Washington Parish Council

Regular Meeting

Washington Parish Courthouse

908 Washington Street

Franklinton, La 70438

Council Chambers

April 24, 2017

Monday – 6:00 PM

Item No. 1. - Call to order – Chairman McMasters called the meeting to order.

Item No. 2. - Invocation – Councilman Lewis gave the invocation.

Item No. 3. - Pledge of Allegiance – Councilman Thomas led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item No. 4. - Roll Call – Council Clerk Sarah Cook called the roll. Present were Perry Talley, Michael Fussell, Chris Workman, Levi Lewis, Pete Thomas, Reginald McMasters and David Anthony.

Councilman Talley offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Thomas to approve opening the agenda to add item on the Home Rule Charter after Council Discussion.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, Thomas, McMasters and Anthony

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 5. – Approval of Minutes – Approval of minutes dated April 10, 2017.

Councilman Workman offered a motion, seconded by Councilman
Anthony to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 10, 2017.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, Thomas, McMasters and Anthony

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 6. –LSU Ag Center – Henry Harrison – Mr. Henry Harrison gave his quarterly report handout to each Councilman for January, February and March. Mr. Harrison introduced two new employees, Christie Mitchell-Nutrition Educator and Kristen Crawford – (Family Consumer Science) FCS Nutrition Agent. They both are excited to start their new positions and look forward to working with the Council.

Item No. 7. – Introduction of Ordinance 17-621 – An ordinance to authorize and direct that the Washington Parish President sign and execute on behalf of the Washington Parish Council – President Government any and all contracts, purchase agreements, declarations, applications, amendments, agreements and all other documents and paperwork necessary for the application, administration and closeout of an FY 2018 – 2019 Louisiana Community Development Block Grant Application on behalf of the parish and any political subdivisions thereof; and further indicating the intention of the Parish of Washington , State of Louisiana, to allocate funds for the procurement of professional services for an FY 2018 – 2019 FY LCDBG Project(s).

Chairman McMasters: “This is an introduction only and we will have a public hearing at our next Council meeting on May 8, 2017 at 5:45pm.”

Item No. 8. – Introduction of Ordinance 17-622 – An ordinance to authorize and direct that the Washington Parish President sign and execute on behalf of the Washington Parish Council – President Government any and all contracts, purchase agreements, declarations, applications, amendments, agreements and all other documents and paperwork necessary for the application, administration and closeout of an FY 2018 – 2019 Louisiana Community Development Block Grant Public Facilities Application for the Varnado Water Works District on behalf of the parish and any political subdivisions thereof.

Chairman McMasters: “This is an introduction only and we will have a public hearing at our next Council meeting on May 8, 2017 at 5:45pm.”

Item No. 9. – Adopt resolution No. 17-787 - A resolution approving the holding of an election in Fire Protection District No. 8 of the Parish of Washington, State of Louisiana, on Saturday, October 14, 2017, to authorize the levy of a special tax therein.

Chairman McMasters: “We had a finance meeting on April 10, 2017 to discuss resolution 17-787. All approved to move this forward to the Council for a vote. This is a renewal tax only. Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Talley offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Workman to adopt resolution 17-787.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, Thomas, McMasters and Anthony

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 10. - Adopt resolution No. 17-788 - A resolution approving the holding of an election in Fire Protection District No. 2 of the Parish of Washington, State of Louisiana, on Saturday, October 14, 2017, to authorize the levy of a special tax therein.

Chairman McMasters: “We had a finance meeting on April 10, 2017 to discuss resolution 17-788. All approved to move this forward to the Council for a vote. This is a renewal tax only. Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Lewis offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Workman to adopt resolution 17-788.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, Thomas, McMasters and Anthony

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 11. - Public Participation

Chairman McMasters: “Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak? Please state your name and address.”

Mary Ross resides at 45160 Sundance Lane, Franklinton, La. 70438: Ms. Ross: “Mr. Fussell is holding some papers on the covenants for that subdivision. I have been asking questions on who is supposed to be enforcing these covenants? Who is the person allowing permit to be issued without checking the covenants? There are a lot of things going on back there. When I bought my home there was only one other home back there and now it is basically a trailer park. There are a lot of things being allowed back there and it is horrible. I want to know who is responsible for allowing certain things to happen. There are permits being issued for people to live back there is sheds for people to reside in along with FEMA trailers. Those are, to my belief, temporary housing. It is horrible and the traffic is unbelievable on this small road and causing serious damage to our road. I do believe it is drug related. When I ask questions on who is responsible, I get the runarounds and fingers pointing at each other. I work very hard and struggle to pay for my home and the value of my home is depreciating because of the things that are being allowed in my subdivision.”

Councilman Fussell: “We don’t enforce covenant rules. That is between the party and the covenant maker or the sub divider that divided the land.”

Attorney Wayne Kuhn: “Not private subdivisions. The restrictions are placed by the developer of that subdivision. It’s up to the residence to bring civil action to enforce those restrictions.”

Councilman Talley: “Ms. Ross, do you have a home owners association?”

Ms. Ross: “I was told that we could not form a home owners association until all the property was sold.”

Councilman Fussell: “Where did this Green Valley covenants restrictions come from?”

