HFC: From Trauma Recovery to Ecstasy-Healing Nervous System (HFTR)

Preparation Materials

Healing From the Core

Required Reading and Listening:

Full Body Presence by Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, and accompanying CD.

Healing from the Core - 10-Session Audio Series: The listening requirements for this course (beyond the basic sessions: #1, #2, #3) are Sessions #6, #7, #9 of the Healing From the Core: A Journey Home to Ourselves, Comprehensive Series. If you do not already own the CDs or audio tape series, they are available online at http://shop.barralinstitute.com/Welcome?search=healing+from+the+core

Further Recommendations:

Heart Math by Doc Childre and Howard Martin

Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine

Calling the Circle by Christina Baldwin

Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert

Aphrodite's Daughters by Jalaja Bonheim

I Don't Want to Talk About It by Terrence Real

Your Individual Session:

Please email () or call the Healing From the Core office (703-620-4509) to arrange your pre-course session with Suzanne. This session can be conducted in person or via telephone. The fee for this session is subject to change and payable directly to the Healing From the Core office at the time of your session. Suzanne's schedule fills quickly so please arrange your appointment early. This session will give you and I time to connect and discuss your hopes, wishes and dreams for the workshop. This session is invaluable as a support for your inner healing work and gives me a sense of who you are and how to assist you in going deeper.

What to Bring:

-portable massage table(s) (PLEASE bring if you are local!!)

-chair pillows/blanket for quiet resting

-a mat for movement work (please bring extra if you are local)

-hiking shoes/boots

-drums/rattles/other musical instruments

-art sketch pad(s) and colors (if possible)

-your journal

-flashlights for night walking or journaling

-earplugs (for sleeping well with others)

Personal Preparation:

♦ Call and schedule your individual session with Suzanne.

♦ Contact office with special needs (food, rooming preferences, etc.)

♦ Travel Arrangements: call or email our office for car pooling help.

♦ Preparation: Acquire and read the required reading for the course

♦ Listen to sessions #6, #7, & #9 from the audio series prior to attending