Student Government Association


June 18, 2013

I.  Meeting Start Time: 9:11 a.m.

A.  Members in attendance:

1.  Scott Fulk: Director

2.  Larissa Dragu: President

3.  April VanMilligan: Representative

4.  Kaitlin Salinas: Representative

5.  Jessica Palfi: Representative

6.  Jaclyn O’Connell: Treasurer

7.  Steven Torres: Representative

8.  Dylan John: Representative

9.  Azaz Mehmood: Secretary

II.  Binders

A.  All officers of SGA were presented with new binders in order to stay organized during meetings

III.  T-shirts Logo options discussed

A.  President Larissa Dragu talked with Marketing Department and had new logo’s designed that match with IU

B.  Representative Kaitlin Salinas presented the option of changing the SGA T-shirts to SGA zip up jackets/hoodies.

1.  A motion was set to change the t-shirts to zip up jackets

2.  Motion approved

IV.  SGA Orientation

A.  President Larissa Dragu presented the issue of what to pass out during orientation dates to students at who stop at the SGA tables.

1.  Options included: highlighters, bracelets, mints, lanyards, bottles, sunglasses, etc…

2.  A vote will later be caste online by all officers to determine the final item

3.  Motion was set to also pass out business cards with SGA numbers and brochures

4.  Motion was approved

V.  Wellness committee

A.  President Larissa Dragu discussed the IUN Wellness Committee and the need for SGA representation on the committee

1.  Treasurer Jaclyn O’Connell volunteered to represent SGA on the committee

VI.  DAC - Meeting

A.  President Larissa Dragu presented the issue of no SGA representation on the DAC meeting this month

1.  Representative Kaitlin Salinas volunteered to represent SGA on the committee

VII.  Financial Literacy

A.  President Larissa Dragu presented the need for more students to take a financial literacy class at IUN.

1.  Issue was discussed on whether IUB should be contacted to help with the matter

2.  Current program offered called Money Smarts

VIII.  SGA Business Changes and New Office

A.  President Larissa Dragu discussed the need for SGA to start becoming more formal and the need to get organized before Fall Semester starts

1.  Issue was presented on where Office Supplies should be bought

2.  Representative Jessica Palfi set motion to buy from the now closing Office Depot

3.  Motion was discussed and saved for another meeting

B.  SGA has new office phone number: 219-980-6869: Pin: 123456

C.  SGA parking pass ideas were discussed

D.  Student Government has new office furniture. Issue was discussed on which table should be used: Regular or ‘L’ Shaped desk

1.  Motion for ‘L’ shaped desk was approved

IX.  Oncourse SGA

A.  President Larissa Dragu presented the topic of SGA’s online calendar of events not being online and running.

1.  President Larissa Dragu volunteered to upload the calendar and add the other members

X.  Chancellor Meeting

A.  President Larissa Dragu discussed the topic of the Chancellor coming to visit SGA and have a full meeting to discuss old business before Fall Semester starts

B.  Office of Career services also scheduled to come talk to SGA

1.  Yet to schedule an official date

2.  ALL officers should be in attendance

XI.  Pierogi Fest

A.  Representative Kaitlin Salina discussed Pierogi Fest Day is coming up

B.  Topic was presented of whether SGA should have a float in the parade

1.  Topic of Float still in discussion

C.  Representative Kaitlin Salina volunteered to head the Pierogi Fest Day committee

XII.  SGA Safety Committee

A.  Larissa Dragu discussed the issues involving the Safety Committee

1.  Police involvement discussed

B.  Scott Fulk to present details in next scheduled meeting

Meeting Adjourne Time 9:50 a.m.