This packet comprises the Science course descriptions and available syllabi for science courses taken as a requirement or elective for one of the AYA Science programs on ONU’s semester system (beginning Fall, 2011). As some of these courses have not yet been taught, detailed syllabi may not be available. Please refer to the comparable quarter course.
Subject Biological Sciences (BIOL)
1031Life and Earth Sciences for Early and Middle Childhood Education Majors 3 Credits Diversity, evolution, ecology, cell biology, inheritance and earth science as they affect and have affected life on earth.
1201Introductory Biology 4 Credits An introduction to the concepts underlying the structure and function of cells including their organization,
chemical foundations, metabolism, and the principles and mechanisms of
heredity and gene expression
1311Biology 1: Cells and Molecules 4 Credits An introduction to the concepts underlying the structure and function of cells including their organization,
chemical foundations, metabolism, and the principles and mechanisms of
heredity and gene expression
1321Biology 2: Organismal Biology 4 Credits Comprehensive integrated
study of plant andanimal anatomy and physiology focusing on the major systems. Corresponding inquirybased laboratories complement the lecture.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1311.
1341 Human Anatomy and Histology 3 Credits Basic anatomy of human
tissues and organ systems at the gross and microscopic levels. Offered spring
semester. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1311 or BIOL 1201. Corequisite(s): BIOL 1361.
1361Lab for Human Anatomy and Histology 1 Credits Lab for BIOL 1341. Human systems studied using cat dissection, radio- graphs, anatomical models and histological slides. Offered spring
semester. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1311 or BIOL 1201. Corequisite(s): BIOL 1341.
1951Biology Orientation 1 Credit Presentations and discussions relating to
adjustment and requirements of academic life within the University, College and
the Department of Biological Allied Health Sciences. Graded S/U. Offered
spring semester.
2001Biology 3: Diversity of Life 4 Credits Investigations of ecological and
evolutionary processes, biodiversity, phylogenetic relationships, and
paleogeography. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1321
3681Ichthyology Corequisite(s): BIOL 3661 and BIOL 3671 and BIOL 3691
and BIOL 3701.
3691Field Invertebrate Biology 3 Credits Field investigations of aquatic and
terrestrial invertebrates emphasizing the diversity, ecology, conservation, and
methods for their study. Offered fall semester. Corequisite(s): BIOL 3661 and BIOL 3671 and BIOL 3681 and BIOL 3701.
3701 Marine Biology Additional fee is charged. Permission of the instructor
required. Offered fall semester. Corequisite(s): BIOL 3661 and BIOL 3671 and
BIOL 3681 and BIOL 3691.
3711Advanced Marine Biology 3 Credits Ecological, physical and chemical aspects of marine systems. Permission of the instructor required. Offered spring semester.
3721Topics in Marine Biology 1 to 3 Credits Ecological, physical and
chemical aspects of marine systems.
3831Animal Behavior 3 Credits Invertebrates and vertebrates, stressing
observational and descriptive techniques. Offered alternate years. A lab fee is
charged. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s): (BIOL 2001).
3971SelfDirected Studies in the Biological Sciences 1 to 3 A maximum of 3 hours may be counted toward the major. Cannot be used as a general
education class. Graded S/U. Formerly BIOL 397. Offered fall and spring
4231Topics in Ecology and Biogeography 1 to 3 Credits Current literature on selected topics. Permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit as the
topics vary. Formerly BIOL 423.
4511Advanced Topics in Cell Biology 2 Credits Current literature on
selected cell biology. May be repeated for credit as the topics vary. Formerly
BIOL 451. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite(s): (BIOL 3511 or BIOL 351) and
(CHEM 3111 or CHEM 311) or (PHBS 3411)
4631Clinical Immunology 3 Credits Lecture/laboratory coverage of the
structure and function of the human immune system and methods used to
diagnose, prognose, and monitor its response in health and disease states. A
lab fee is charged. Minimum grade of C for CLS majors. Instructor permission
required. Offered summers.
4641Hematology and Hemostasis 5 Credits Lecture/laboratory coverage of
human bloodontogeny, kinetics, pathophysiology, andmethods used to diagnose, prognose, and monitor diseases of the blood, blood forming tissues, and
disorders of ASBIOL BIOLhemostasis. A lab fee is charged. Minimum grade of C for CLS majors. Instructor permission required. Offered fall semester.
4671Diagnostic Microbiology 5 Credits Lecture/laboratory coverage of
microbes of medicalinterest, emphasizing application of conventional methods
and emerging technologies to isolate, identify, and detect antimicrobial
susceptibility of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites associated with human
disease. A lab fee is charged. Minimum grade of C for CLS majors. Instructor permission required. Offered summers.
4811Internship Program 12 Credits Experience enables the student to experience working with scientists in a professional workplace. Only 4 credit hours can be used in the major. Offered fall and spring semesters. Formerly BIOL 481. 4821Internship in Environmental Studies 12 Credits Experience working with scientists in a professional workplace. Offered fall and spring semesters. For
ENVR majors. Normal grading. Formerly BIOL 482.
4831Forensic Biology Internship 4 Credits Capstone experience for Forensic Biology major or Biology Major designed for the student to work in a forensic
testing laboratory or laboratory approved by the Director of the Forensic Biology.Prerequisite(s): Biol 3571 minimum grade of C or BIOL 357 minimum grade of C.
4841 Experiential Biology 4
4901Special Topics in Biological Sciences 1 to 4 Credits Disciplines such as mammalogy and plant taxonomy. May be repeated for credit as topic varies. Formerly BIOL 490.
4921-Capstone Experience 1 Credit Experience (off- campus REU research program, study abroad, internship) must be approved by the Department in the semester prior to enrollment.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
4941Capstone Seminar 1 Credit Oral and written presentations of Capstone
Experience. A special fee is assessed. Offered fall and spring semesters.
4971Independent Research in Biology 1 to 3
Subject Geology (GEOL)
2801Geology 3 Credits Physical geology and paleogeology, including chemical properties of minerals and rocks, geologic processes, and earth materials. May be taken without GEOL 2811. Formerly GEOL 280. Offered fall semester.
2811Geology Lab 1 Techniques used by geologists. A Nature Center use fee is charged. Offered fall semester. Corequisite(s): GEOL 2801.
2901Special Topics in Geology 1 to 3 Credits May be repeated for credit up to total of 8 hours as the topic varies. Formerly GEOL 290. Offered fall
semester. Prerequisite(s): (GEOL 2801 or GEOL 280).
2971Independent Study in Geology 1 to 3 Credits Independent study in
geology. Permission of instructor.
Subject Chemistry (CHEM)
1711General Chemistry 1 5 Credits Macroscopic concepts of the elements,
compounds and reactions. Stoichiometry, thermochemistry and properties of ideal gases as applied to reactive systems. Emphasis on acidbase, redox, and
descriptive chemistry. Atomic theory and its application to bonding. Laboratory
supports principles presented in lecture, including spectroscopy.
High school chemistry required. Offered fall semester.
1721General Chemistry 2 5 Credits Molecular structure, condensed phases,
chemical reactions and mechanisms. Physical principles controlling chemical
reactions including kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and acid-base equilibrium conditions. Laboratory supports principles presented in lecture,
including kinetics and equilibrium. Credit may be received for either CHEM 1721 or CHEM 1821, but not for both. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite(s):
CHEM 1711 or CHEM 1811 or CHEM 172 or CHEM 182.
1811General Chemistry 1 Majors 5 Credits Macroscopic concepts of the
elements, compounds and reactions. Stoichiometry, thermochemistry and
properties of ideal gases as applied to reactive systems. Emphasis on acid-base, redox, and descriptive chemistry. Atomic theory and its application to
bonding. Laboratory supports principles presented in lecture, including
spectroscopy. Credit may be received for only one of the following courses:
CHEM 1001, CHEM 1201, CHEM 1501, CHEM 1711, or CHEM 1811. Offered
fall semester.
1821General Chemistry 2 Majors 5 Credits Molecular structure, condensed phases, chemical reactions and mechanisms. Physical principles controlling
chemical reactions including kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and
acidbase equilibrium conditions. Laboratory supports principles presented in
lecture, including kinetics and equilibrium. Credit may be received for either CHEM 1721 or CHEM 1821, but not for both. Offered spring semester.
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1711 or CHEM 1811 or CHEM 172 or CHEM 182.
1901 Special Topics
2001Capstone 1 1 Credit Methods and objectives of chemical research.
Undergraduate research opportunities in the department. Science literature search engines. Summer research opportunities at other institutions. Offered fall
semester. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1821 or CHEM 1721 or CHEM 183 or CHEM 173.
2311Analytical Chemistry 1 4 Credits Practice and principles of modern
chemical methods of analysis including instrumental methods. Offered fall
semester. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1721 or CHEM 1821 or CHEM 183 or CHEM 173.
2401Elements of Physical Chemistry 3 Credits Principles and applications of selected areas ofphysical chemistry including thermodynamics, kinetics, and
spectroscopy. Credit may be received for CHEM 2401 or CHEM 3411 but not
for both. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1501 or CHEM 1721 or CHEM 1821 or CHEM 183 or CHEM 173 or CHEM 226.
2481Chemical Applications of Mathematics 3 Credits Application of
mathematical techniques to problems in chemistry. Offered spring semester.
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1721 or CHEM 182.
2511Organic Chemistry 1 3 Credits Bonding, acidity, functional groups,
conformations, stereochemistry, nomenclature, fundamental reactions/mechanisms (SN1, SN2, E1, E2) of organic chemistry, addition reactions to alkenes and
alkynes, oxidation and reduction, and structure determination using IR, NMR, etc.
2521Organic Chemistry 2 3 Credits Reactions with/on radicals, dienes, aromatics, alcohols, carbonyls, amines, the structure and chemistry of carbohydrates,
2551Organic Chemistry Lab 1 1 Credit
2561Organic Chemistry Lab 2 1 Credit
2611Organic Chemistry 1 Majors 3 Credits Bonding, acidity, functional
groups, conformations, stereochemistry, nomenclature, fundamental reactions/mechanisms (SN1, SN2, E1, E2) of organic chemistry, addition reactions to alkenes and alkynes, oxidation and reduction, and structure determination using IR, NMR
2621Organic Chemistry 2 Majors 3 Credits Reactions with/on radicals,
dienes, aromatics, alcohols, carbonyls, amines, the structure and chemistry of carbohydrates, and organic
2651Organic Chemistry Lab 1 Majors 1 Credit
2661Organic Chemistry Lab 2Majors 1 Credit
2971Independent Study 1 to 4 Credits Can be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours.
3001Capstone 2 1 Credit Careers in the chemical/biochemical sciences.
3111Biochemistry 3 Credits Fundamentals of biochemistry with emphasis on the structures and properties of the major classes of biological molecules and the relationships between biomolecular structure and function;introduction to
enzyme catalysis and metabolic pathways.
3151Biochemistry Lab 1 Credit
3201Medicinal Chemistry 3 Credits Fundamentals of drug design and drug
reaction including SAR, stereochemical considerations, free energy relationships,
receptors, enzymes, prodrugs and drug metabolism. Isolation, synthesis,
characterization, and biology of bioactive natural products. Offered alternate
spring semesters. Prerequisite(s): (CHEM 2521 and CHEM 2561) or (CHEM 2621 and CHEM 2661) or CHEM 253 or CHEM 263.
3261Medicinal Chemistry Lab 1 Credit Synthesis and characterization of
small molecule inhibitors. Fundamentals of a tumor cellassay. SAR using
experimental data. Offered alternate spring semesters. Corequisite(s):
CHEM 3201.
3411Physical Chemistry 1 4 Credits Classical thermodynamics. Quantum
mechanics of atoms and molecules. Laboratory illustrates principles and
applications. Knowledge of computer programming recommended.
