Cumberland Community Association
Annual General Meeting
May 14, 2014
In attendance
Euan SwanVice President / 174 Working Group
Anna PerronTreasurer
Eva LyonsSecretary
Mathieu BlanchardManager, Farmers’ Market
Anda BruinsmaCommunications Committee
Craig ClarkWebsite
Lyle FairTrails Committee
Anne HawleyBeautification
Bobbie WalkerSocial Committee
Myroslava MykytynMember-at-Large
Donna NuttallMember-at-Large
Russ ThomasMember-at-Large
Barry TurnerMember-at-Large
Also in Attendance
Stephen BlaisCouncillor, Cumberland Ward
Jason CoulasCouncillor Blais’ Office
Rebecca DuftonFormer CCA President
Nick StowSenior Planner, City of Ottawa
Doug HayesResident
Eva HayesResident
Dominique OuelletteResident
Ivan PetrovResident
Chris ThomasResident
1. Welcome / Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Cumberland Community Association (CCA) Acting President Euan Swan at 7:05 p.m. Euan welcomed the guests and residents. He also thanked MyroslavaMykytyn for making the baked goods provided at the AGM.
Before continuing with the agenda as presented, the Acting President added City of Ottawa Senior Planner Nick Stow’s Cardinal Creek Sub-Watershed Study presentation as agenda item #3.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting
A motion to approve the Minutes of the October 3, 2013 AGM meeting was made by Russ Thomas, seconded by Anda Bruinsma. Passed.
3. Cardinal Creek Sub-Watershed Study Presentation
Nick Stow, Senior Planner,City Of Ottawa, gave a (10 minute) PowerPoint presentationoutlining the sub-watershed study specifics: 2006 background work; a2009 Cardinal Creek area geomorphic study; for the period2009 to 2014 the issue of urban boundary expansion and how to avoid it; identification of natural heritage elements; and currently finalizing the report. The importance of maintaining natural waterways for water quality and subsequent issues were discussed. Erosion, slope stability and greenspaceprotection strategies were presented.
Following a question and answer period, Nick Stow also mentioned that a Beckett’s Creek Subwatershed study would be forthcoming.
4. Acting President’s Report
Euan Swan acknowledged the leadership and contributions of past President Clive Horne in the community. He also thanked Eva Lyons for all her help and assistance to the Board and Executive, as well as thanking all committee members for their contributions to the CCA. While highlighting some of the successes of this past year (Communications – Anda Bruinsma, Farmers’ Market – Mathieu Blanchard, Trails – Lyle Fair, and Social – Bobbie Walker), he also pointed out areas needing improvement, such as the Outdoor Rink, Community Garage Sale and Cumberland Clean-Up. These areas need re-energizing, particularly with a broadened volunteer base.
The CCA had formal input in many relevant issues this past year: the site plan for Barnett Rd.; the 174 Environmental Assessment; repaving projects; the Cardinal Creek Village plans; the SubWatershed study; and the upcoming City of Ottawa’s Water Round Table.
The Acting President also thanked the numerous unsung volunteers in our community.
5. Proposed changes to the Constitution
In order to be more efficient in the operations of the CCA, changes to the financial fiscal year and the annual AGM are proposed. See Appendix 1.
A motion to accept the proposed changes was made by Anne Hawley, seconded by Barry Turner. Passed.
6. Committee Reports
a) Communications, Anda Bruinsma:
Anda Bruinsma reported that 18 months ago the CCA had only email and the Lamplighter as communication vehicles, now we have a new CCA website, Facebook and Twitter. She presented astounding statistics for usage of our social media this past year. Thank you to CraigClark and Hélène Potvin for their technical support.
b) Social, Bobbie Walker:
Bobbie Walker recapped the social events of the past year. Looking forward, a dance may be planned for November before all eyes turn to next year’s Winterfest weekend.
c) Beautification, Anne Hawley:
Anne Hawley thanked the local firefighters for assisting in hanging the banners in the Village. Currently flower barrels need to be planted and watered throughout the growing season. Volunteers are needed!
d) Trails, Lyle Fair:
Lyle Fair’s report is attached as Appendix 2.
e) Farmers’ Market, Mathieu Blanchard:
The Easter Farmers’ Market was well attended and received. The main summer Market runs 18 weeks starting on June 14, 2014, and approximately 40 vendors are already confirmed. Volunteers are always welcome for the set-up and take-down, or for help in the canteen.
Mathieu Blanchard and Craig Clark are currently working on a new prototype for the Market website.
Mathieu Blanchard’s Farmers’ Market financial report is attached as Appendix 3a and 3b.
7. Treasurer’s Report, Anna Perron:
Euan Swan thanked Anna Perron for her work as Treasurer, and Chris Thomas and Roger Lyons for their financial audit.
Anna Perron summarized results of activities since the last AGM. The current bank balance is $7,952.87plus a petty cash balance of $64.68 = $8,017.55. The financial statement is attached as Appendix 4.
A motion was made by Russ Thomas to accept the financial statement as presented, seconded by Barry Turner. Passed.
8. Elections for the 2014 / 2015 Board
See Appendix 5 for the 2013-2014 CCA Executive and Board Members as of May 3, 2014, with vacant positions to be filled at the May 14, 2014 AGM.
