Fad Diet Web Quest


Fad diets play a large role in our society. It seems if you turn on the television in the morning on the weekends, there is always someone or some company promoting a fad diet. Most of these diets do not work, some of the diets can be very beneficial, but how do you know which are good for you and which are just fads? Is there any way to know what is good for you and what is a waste of money? This web quest will help.


In this web quest, you will research various fad diet programs.You willexamine fad diets currently on the market and compare them to a balanced diet. You will evaluate one fad diet and compare them to the daily nutritional needs we have discussed in class and make any changes or recommendations to the diet based on the information you find.These are the diets you may use: Atkins diet, Curves diet, Detox diets, Gluten free diet, High protein diets, Jenny Craig diet, Acai Berry Diet, Nutrisystem diet, Slim fast diet, South beach diet, Weight watchers diet or the Zone diet.


You will compile your research into aPowerPoint presentation with 10 slides. The following needs to be answered in your presentation:

Slide 1) fad diet/name

Slide 2) claim to do

Slide 3)method used

Slide 4) foods can eat/ foods can’t eat

Slide 5) promote exercise/ explained

Slide 6)receive all basic nutrients/ compare protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals to the nutritional pyramid /explained

Slide 7) sell supplements and/or other food items/ details

Slide 8)encourage others to use /Why or why not?

Slide 9)Add other important pieces of information you feel are important or interesting


Power point presentation (20 pts)

20 points
Font was easy to read
Submitted on time
Nice color but not a distraction
Easy to follow the information
Creative and unique
Excellent presentation of material / 10 points
Font was average
Some Labels
Submitted on time
Nice color but distracting/not relevant
Average flow of the information
Just average nothing special
Average presentation of material / 5 points
Font was hard to read
Not labeled
Submitted late
Color was lacking or distracting
Hard to read and follow the information
No Creativity shown
Poor presentation

Overall point value 45pts