plan but some services already exist in other WGs
Funding model
a)funding sources for ex. services
solid, clearly explained, detailed
Clear plan / plan exists but issues/ Problems / info not available or no existing services / High expenses not justified / No financial info / No financial info / Financial Plan under revision / No existing services / No existing services / No existing services / No financial info / Not clear how existing services integrate into EPOS; / No existing services
b)long term sustainability for existing services
existing costs secured or strong strategy to secure the missing part, clear vision of the future
Clear plan / plan exists but issues/ Problems / info not available or no existing services / Major shortfall imminent @ EMSC. Other services (AHEAD, Orfeus, ESM, EFEHR) rely on continuing support at 1 institution / No financial info / No financial info / Financial Plan under revision / No existing services / No existing services / No existing services / No financial info / Nations keep support 5but not clear for the additional costs to adapt to EPOS) / No existing services
c)infoon services under implementation
possibility of hosting institution/country funding, Eu or national projects in preparation
Clear plan / plan exists but issues/ Problems / info not available or no services under implementation / Insufficient detail on ESM funding plan beyond NERA / No financial info / No financial info / Financial Plan under revision / Waveform Pillar under development needs to be coordinated with WG1.
Funding at national level, needs to be extended / Plan for building 2 pillars exists but funding speculative – I3 / ITN? Current funding from (uncoordinated) national contribs / No services under implementation / No financial info / No services under implementation / Costs are extremely high, but I3 and national funding existing
d)infoon envisioned services
ideas of the funding possibilities and opportunities
Clear plan and action / plan exists but not yet solid/ Problems / info not available or no envisioned services / 4th pillar is not budgeted / No financial info / No financial info / Financial Plan under revision / Coordination with other WG services required.
COST, I3 current funding options (COST proposal submitted) / Possibility of I3 / ITN projects, nothing concrete at the moment / ELYSE / I3 (problem: relies at 100% on the ELYSE proposal, no plan B; no plan for long term sustainability after ELYSE) / No financial info / No envisioned services / No envisioned services
Expectations regarding EPOS Flexible fund
understanding of the kind of activities that EPOS may fund, understanding that EPOS is not a funding agency, activities identified are in line with EPOS vision
no request or ‘reasonable’ request / request made, seems reasonable but no financial infp/ Problems / info not available / No realistic alternative to flexible funding yet proposed / No financial info / No financial info / No financial info / No request for flexible funds / Proposal exists, but no related cost estimate. / No request for flexible funds / No financial info / Request to integrate existing services into EPOS, but no further details or financial plan / Request for contribution notably to pillar 4.
Working Group / 1
Seis / 2
Volc / 3
Geol / 4
Geod / 5a
OBS / 5b
NF / 6
Labs / 8
Sat / 9
Mag / 10
Governance / Internal coherence
Is the organisation (WG structured in TCS, pillars, TCS nodes, services) consistentwith EPOS expectation? (see table 2 below)
Generally sensible / minor issues or EPOS incompatibility/ requires review / Coherent yes, but maybe last pillar will not be built / Promising but not yet developed / Requires high level agreement OneGeo / EPOS / Will follow UNAVCO / Want to use WG1 services but different pillars / Detailed, but very large / TCS structure must reflect wider satellite community / Simply follows existing structures. Are they really the best organisation? / Are document repository / outreach real pillars ?
Governance Model
Is there a clear and convincing Governance model
Generally sensible / minor issues or EPOS incompatibility/ requires review or more defintion / No clear governance proposed.
Not clear how existing governance of services wider than EPOS (Orfeus, EMSC) can move into EPOS / More detail required for how national / EPOS level governance will operate / No one proposed, but possibly not required / To follow Unavco. Needs more detail. / Loose governance proposed, no details. / Single govenance with 1 member from each NF. Reflects very small size of this TCS / More detail provided, seems sensible. Check if compatible with EPOS ICS / ECO / N/A / Complicated as EPOS -M will be built as a number of subsets of existing international communities with own governance / Coherent proposal. Check if compatible with EPOS ICS / ECO


