Bibliographic Control and Discovery Subcommittee

September 9, 2015

Final Minutes

View the Blackboard Collaborate recording


FAU: Ethan Fenichel

FIU: Elaine Dong

FSU: Annie Glerum (co-chair)

UCF: Kim Montgomery (co-chair)

UF:Dave Van Kleeck

USF: Brian Falato

Minutes taker:Elaine Dong (FIU)

Next BCDS meeting: October 14, 2015; Minutes taker:Dave Van Kleeck (UF)

Next CAM meeting: October?

Next TSSC meeting:September 14, 2015

  1. Approval of minutes

Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

  1. Announcements

Annie highlighted and explained a few sections of Update from FLVC Director of Library Services that are relevant to the BCDS.

Brian said that USF recently hired two people in the Cataloging Department, one of them used to work at FSU. Brian alsomentionedupcoming NACO training sessions in Oct. 2015.

  1. TSSC meeting report

No report this month

  1. Assignments from CAM
  2. Best practices and instructions for batchloading (Kim)

The Batchloading Group is still at the early stages of work. Ethan created a Google Drive Folder for the Group. Group members wrote some scriptsfor training videos and put them in the folder. Kimstitched them together and asked for comments and suggestions.

Annie mentioned that Paul Lightcap, Acquisitions Librarian at FSU, also a member of Batchloading Group, has been discussing the idea of YBP updating OCLC records for YBP print booksso that the records YBP sendsto SULs for print books would be current OCLC master records. Paul will present the idea at the next BCD meeting.

  1. Shared Multiple Series Fields Problem Statement (Elaine)

1)Ethan completed the Python script after many tests and adjustments.

2)Genload profile for loading overlay set records was approved by FLVC and the test loading was successful.

Elaine asked if any library has proprietary data in 505 field. Kim mentioned that only UF and UCF have used proprietary fields. Some YBP enhanced records that UCF got contain 505 instead of 970.Dave will check with colleagues and report back on UF’s practice.

3)Annie requested a new multi-series report from FLVC and received it on Sep. 3. The new report includes 222,404valid bib numbers. Their Aleph marc records were pulled out.

4)The Task Force members will move forward with the analysis of the new report and identify a subset of records that are candidates for overlay. The overlay set records will be sent to CAM and TSSC for review and comments before the overlaying process.

  1. Batchloading Issues / Load log(Ethan)

For the Batch Loading Vendor Page on SB Wiki, Ethan incorporated some feedback and added the Table Approach for collections as well as broad classification of print vs. electronic record batch loads.Annie prefers the Table Approach to the List Version. Elaine agreedand noted that table approach presents some challenges for SULs and asked about the idea of adding Google spreadsheet for collections on the page. Ethan said it would be better to commit to one platform and Google document has the structure to do the whole thing. Kim asked if Google documentsallow co-ownership and the answer was yes.

During the meeting, Ethan added the Google Docs Approach which received positive feedback. Elaine suggested adding Collection Level Record column for each collection. Kim suggested adding Subscription/Purchase column for each collection, and wondered if it’s necessary to have the TKRs and Genload Profiles columns.

Ethan noted that it’s important to reach out SULs that are not represented on BCDS,and to make sure that these SULs also contribute or follow best practices. Anne mentioned that BCDS send report to CAM and some of these SULs have representatives on CAM. Kim suggested sending out a survey to collect suggestions on the Batch Loading Vendor Page and volunteered to do the survey.

  1. Shared Bib Cataloging Guidelines
  2. Version 1.01 (April 4, 2015) of the guidelines is on the SB wiki Cataloging webpage:
  3. Use of$5KEEPxx (Kim)

FLVC notified Kim that $5 KEEPxx wasput into function. Kim explained that xx should be replaced by the institution own codes. She asked BCD members to test the function by the end of Sep. 10 and report to the BCD listserv.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm