Non-Represented Temporary Reduction in Work Hours


(or other method)

Employee Name



Dear Employee:

This is official notification that unless there is an enacted 2017-2019 operating budget or capital budget, beginning July 1, 2017 your work hours will be temporarily reduced under the temporary layoff rules. The temporary reduction in hours will begin at the start, of each employee’s first work shift which begins on or after July 1, 2017.


The basis of your temporary reduction in work hours is unexpected or unusual reasons and/or a lack of funds. Your agency does not have the authority to pay you unless the state has an enacted 2017-2019 operating or capital budget beginning July 1, 2017 to fund your position.

Temporary Work Hours

Your temporary work schedule effective July 1, 2017 will be ______.

Return from Temporary Reduction in Work Hours

Once the state has an enacted 2017-2019 budget that funds your position, your will be expected to return to your former work schedule on your next scheduled work shift.

The state has set up a website, an Olympia local number and a toll free number to let you know when temporarily laid off state employees should return to work.

·  Web site:

·  Olympia local number: (360) 725-0217

·  Toll free number: 1 (877) 264-2952

Impact on Overtime-Exempt Employees During Reduction in Hours

During the period of a temporary reduction in work hours, you are eligible for overtime if you work over 40 hours in that workweek. Therefore, the following applies:

·  You must not work more than your scheduled work hours during that workweek without prior approval of your supervisor.

·  You must complete a time and attendance form for the workweek.

·  It is important to remember that activities about work assignments are considered “work” and must not be done outside of your scheduled work hours during the workweek. Such activities include, but are not limited to:

o  Reading or sending e-mails;

o  Listening or sending voice mails; or

o  Reading or sending text messages.

Layoff Rights

In accordance with WAC 357-46-067 & WAC 357-58-554, you do not have layoff rights for a reduction in hours and therefore will not:

·  Be paid any leave balance.

·  Bump any other position.

·  Be placed on the internal or statewide layoff lists.

Scheduled Paid Leave

Taking any form of paid leave during the time outside of your reduced work schedule is not permitted.

Health Care Benefits

Your PEBB benefits (medical, dental, life and long-term disability) will continue during July as long as you are in pay status for at least eight hours before the end of the month.

Questions and Answers

See the attached Q and A for non-represented employees.

If you have further questions, please contact your Human Resources Office.


Appointing Authority Signature




Cc: Human Resource Manager

Personnel File

Immediate Supervisor (if different than Appointing Authority)