Nominations of Executive Board Members
President -
Euan asked for nominations from the floor. In the absence of any, Euan Swan and Anda Bruinsma have agreed to share the President’s position as Co-Presidents. By acclamation. Passed.
Treasurer -
Anna Perron is stepping down. Euan Swan asked for nominations from the floor. Chris Thomas volunteered and was voted in as Treasurer by acclamation. Passed.
Secretary -
Eva Lyons will continue as Secretary.
Therefore the 2014/2015 CCA Executive is:
Euan SwanCo- President
Anda BruinsmaCo- President
Chris ThomasTreasurer
Eva LyonsSecretary
Nominations of Board Members
All current Board members will return in their respective positions. Anda Bruinsma accepted the positions of Co-President as well Communications and Coordinator of the Lamplighter. By acclamation. Passed.
The CCA will also venture into the community for volunteers for its numerous committees and projects.
9. Update from Councillor Blais
Councillor Blais presented an overview of activities currently under way which affect our community. Together with audience questions, the issues included:
- “Ottawa OnThe Move”: Councillor Blais gave a PowerPoint presentation of the current capital and road renewal projects, including Hwy 174 upgrades and distance to Cumberland signage.
- Wilfred Murray Park: The park renewal is in progress with completion this summer.
- Trim Road Reconstruction Project: Councillor Blais showed a two minute video outlining the Trim Road reconstruction project and statistics thereof. The major portion of the work will be done by the Fall of 2014.
- Graphics for the Millenium Park expansion were presented.
- June 6, 2014 is Food Aid Day and will coincide with the Mayor’s Rural Expo.
- Construction on Hwy 174 between Trim and Cameron has commenced. To expedite the construction, as approved by affected residents, most of the work will take place at night.
- Questions were asked as to the status of Old Montreal Road, and Councillor Blais spoke of upcoming paved shoulders and the addition of bike lanes.
- Issues with stagnant ditch water on Royal Orchard should be directed to the Councillor’s office.
- The question of whether drive through facilities are allowed under the Official Plan aspart of the updated Secondary Plan for Villages was raised. The response from the planner on the Barnett Street development file needs to be clarified.
10. Adjournment
The AGM meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m., moved by Russ Thomas, seconded by MyroslavaMykytyn. Passed.
Appendix 1
Proposed Changes to the Cumberland Community Association Constitution
At the May 14, 2014 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Cumberland Community Association (CCA), the CCA Board will propose two changes to the Constitution to facilitate the operation of the Association. It is proposed that the AGM be held in May rather than September and that the financial year of the Association shall extend from May to May rather than September to September.
Change 1 – MEETINGS
“One Annual General Meeting shall be held in SeptemberMay at which time there will be a presentation of reports and an election of Executive officers.”
“The financial year of the Association shall extend from September Mayto SeptemberMay each year. The books of the Association shall be closed as of AugustApril3130, and an audited statement presented by the Treasurer at the SeptemberMay Annual General Meeting.
Appendix 2
Trails Report
AGM meeting, 14 May 2014
Winter Trails
The 2013/14 winter trails were successfully used for snowshoeing and skiing. About 5 km of trails were groomed. This has met the CCA’s initial objective of expanding the use in the area adjacent to the museum. Next year’s plans include the use of the area by Cairine Wilson Secondary School Nordic ski team.
Spring/Summer/Fall Activity
The first phase of the development of the park and environmental area will begin this summer. A site survey on 21 May 2014 involving the CCA, Cumberland Museum, Rideau Valley Conservation Area (RVCA) and the City will outline plans for the trails and the building of a pedestrian bridge.
Tree Planting
Connections have been made with the Rideau Valley Conservation Area. DanCooper of RVCA is excited to plant trees in 2015 so this requires designation of the trails this summer and ground prep for tree planting in the fall. A Community tree planting event is suggested for the spring of 2015.
Rural Grant
It has been proposed that the 2013 grant for $8,000 from the City be used for soil testing in the location of the bridge abutments. Further applications for grants to complete the work will be pursued.
Discussion with RVCA and the City will take place during the site survey on location and design.
Recent meeting with Rachael Perkins at the museum culminated in the agreement for parking, the trailhead by the museum entrance and location of the trail to the west and south of the museum. Ms. Perkins was agreeable to a trailbetween the museum property and the ravine linking to the Hillside Estates.
Further research into naming of the trails and the environmental area is required.
Further plans will be outlined as the trails designation progresses. Volunteers are welcome to help with the project.
Appendix 3a
Appendix 3b
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Cumberland Community Association
Executive and Board Members - 2013-2014
as of May 3, 2014
Executive Members
President: Vacant
Vice-president: Euan Swan
Treasurer: Anna Perron
Secretary: Eva Lyons
Board Members
Social: Bobby Walker
Beautification: Anne Hawley
Community Trails: Lyle Fair
Outdoor Rink Liaison: Brent Chisholm
Communications: Vacant
Facebook/website: Anda Bruinsma
Lamplighter: Vacant
Translation: Anne-Marie Depault
Cumberland Farmers’ Market: Mathieu Blanchard
Members at Large:Russ Thomas
Myroslava Mykytyn
Donna Nuttall