Ms. Ross: “That was in my mortgage papers that Mr. Kuhn drew up. That was included in my mortgages. What is the purpose of drawing up a covenant if no one is going to enforce any issues? I just want to know who I go to when we have a problem. Ya’ll say it is private property; I pay taxes just like the other people. One more thing, the bridge on this road does not circulate, they have trashed it. When it rains the water comes up and if we ever have a two or three day rain, we will not be able to cross that bridge. I have addressed that on several occasions and even went to the Sheriff’s Office.”

Chairman McMasters: “We have our own rules and regulations for our parish. We can’t go on other people’s private property, for a subdivision that is owned by an individual who has their own regulations and tell them what to do. I hate that you are having all these problems in your neighborhood and we will help in any way we can, that doesn’t violate any laws. The people in the subdivision will need to take this up with the owner of the subdivision.”

Councilman Lewis: “The parish does have a code enforcer, correct?”

President Thomas: “Yes, we do have an ordinance enforcer and he is checking this out with the permit office to make sure everything was done correctly.”

Ms. Ross: “So you’re saying there is a code enforcer and when I asked that questions I was told no.”

Chairman McMasters: “Would anyone else from the public like to come forward and speak? Please state your name and address.”

Dareale Sopsher resides at 45207 Sundance Lane, Franklinton, La. 70438: “What can we do about getting speed limit signs or speed bumps put on our gravel road. We all have children and grandchildren playing in this area and I guarantee people are doing 35 to 45 miles per hour going down this small gravel road. This isn’t safe for our community and our children.”

Chairman McMasters: “What we probably have to do with it being a private subdivision is to get it on our inventory list. This will provide maintenance and safety for this road. I do believe this is in the works of trying to be on our maintenance inventory. Legally the parish’s hands are tied when dealing with private ownership. There isn’t a whole bunch we can do with a private developer and the owners have not released it to the parish.”

Chairman McMasters: “Would anyone else from the public like to come forward and speak? Please state your name and address.”

Peggy Harris resides at 20438 Hwy 25, Franklinton, La. 70438: “I would like to know if there is any way I can get a copy of the Sheriff’s Offices expenses to see what they do with their money or any other Government entity, is there any way for the public to get that?”

Attorney Wayne Kuhn: “Any citizen can make a public records request and you address it to the public entitiby that you wish to get the information from. The law states that they are required to respond. You can hand deliver it or mail it.”

Peggy Harris: “A tornado hit me a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty bad. I called the State and the next day they came and cleaned it all up. I never appreciated anything more and I went to their office and thanked them. The lady said I was the first to thank them. Also, Mr. Lucchesi, when you leave and your position comes open does that leave these other positions open for hire or opened for whatever?”

Chairman McMasters: “I would think if Mr. Lucchesi left, his position would be the only one to be filled.”

Peggy Harris: “At anytime are they ever open for hire or applied for?”

Chairman McMasters: “On normal activity when they leave, retire or if something happens administratively then maybe their position would become available. As long as they continue to do the job, their position will be filled.

Leo Lucchesi: “I didn’t know I was leaving, I only been gone 1 week for vacation.”

Chairman McMasters: “Would anyone else from the public like to come forward and speak? Please state your name and address.”

No one came forward.

Councilman Workman offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Anthony to close public participation.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, Thomas, McMasters and Anthony

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 12. - President’s Report –

President Thomas: “I received a resignation letter from board member Hoyt L. “Chick” Boyd of the Washington Parish Fire Protection District #5, after serving nearly 50 years of service.”

Donna Graham: “Auditors are in our office this week doing their field work on our 2016 Parish Government audit. Each of you will be receiving a letter from them, please feel this out and return it to me as soon as you can. Also, we are finishing up the Choctaw audit. We will be having an exit conference with the auditors later this week.”

Leo Lucchesi – Director of Public Works: DPW update

DOTD Road Transfer Program-

Sidewalk Rehabilitation Project – The downtown Franklinton sidewalk project is funded by a DOTD grant. The 95% plans have been submitted to the DOTD for the funding request and for their review.

WPSO – New elevator is finally being assembled and hopefully by the end of the month the elevator should be in operation.

25 Bridge to Culvert Program –The Magee Excavation & Development, LLC, Covington, La. was the low bidder on the project and extended their time because GOSEP is considering the additional fund needed of $300,000 to execute the contract itself.

Angie School Library update – The board had a recent meeting and they are now considering some more options. We will have to wait until the minutes of that meeting are approved and published. Until then, we will wait for their decision to move forward.

Donnell Merritt – Transportation Supervisor:

·  Picked up 61 bags of trash covering 4 roads.

·  Installed a total of 17 other signs.

·  Maintained 4 Parish locations.

·  Relocated 17 road name signs.

·  Sprayed 54 road signs and bridges.

·  Cleaned flower beds on Hwy 21 for 3 days.

Parish President asked Al Barron to come speak about our Library:

Al Barron: “With regards to Angie, I do have the minutes completed but there not approved. Some developments come to light that some other properties might be available.

·  Angie Jr. High

·  Using our own property and doing something like we did in Enon

·  A new build from ground up

The board is looking at the potential cost per square foot. Also, Bobby Horton will be coming to play music and share some history through his music on Wednesday night at 7pm. This will be in Franklinton under the oak tree.”