Curriculum Vitae - LuminitaLabusca Simion MD-PhD

LuminitaSimionLabusca CV

Permanent address / Basaltstr39, D-45367 Frankfurt Main Germany
Mobile: / +40-749-162219
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Consultant medical doctor with several international fellowships in arthroscopic surgery, total joint replacement and cartilage regeneration. Basic and translational scientistin the field of regenerative medicine,stem cells, magnetic nanomaterials and systems biology in international clinical, academic and industry based research environment.

Main research focus in cell and stem cellbiologyand tissue engineering with a special interest in translating stem cell based treatments to clinical application. Trend setter in research and practice of stem cell based medical regeneration applied to but not limited to musculoskeletal and nervous system disease prevention and repair.

Education (selective)
2007 – 2012 / PhD in Regenerative-Medicine “Stem Cells Orthopedics”
Stem Cell Sources for Cartilage Regeneration
Institute for Regenerative Medicine (REMEDI), National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, “Gr T Popa”, Iasi, Romania
2005 – 2007 / Master of Science
Adult Learning Management Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,University “Al I Cuza”, Iasi, Romania
1983 - 1989 / Medical Doctor , MD
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, “Gr T Popa”, Iasi, Romani

Professional Career (selective)

1996-2010 / Medical Research fellow -Department of Orthopaedics – Traumatology University Hospital,Iasi, Romania
2004 – 2005 / Clinical and Research Fellow
Knee and Hip Surgery Reconstruction and Arthroscopy
Seoul National University Hospital Bundang and Gyeong Sang National University College of Medicine, Jinju,Seoul, South Korea
August 2014- June 2015
Jan 2014-to date
Aug 2016-to date / Senior Post-Doctoral Scientist
Copenhagen University Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Lead Senior Scientist Stem cell research group
National Institute of Physics Iasi Romania
Medical Director Cell therapy research group Sandor Lifesciences Pvt Ltd
Hyderabad India
Committee and Professional Membership (selective)
ICRS / International Cartilage Research Society. Member since 2005
OARSI / Osteoarthritis Research Society International member since 2009
REGENERO / Romanian association for Regenerative Medicine, founding member (2009)
ASPOR / Patient Advocacy Association Against Osteoporosis group leader 2007
SOROT / Society of Orthopedie and Traumatology member since 1998
IFATS / Union MédicaleBalkanique member since 2001
International Society for Regenerative Medicine and Surgery member since 2014
International Society for Adipose Therapeutics Member since 2015


2016 / Board Certification Irish Medical Council medical specialst (Nr 416887)
2015 / Certification in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound diagnostic and therapy
2012 / PhD Regenerative medicine in orthopaedic surgery
2009 / Master Practitioner Neuro Lingvistic Programming (NLP)
2008 / Master In Educational Sciences, Licensed Trainer Of Trainers
2005 / Senior Surgeon, Metabolic Bone Diseases Supraspecialization
2003 / Senior Orthopedic Surgeon Competence Arthroscopic Surgery
2001 / Senior Orthopedic Surgeon
1995 / Romanian Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
1989 / National Board of Medicine, General Medicine Diploma

Publications -Peer reviewed Journal Articles (selective)

