2016-2017 Board Meeting Deadline Calendar

January / 2016
January 4 / Notice of March Board Meeting / Travel Information goes out
January 15-17 / Board of Directors Meeting
January 18 / National PTA Offices Closed – Martin Luther King Day
January 29 / First Draft Board Minutes Due (January Meeting)
January 29 / Deadline to make travel reservations (March Meeting)
February 8 / Deadline to receive Board and Committee Materials (Due to Fatima) (March Meeting)
February 15 / National PTA Offices Closed – Presidents’ Day
February 16-19 / Post Board materials on website (March Meeting)
February 15-19 / Take Your Family to School Week
March 8-10 / Legislative Conference
March 10-12 / Board of Directors Meeting
March 25 / First Draft Board Minutes Due (March Meeting)
May 6 / Notice of June Board Meeting goes out
May 6 / Deadline to make travel reservations (June Meeting/Convention) (Note: Travel invitations were sent out in December 2015)
May 30 / National PTA Offices Closed – Memorial Day
May 31 / Deadline to receive Board and Committee Materials (Due to Fatima) (June Meeting)
June 13 / Post Board materials on website (June Meeting)
June 13 / Notice of NGR Meeting (August) and Travel Information goes out
June 28-29 / Pre-Convention Board of Directors Meeting
June 30-July 3 / 2016 National PTA Convention
July 3 / Post-Convention Board of Directors Meeting & Orientation
July 4 / National PTA Offices Closed – Independence Day
July 8 / Deadline to make travel reservations (NGR Meeting)
July 15 / First Draft Board Minutes Due (June/July Meetings)
July 18 / Deadline to receive NGR and Board materials (NGR Meeting)
July 25 / Deadline to post NGR and Board materials (NGR Meeting)
July 29 / First Draft Convention Minutes Due (June/July Meetings)
August 4-7 / National Governance Retreat (NGR) and Board Meeting
August 26 / First Draft Board Minutes Due (August Meeting)
September 5 / National PTA Offices Closed – Labor Day
September 19 / Notice of Fall Board Meeting / Travel Information goes out
October 3 / Deadline to make travel reservations (Fall Meeting)
October 10 / National PTA Offices Closed – Columbus Day
October 13 / Deadline to receive Board and Committee Materials (Due to Fatima) (Fall Meeting)
October 20 / Post Board Materials on website (Fall Meeting)
November 4-6 / Board of Directors’ Meeting (Fall Meeting)
November 11 / National PTA Offices Closed – Veterans Day
November 24-25 / National PTA Offices Closed – Thanksgiving Holidays
November 28 / Notice of January Board Meeting/Travel Information Goes Out
December 1 / First Draft of Board Minutes Due (Fall Meeting)
December 12 / Invitation to LegCon and March Board Meeting is sent out (Tentative)
December 19 / Deadline to make travel reservations (January Meeting)
December 23-26 / Christmas Holiday (Christmas is on a Sunday)
January / 2017
January 1 / National PTA Offices Closed – New Years’ Day
January 4 / Deadline to receive Board and Committee Materials (Due to Fatima) (January Meeting)
January 9 / Invitation to 2017 Annual Convention and Board Meeting in Las Vegas, NV (June 21-26, 2017)
January 13 / Post Board materials on website (January Meeting)
January 16 / National PTA Offices Closed – Martin Luther King Day
January 17 / Notice of March Board Meeting/Travel Information goes out
January 20 / Inauguration Day
January 27-29 / Board of Directors Meeting
February 8 / Deadline to make travel reservations (March Meeting)
February 13 / First Draft Board Minutes Due (January Meeting)
February 13 / Deadline to receive Board and Committee Materials (Due to Fatima) (March Meeting)
February 24 / Post Board materials on website (March Meeting)
March 7 – 9 / Legislative Conference
March 9 – 11 / Board of Directors Meeting
March 31 / First Draft Board Minutes Due (March Meeting)
April 16 / Notice of June Board Meeting/Travel information goes out
May 22 / Deadline to receive Board and Committee Materials (Due to Fatima) (June Meetings)
May 29 / National PTA Offices Closed – Memorial Day
June 5 / Post Board materials on website (June Meetings)
June 21 / Pre-convention Board of Directors Meeting
June 22-25 / 2017 National PTA Convention
June 26 / Post-convention Board of Directors Meeting and Orientation
July 4 / National PTA Offices Closed – Independence Day
July (TBD) / Notice of NGR Meeting (August) and Travel Information goes out
July 7 / First Draft Board Minutes due (June Meetings)
July 10 / Deadline to make travel reservations (August NGR)
July 10 / Deadline to receive Board and Committee Materials (Due to Fatima) (NGR August Meeting)
July 21 / Post Board Materials on website (August Meeting)
August 4-6 / National Governance Retreat and Board Meeting
August 31 / First Draft Board Minutes due (NGR Meeting)
September 4 / National PTA Offices Closed – Labor Day
September 10 / Notice of Fall Board Meeting/Travel Information goes out
October 2 / Deadline to make travel reservations (Fall Meeting)
October 9 / National PTA Offices Closed – Columbus Day
October 10 / Deadline to receive Board and Committee Materials (Due to Fatima – Fall Meeting)
October 20 / Post Board Materials on website (Fall Meeting)
November 3-5 / Board of Directors Meeting
November 10 / National PTA Offices Closed – Veterans Day
November 17 / First Draft of Board Minutes Due (Fall Meeting)
November 23-24 / National PTA Offices Closed – Thanksgiving Holidays
December TBD / Christmas Holiday


March 28, 2016

Draft 4