Dialogue card – customs


1. Good morning

1.Good morning

2. Is this suitcare Yours?

2. Yes, it’s mine

3. I don’t believe it. Are you drinking strong

alcohol? You are too young for that !

3. It’s not for myself, but for my


4. That’s what they all say. What’s your name

and where are you from?

4. My name is…and I’m from…

5. What are you going to do in Cals City?

5. I’m going to- a. buy a t-shirt

- b. have something to eat

- c. stay in a hotel

6. Well, we keep the suitcase. I’m sorry. Enjoy

your stay.

Dialogue card – bank


0.Good morning

1. Good morning; How can I help?

1.I’d like to cash a ceque

2. That’s possible. How much would you like?

2. I would like £45, please

3.Could you fill out the cheque please?

3. Of course. Have you got a pen for me?

4. Here you are.

4. Thank you. Leerling vult cheque in

Here you are.

5. How would you like it?

5. I’d like three £10 notes, and three £ 5

notes please.

6. Here you are. Thank you and goodbye.

6. Thank you. Bye bye.

Dialogue card- fashion boutique


0. Good morning

1. Good morning. Can I help you?

1. I forgot (have forgotten) my T-shirt,

and I’d like to buy a new one.

2. Which size do you take?

2. I’m a size small/large/Xlarge

3. Which colour would you like?

3. Which colours do you have, and how

much are they?

4.Black, £22, and white £20

4. I’d like a white one please.

5. Here you are. £20 please

5. Here you are

6.Thank you. Here you go. Bye now.

(6. Bye bye)

Dialogue card - hotel


1. Good morning. Have you got any rooms left?

2. Yes there are. What would you like?

2. I’d like a single room, with shower and

toilet, for two nights.

3. If you stay 3 nights, you get one night for free.

3. I can’t stay that long.

4. How much is two


5. For a single room with bath, TV and breakfast

it will be £80 per night.

5. That is too expensive !

6. You are my friend, eh. For you I do a special

price, £60 per night.

6. Okay, I’ll take it.

7. What time do you serve breakfast?

8. Between 6 am and 10 am.

8. Right. I’m going to have a drink first.

I’ll register later.

9. See you later then.

9. See you later.

Dialogue card- Cals Cinema


1.Good afternoon/morning

1.Good afternoon/morning

2. Can I help you please?

2. I would like to book two tickets for “die another day” for tonight at 18.30.

3. Sure. Could you pick up the tickets at 6 o’clock?

3. Where can I pick up the tickets?

4.Here at the cash desk.

4.How much is it altogether please?

5.That will be £ 15.

5.Here you are. Thank you very much. Bye.

6. Bye.

Dialogue card- Cals Supermarket


0. Good morning/afternoon

1.Good afternoon/morning

1. What is this week’s bargain?/This

week’s sale?

2. This week’s bargain is…(zie reclame bord) and costs you £ 5.

2. Leerling koopt deze aanbieding en

betaalt. What will next week’s sale be?

3.That will be £3.39 for a family pack of toilet rolls.

3. What a bargain. Bye the way, I love

you shop ! I didn’t know we had a

C1000 in England!

4.Thanks for the compliment..

4. You’re welcome. Well, I’ve got to go.


5.Bye Bye

5. Bye
Dialogue card- Cals City Bus


0.Good morning

  1. Good morning

1. Is this the bus to Cals City?

  1. Yes, it is. How can I help you?

2.How much is a ticket to Cals City?

  1. Today it’s free; we’re on strike. Where would you like to go?

3.I need to go to the bank. What’s the

nearest busstop?

  1. There’s a bus stop opposite the bank.

4. Do I need to change buses?

  1. No, it’s the next stop.

5.Thank you. Have a nice day. Bye

  1. Bye bye.

Dialogue card – restaurant


1. Good morning. Can I have a menu


2. Here you are.

2. Thank you. Can I have a vanilla cake

and a cup of tea, please?

3. Our chocolate cake is very nice. It’s freshly

made !!

3. I rather have/ prefer the vanilla cake.

De leerling drinkt en eet nu de handel op. Stoor je daar verder niet aan. Ruim af en toe de tafel eens leeg.

4. Can I have the bill please?

5. Here you are: £3 + £3 = £6 please.

5. I have only got £5 left.

6. Oh dear. Oops, I made a mistake.

6. Don’t worry. Are you busy at the

moment ?

7. No, we’re not. Thanks for your visit. Bye

7. Bye Bye

De leerling levert zijn paspoort in bij jou

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