  • Fe-Cr-Nb-B Magnetic nanoparticle interaction with human mesenchymal and stem cellsLuminitaLabusca, Camelia DanceanuEcaterinaRadu, HoriaChirian and NicoletaLupu submitted to Jurnal of Medical Nanobiomaterials (Jan 2017)
  • Emerging concepts and technologies for articular cartilage regeneration LuminitaLabusca, Udo Greiser and KavehMashayekhiEmerging Concepts for Articular Cartilage Regeneration. J J Bone Stem Res. 2016, 2(2): 014.
  • Clinical Review about the Role Use of Platelet Rich Plasma for the Treatment of Traumatic and Degenerative Musculoskeletal Disorders. L SimionLabusca,CioncaD.. Ortho & Rheum Open Access J. 2016; 2(3): 555588. DOI: 10.19080/OROAJ.2016.02.555589
  • Scaffold free 3D culture of mesenchymal stem cells; implications for regenerative medicine L. Labusca J Transplant Stem Cel Biol. 2015;2(1): 8.
  • In vitro cytotoxicity of Fe–Cr–Nb–B magnetic nanoparticles under high frequency electromagnetic fieldChiriac H, Petreus T, Carasevici E, Labusca LDanceanu C Lupu N Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume 3, 152015.
  • Stem cells for musculoskeletal pain treatment.L LabuscaZungunEloaeFl, Mashayekhi K,World J Stem Cells 2015 January 26; 7(1): 96-105 ISSN 1948-0210.
  • The Role of Progenitor Cells in Osteoarthritis Development and Progression.Labusca LMashayekhi K, Curr Stem Cell Res Ther. 2014 Jun 29MID: 24975620.
  • Recent patents in cartilage regenerationLabusca L, Greiser U, Zugun_Eloae F, Nacu V, Mashayekhi K, Recent Patents in Regenerative Medicine: Vol 4,No 1 , 2014.
  • Adipose- stem cells for cartilage regeneration -towards clinical applicability.Labusca L, Mashayekhi K. Stem Cell Research & Therapy.2013, 4:118.
  • A clinical perspective to mesenchymal stem cell musculoskeletal regeneration.Labusca L, O’Brien M. Mashayekhi K. OA Musculoskeletal Medicine 2013 May01;1(1):8.
  • Technology Advancement and Research Progress in Orthopedic Surgery. Editorial, LuminitaLabusca 118 The Open Orth J,2013, 7,(Suppl 1: M1) 118-119.
  • Novel Approaches for Treating Musculoskeletal Diseases: Molecular Orthopedics and Systems Medicine.KavehMashayekhi, Margaret O’Brien, FlroinZugun, LuminitaLabusca,The Open Ortho J, 2013, 7,(Suppl 1: M5) 144-151.
  • Adipose Derived Stem Cells For Musculoskeletal Regeneration. Recent Patents and Future Perspectives, LuminitaLabusca , Florin Zugun-EloaeViorelNacu and K Mashayekhi. Recent Patents on Reg Med 2013, 3 (2,) 132-147. ISSN: 2210-2965.
  • Isolation and phenotypic characterisation of mesenchymal stem cells from late stage osteoarthritic tissues. LuminitaLãbuscã-Simion, F. Zugun–Eloae, P. Botez, K. Mashayekhi. Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2012 Sep 1;7(5):319-28.
  • Systems biology meets systemic medicine. The old, the new and the blue. K Mashayekhi, L Labusca, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2012, Emerging Security Technologies ISBN: 978-1-4673-2448-9, pp 169-175.
  • A bioinformatics approach in discovery science. L Labusca, K Mashayekhi. (IEEE) 2012 Emerging Security Technologies ISBN: 978-1-4673-2448-9, pp 165-168.
  • Stem cells derived from osteoarthritic knee mensenchymal tissues. LuminitaLabusca, F. Zugun–Eloae, P. Botez, K. Mashayekhi. European J Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology.
  • Robotics and Automation in Regen Med for Musculoskeletal Applications.Simion, L (Labusca).,Botez, P. Zugun-Eloae, IEEE) DOI: 10.1109/AT-EQUAL.2009.(20)52-56.
  • Application of a biphasic macroporous synthetic bone substitutes CERAFORM. Botez P, Sirbu P, Simion (Labusca) L EJOST 19, Number 6 (2009), 387-395.
  • Tissue engineering for cartilage rengeneration; stem cells, scaffolds and bioreactors.Simion (Labusca) L.Botez P, Archives of the Medical Balkan Union; 2008, 44(1)44-50.
  • Musculoskeletal tissue engineering. Clinical applications in orthopedics and bio-social implications. LuminitaSimionLabusca, RevistaRomana de Bioetica, Romanian Journal of Bioethics, vol 5 nr 5, 2007.

Publications - Books and Book Chapters

  • Systems Biology and stem cell pluripotency Kaveh Mashayekhi,Vanessa Hall,Kristine Freude,MiyaHoeffding, Luminita Labuscaand Poul Hyttel In Systems Biology in Animal Production and HealthVol 1 and Vol 2, Editor: Haja Kadarmideen , Springer 2016.
  • Stem cells and regenerative medicine – basics- a student text book, bilingual edition English/ Romanian – Volume 1- stem cells.Luminita Labusca.ACAdemic Press Chisinau, 2014.
  • Stem cell therapy for the treatment of cartilage defects and osteoarthritis.LuminitaLabusca and Florin ZugunEloae inSTEM CELLS IN THE CLINICAL APPLICATIONS Vol 2: Bone and Cartilage Regeneration Editors Kürşad Türkşen and Phuc Van Pham, Springer 2015.
  • Regenerative medicine in orthopedic surgery. LuminitaLabuscaTechnopress, 2012, ISBN 978-973-703-907-2.
  • Advanced Technologies and Biomaterials in Orthopedie (Vol I). Paul Botez, LuminitaSimion (Labusca), Editor. „Gr. T. Popa”, UMF Iasi, 2008 – Edited by Paul Botez, ISBN 978-973-7682-64-2ISBN 978-973-7682-69-7.

Refereed andInvited Conference Papers (selective)

  • Proliferative and Differentiation Potential of Stem Cells derived from three mesenchymal tissues in late stage osteoarthritic patients. 2011 World Congress on Osteoarthritis, September 15-18, 2011, San Diego, California.
  • Stem Cells in Musculoskeletal regeneration. invited keynote speaker, International Congress on Biomaterials, Rourkella India, September 2011
  • Stem Cells for musculoskeletal engineering. Lecture in Summer School Humanscend (Human Enhancment devices, Robots and cyborgs) Iasi June 2012.
  • Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Musculoskeletal regeneration. invited keynote speaker, International Congress on Biomaterials, Rourkella India, 15-17 November 2013
  • Adipose Derived Stromal cells in Regenerative Medicine invited speaker Tissue Science, Omics group Valencia 20-22 September 2014
  • Adipose Derived Stromal cells and their use in tissue regeneration invited speaker ISCIRM 1St conference Bucharest May 2015.
  • Adipose Stem Cells Neurogenesis – IFATS New Orleans November 2015.
  • Magnetic nanoparticle for regenerative medicine applications – Tissue Science Berlin September 2016 – invited speaker