Faculty of Law, Business Management and Economics
Chair of Information Systems Management
Prof. Dr. Torsten Eymann
Winter Term2016/17(onlyfor seminar papers)
Master Thesis| Bachelor Thesis |Seminar Paperfor the Seminar
Seminar Title
Submitted by: / Submission date:Max Mustermann / January 15th 2017
Hauptstr. 3
95447 Bayreuth / Supervisor:
Phone: 0911/1234567 / Daniel Düsentrieb
7. Fachsemester BWL
Mat.-Nr.: 123456
Faculty of Law, Business Management and Economics
Professorship for Information Systems and Strategic IT Management
Prof. Dr. Nils Urbach
Winter Term 2016/17(only for seminar papers)
Master Thesis | Bachelor Thesis | Seminar Paper for the Seminar
Seminar Title
Submitted by: / Submission date:Max Mustermann / January 15th 2017
Hauptstr. 3
95447 Bayreuth / Supervisor:
Phone: 0911/1234567 / Daniel Düsentrieb
7. Fachsemester BWL
Mat.-Nr.: 123456
Faculty of Law, Business Management and Economics
Professorship for Information Systems and Sustainable IT Management
Prof. Dr. Gilbert Fridgen
Winter Term 2016/17(only for seminar papers)
Master Thesis | Bachelor Thesis | Seminar Paper for the Seminar
Seminar Title
Submitted by: / Submission date:Max Mustermann / January 15th 2017
Hauptstr. 3
95447 Bayreuth / Supervisor:
Phone: 0911/1234567 / Daniel Düsentrieb
7. Fachsemester BWL
Mat.-Nr.: 123456
Faculty of Law, Business Management and Economics
Professorship for Business & Information Systems Engineering and Value-based Business Process Management
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Röglinger
Winter Term 2016/17(only for seminar papers)
Master Thesis | Bachelor Thesis | Seminar Paper for the Seminar
Seminar Title
Submitted by: / Submission date:Max Mustermann / January 15th2017
Hauptstr. 3
95447 Bayreuth / Supervisor:
Phone: 0911/1234567 / Daniel Düsentrieb
7. Fachsemester BWL
Mat.-Nr.: 123456
Each paper should begin with abstract of about 100 words in both English and German. The abstract presents the paper’s content in a brief paragraph to give the reader an overview of the thesis. The author should summarize the thesis’ main motivation, its research question(s), the chosen research approach as well as the key findings.
Table of Contents
1Introduction (Überschrift 1)
1.1Headers and Pages Numbers (Überschrift 2)
1.2Page Setup
1.2.1Example of Header 3 (Überschrift 3) of Header 4 (Überschrift 4)
1.3Differences Between Paper Types
1.3.1Page Limits
1.3.2Title Page
1.3.3Lists of Figures and Tables
2Figures and Tables
References (Verzeichnisüberschrift)
List of Figures
Figure 1. Title of Figure (Beschriftung)
List of Tables
Table 1. Title of Table (Beschriftung)
List of Abbreviations
Contains all abbreviations not listed in a dictionary (optional for seminar papers).
BYODBring Your Own Device
MDMSMobile Device Management System
ISInformation Systems
1Introduction (Überschrift 1)
These formatting guidelines have been defined for written papers at the Professorship of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management (BWL SIM). For formatting the text, the predefined styles should be used. A different styleguide may be used in coordination with the supervisor only. Text accentuations should be made using italic type.
1.1Headersand Pages Numbers (Überschrift 2)
The page number is displayed in the upper right corner of the page header. There is no page number on the title page. Serif type (Georgia, otherwise Times New Roman), 10 pt, line below, should be used. The introducing part of the paper (title page, abstract, and index tables) have to be numbered in Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, …), the main part of the paper with Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, …).
1.2Page Setup
Page size A4, marginsleft and right 2.5 cm, top 3 cm, bottom 2 cm, mutiple pages: Normal
Standardtext: Serif type (Georgia, otherwise Times New Roman) 12pt, line spacing 1.5 lines, spacing after paragraph 6pt, justified text[1]without hyphenation (for English papers).