3421Physical Chemistry 2 4 Credits Molecular structure, statistical
thermodynamics, and reaction dynamics. Laboratory illustrates applications in
spectroscopy and kinetics. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 3411 or CHEM 342. 3601Organic Synthesis 4 Credits Retrosynthetic analysis, functional group
transformations, asymmetric synthesis, organometallic chemistry.
3711Inorganic Chemistry 1 3 Credits Bonding, structures, preparation,
properties, compounds, and reactions of main group and transition metal
elements. Laboratory involves basic methods of synthesis and characterization.
Offered fall semester. Prerequisite(s): (CHEM 2621 and CHEM 2661) or CHEM 263.
3751Inorganic Chemistry 1 Lab 1 Credit Lab for CHEM 3711. Offered fall
semester. Corequisite(s): CHEM 3711.
3901Special Topics 1 to 3 Credits
4001Capstone 3 2 Credits Oral presentation and a formal paper on a
chemical topic. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 3001 or
CHEM 300 .
4111Advanced Biochemistry: Proteins and Metabolism 3 Credits In depth
study of protein structure and function;; enzyme kinetics and mechanisms;
regulation and integration of metabolism;; bioenergetics
4161Advanced Biochemistry Lab 2
321Analytical Chemistry 2 Principles, design and use of chemical
instrumentation. Laboratory stresses independent, investigative experimentation.
Can be taken concurrently with CHEM 3421.
4421Advanced Physical Chemistry 3 Credits Selected topics from group
theory, advanced quantum mechanics, spectroscopy and chemical dynamics.
Knowledge of computer programming recommended. Can be taken concurrently with CHEM 3421. Offered alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 3421 or CHEM 343.
4601Physical Organic Chemistry 3 Credits Application of molecular orbital
theory, thermodynamics, and kinetics to the study of organic reaction
mechanisms. Can be taken concurrently with CHEM 3421. Offered alternate
spring semesters.
4721Inorganic Chemistry 2 3 Laboratory involves advanced methods of
synthesis and characterization. Can be taken concurrently with CHEM 3421.
Offered alternate spring semesters.
4811Senior Research 1 2 Credits Mentored research project. Offered fall
semester. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 3001.
4821Senior Research 2 2 Credits Mentored research project. Offered spring
semester. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 4811.
4901Special Topics 1 to 3 Credits
4971Independent Study 1 to 4 Credits Can be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours.
Subject Physics (PHYS)
0001Orientation 1 Credit Familiarization with the department, requirements for majors, planning a program of courses. Required of department majors. Graded S/U. Offered fall semester.
1001Conceptual Physics 3 Credits Issues involving science and society, classical physics, relativity, atomic and nuclear physics.
1051Planetary Astronomy 3 Credits Introduction to solar system science,
history of astronomy, telescopes, basic earth science.
1061Stars and Galaxies 3 Credits Structure, motions and evolution of stars,
interstellar material, galaxies and the universe as a whole.
1081Planetary Astronomy Laboratory 1 Credit
1091Stars and Galaxies Laboratory 1 Credit
1901Special Topics in Physics 1 to 3 Credits .
1911Special Topics in Summer Honors Institute 1 to 3
2051Physics with Health Science Applications 3 Credits Selected basic
physical principles and their application to health science, magnetism, optics, and radiation.
2111General Physics 1 3 Credits Classic Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics.
2121General Physics 2 3 Credits Electrical and magnetic phenomena.
Oscillations and sound. Optics.
2311Physics 1 3 Credits Classic Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics. Differential and integral calculus are used.
2321Physics 2 3 Credits Electrical and magnetic phenomena. Oscillations and sound. Optics. Differential and integral calculus are used.
2341Physics Laboratory 1 1 Credit or 2311 should be taken concurrently, or instructor’s permission must be obtained.
2351Physics Laboratory 2 1 Credit or 2321 should be taken concurrently, or instructor’s permission must be obtained.
2901Special Topics in Physics 1 to 3 Credits .