Current/existing costs / Additional costs to existing service / New costs (under implementation service)
Yearly cost on average (2014-18) / Total cost over 5 years (2014-18) / Host contrib. / Annual fees / EU project / National project / Pricing / …
UNDER IMPLEMENTATION Pillar 1: Acquisition of Induced Seismicity Episodes
1781 040 / 8905 200 / ? / ? / ? / ~27% (2.4M for 2014 -15) / ? / ?
UNDER IMPLEMENTATION Pillar 2: InSilico experiments including technology-oriented seismic hazards
595 280 / 2 976 400 / ? / ? / ? / ~40% (1.2M for 2014 -15) / ? / ?
UNDER IMPLEMENTATION Pillar 3: Document Repository
225 000 / 1125 000 / ? / ? / ? / ~35% (400000 for 2014 -15) / ? / ?
UNDER IMPLEMENTATION Pillar 3:Outreach, education, users feedback
318 000 / 1590 000 / ? / ? / ? / ~31% (500 000 for 2014 -15) / ? / ?


-For each pillar, the major part of the costs are concentrated on 2014 and 2015.

-The National projects (2014-2015) are the only funding source mentioned, altogether, it funds 31% of the whole TCS (~56% of the costs in 2014 and 2015).


Host premium:

-The plan is to locate WG10 TCS in the Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH in Poland, does it provide some kind of “host premium”?

National funding:

-The Polish National project is granted 3.5M€, but if we sum up the total of the national support mentioned as secured for 2014-2015, it reaches 4.5M: where do the extra 1M€ come from?

-For Pillar 1, it is mentioned that most of the costs should be funded nationally (actually, 60% is “assumed to be secured”, does it refer to the Polish national project using structural funds?). How secured is this? Can you provide more details?

-Where do the 10% of national funding mentioned for pillars 2, 3 and 4 come from? Are they secured?

-What will happen after 2015 when the Polish national project will be finished?

EU funding:

-For pillars 2, 3 and 4, it is mentioned that EU funding is required. Do you have dedicated calls for proposals in mind and what are their deadline and funding opportunities? Which activities in which pillar would it concern? Please provide more information, in particular about "LCE-16 2014: Understanding, preventing and mitigating the potential environmental impacts and risks of shale gas exploration and exploitation"? What about the I3 project?

EPOS-ERIC flexible funding:

-For the pillars 2, 3 and especially 4 it is mentioned that EPOS flexible funding would be needed. Are the activities, period and amount identified?

In general, please provide further information regarding the funding of each pillar besides the Polish national project (structural funds), discriminating between the funding that is secured and the funding that is envisioned.

Specific to WG1: Evaluation Summary based on the received documents

WG 10 Infrastructures for georesources

Chair: Beata Orlecka-Sikora

Co-chair: Stanislaw


Grzegorz Kwiatek

Jean Robert



There exists one ‘Thematic Core Service’ (TCS) for WG10, Induced Seismicity Node that will integrate IS Research Infrastructures. This TCS is internally organized in four different ‘pillars’. Not operational yet. The prototype will become operational within 2014. It will have a full functionality of the final WG10 TCS and it will be developed to this final form during the construction phase of EPOS.

Pillar 1 Acquisition of Induced Seismicity Episodes

Pillar 2InSilico Experiments Including Technology-oriented Seismic Hazard

Pillar 3 Document Repository

Pillar 4 Outreach, Education, Users’ Feedback


Interoperability level

WG10 TCS computing resources to manage, store and analyze induced seismicity data will be provided by PL-Grid infrastructure of which Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET is a coordinator. Data Center will collect the mentioned seven IS episodes and upload them, on user’s request, to WG10 TCS.

Details concerning TCS/ICS compatibility:

  • Metadata catalogue, WG10 provides detailed information concerning IS metadata for WG7. To assure EPOS-CERIF compatibility either WG10 CERIF setup will be provided or a 100% CERIF-compatible system. CERIF applicability for WG10 purposes is currently in test phase.
  • WG10 TCS services, TCS architecture is based on InSilicoLab technology. This technology implements open, widely accepted standards, with known API. These key factors make it easy to integrate with ICS web services.
  • Data compatibility, Data are stored in several data formats. WG10 works closely with WG7 on this topic in order to achieve data compatibility. As a result we expect EPOS to provide common tools allowing users transparent access to the community data.
  • WGs Support, work duplication, In order to achieve compatibility layer between various WGs of EPOS WG10 is actively involved in works of the Recommendation Board. We expect that the Board will provide best practice examples, recommendations concerning standards used in EPOS (above-mentioned metadata structure, protocols for data transfer, data sharing strategies and many more).

Access to data products