1.2.1Example of Header 3 (Überschrift 3) of Header 4 (Überschrift4)
And here the text continues.
1.3Differences Between Paper Types
These guidelines should be used for seminar papers as well as for bachelor and master theses. The following differences between the paper types should be considered.
1.3.1Page Limits
- Seminar Paper: 10-15 pages (Bachelor), 15-20 pages (Master)
- Bachelor Thesis: 40 pages ( 5 pages)
- Master Thesis: approx. 90 pages ( 10 pages)
1.3.2Title Page
On the title page, two modifications have to be done: For bachelor and master theses, the specification of the semester (e.g., Winter Term 2013/14) should be removed. Furthermore, the lines
Seminar Paper for the Seminar
Seminar Title
should be replaced by
Bachelor Thesis
Master Thesis
1.3.3Lists of Figures and Tables
In seminar papers, the lists of figures and tables may be put on the same page as long as sufficient space is available on a single page. For other paper types, the two lists should begin on individual pages.
2Figures and Tables
Figures should be included with a frame, which ends right and left justified with the text;line width of the frame ½ pt,line width in the figure minimum 1pt, figure title below the figure.
Figure1.Title of Figure (Beschriftung)
There should be no page break between a figure and its title.
Table 1.Title of Table (Beschriftung)
Question / Average 1992 / Average 19991 How do you regard... / 3.4 / 3.7
2 How do you... / 2.7 / 3.4
3 How do you... / 3.9 / 3.6
Here, the text continues. Table titles should be placed above the tables. The table itself should end right and left justified with the text.
Literature should be cited within the text (Shannon and Weaver 1949). The complete reference should be included in the reference list.
- One author: (Choe 1996)
- Two authors: (DeLoneand McLean 2003)
- More than two authors: (Gable et al. 2003)
- Two references: (DeLone and McLean 2003; Gable et al. 2003)
Internet sources should be similar to other references (see example in references):(Saunders2011).
For direct citations, the page numbers have to be included. According to DeLone and McLean (2003), “a causal or variance model studies the covariance of the success dimensions to determine if there exists a causal relationship among them” (DeLone and McLean 2003, p. 11).
References (Verzeichnisüberschrift)
Buchta, D.,Eul, M. and Schulte-Croonenberg, H. (2005) IT-Governance - Den organisatorischen Rahmen für wertsteigernden IT-Einsatz schaffen, in: Strategisches IT-Management: Wert steigern, Leistung steuern, Kosten senken, D. Buchta, M. Euland H. Schulte-Croonenberg (eds.). Gabler, Wiesbaden: 89-99.
Choe, J.-M. (1996) The Relationships among Performance of Accounting Information Systems, Influence Factors, and Evolution Level of Information Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, 12, 4, 215-239.
DeLone, W. H. and McLean, E. R. (2003) The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success: A Ten-Year Update, Journal of Management Information Systems, 19, 4, 9-30.
Gable, G., Sedera, D. and Chan, T. (2003) Enterprise Systems Success: A Measurement Model, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2003), December 14-17, Seattle, Washington.
Shannon, C. E. and Weaver, W. (1949) The Mathematical Theory of Communication, 2nd ed., University of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL.
Saunders, C. (2011) MIS Journal Rankings, Retrieved 2011-01-27, from
The Appendix follows below the references.
Honorable Declaration
I certify that the thesis being submitted for examination is my own account of my own research and where I have drawn on the work, ideas and results of others this has been appropriately acknowledged in the thesis. All information taken directly from source material orideas based on information taken from source material have been clearly identifiedthrough the cited references.
The thesishas not been presented in equal or similar form to any other examination committee before.
Bayreuth, January 10th, 2017
(First nameSurname)
[1]Footnote in serif typeface (Georgia, otherwise Times New Roman) 10pt.