3011Advanced Physics Lab 2 Credits Statistical analysis of data and error
propagation. Linear and nonlinear curve fitting. Design and construction of scientific apparatus. Signal conditioning. Optical techniques. Vacuum systems.
3051Modern Physics 3 Credits General and special relativity, quantum and
wave mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics.
3111Nuclear Physics 3 Credits Nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, nuclear
constituents, fundamentals of nuclear reactor theory and design, shielding and
safety principles in nuclear physics. Offered alternate spring semesters.
3411Optics 3 Credits The laws of geometrical and phsyics options, image formation by mirrors and lenses and optical aberrations. Interference and
3451Math Methods 3 Credits Vector algebra, vector calculus in arbitrary
coordinate systems, Fourier analysis, contour integration in complex plane,
special functions.
3471Introductory Astrophysics 3 Credits Motions and physical nature of
objects in the solar system, electromagnetic radiation, telescopes and astronomical detectors.
3511Solid State 3 Credits Structure of solids. Quantum and statistical
mechanics are used to develop theories of internal stress and strain in crystals, conductivity of electricity in metals, semiconductors and superconductors,
magnetism, the thermal properties of solids and imperfections in solids.
3531Statistical Mechanics 3 Credits Properties of gases, thermal properties of solids and liquids, thermodynamic laws. Heat transfer. Kinetic thermodynamic
3551Electronics 3 Credits Theory of solid state devices, rectifier circuits, transistor amplifiers, oscillators and modulators, instrumentation applications.
3571Computational Physics 3 Credits Methods and problems in computational physics.
3731Analytical Mechanics 3 Credits Vector analysis, kinematics, conservative forces, planetary motion, pendulum, free and forced oscillations, coupled systems and normal coordinates, angular momentum, rigid bodies. Offered alternate fall
3751Quantum Mechanics 3 Credits Eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
commutators, braket notation, postulates of quantum theory, solution of the
Schrodinger wave equation for square well potential, harmonic oscillator,
hydrogen atom, and other potentials. Perturbation theory. Offered alternate fall
3901Special Topics in Physics 1 to 3 Credits.
3951Independent Research 1 to 2 Credits
4111Electricity and Magnetism 1 3 Credits Electrostatics field theory, capacitance, multipole expansion, dielectric properties of matter; magnetic field theory; electromagnetic induction; magnetic properties of matter, Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves.
4121Electricity and Magnetism 2 3 Credits Advanced electric and magnetic fields; electric and magnetic properties of solids, electromagnetic radiation.
4151Plasma Physics 3 Credits Single particle motions. Plasmas as fluids. Waves and wave formation in plasmas.Nonlinear effects in plasmas.
4901Special Topics in Physics 1 to 3 Credits Part of the Physics major
program and offered when needed.
4951Senior Thesis Seminar 1 Credit Written and oral presentation of the
complete Capstone Research Project.
4971Independent Research 1 to 3 Credits 1 to 3 Credits. Part of the
Physics major program and offered when needed.
Biology 1311, Cells and Molecules
Ohio Northern University, Fall Semester, 2011
Course Overview: Biology 1311 is designed to introduce some of the fundamental concepts and themes that pervade the biological sciences. During the 15-week period, this course will review basic biochemical concepts, cell structure and function, metabolism, and the principles of heredity and gene expression. The intent of this course is to prepare our majors for advanced study in these areas.
Your class normally will meet for three, 1-hour lecture sessions each week plus one, 3-hour laboratory period.
Required Texts: The following text book is required for Biology 1311 and is available at the ONU Bookstore.
- Life: The Science of Biology by Sadava et al. 9th edition published by Sinauer (978-1-4292-1962-4).
Course Policies: Biology 1311 is a course organized and taught by three different faculty members. Therefore the Department has established several parameters common to all sections being taught this quarter.
Course Website:For your convenience,course materials, including homework assignments,Powerpoint lecture notes, and laboratory exercises may be accessed by logging in to: WebCT ( YourBioPortal.com, or the P drive at Biology 1311. Students are welcome to take advantage of material provided by any instructor at these online locations, not just their own.