Grant Sawyer Bldg., 555 E. Washington, Room 4412, Las Vegas, NV

State Legislature, Room 3143, Carson City, NV

November 14, 2003


Bruce BermanBarbara Cegavske

Kathryn Cordell Ed Guthrie

Gary CottinoBill Murphy

Robert DesruisseauxGillian Wells

John GieferMyrne Wiebe

Elaine Kochevar

Denyse Lizer

Karla McComb, Vice Chair


Charlott SerlineKitti Barth, Chief, ODEP

Jim Skaggs, Vice ChairBill Hamilton, Staff to Council

Dr. Tom VenardosLibby Jones, Deputy Director

Veronica WilsonDonna Sanders, Admin. Asst. III

Ron Swirczek, Deputy Director


Meeting Minutes, Oct. 3, 2003

Staff AnnouncementGUESTS PRESENT

Administrator’s ReportPaul Haugen, Dept. of HR,

Rehab. Division’s Response toOfc of Disability Services

UNLV SurveyCheryl Katzmark, NNCIL

Status of Transition Forum Gary Olson, NVAD

RecommendationsAnita Puentes, NDALC

Performance IndicatorsNed Reed, Attorney General’s Ofc Details on the Grants and Robin Renshaw, NV PEP

Contracts for VR Program Services

GCREPD Budget Status Report

Ticket to Work Summary

Proposal to Gifts and Grants Account #3299

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Of People with Disabilities

Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2003


Karla McComb, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:05 am. A quorum was present.


Kitti Barth verified that the notices had been posted on the web site and sent to all of the relevant agencies.


Karla McComb reminded the committee members to turn on their microphones when they speak and to turn off the microphone when finishing speaking. In addition, Ms. McComb asked everyone to identify himself or herself before speaking in order for the court reporter to accurately capture their name.


The following corrections were made to the minutes: On page 6 of 7, the word commit should be committee. Also on page 6 of 7, the Northern Nevada Transition Coalition should be Northern Nevada Transportation Coalition.

Gary Cottino stated that during the UNLV Presentation Survey, he asked when UNLV prepares the survey next year that they would add a question on the survey as to whether or not the employer may be an affirmative action employer. The auspice was an affirmative action employer has requirements for outreach into the community and Mr. Cottino felt that would be beneficial to the group and help the Council in its endeavors.

Karla McComb requested Kitti Barth to diary ahead when the Council begins talking about the next survey to ensure Mr. Cottino’s suggested is followed. Ms. Barth replied she would take care of it.

Jim Skaggs made a motion to approve the minutes as amended and Gary Cottino seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Kitti Barth introduced Paul Haugen from the Office of Disability Services, and Bonnie Dixon, from NDALC. Cheryl Katzmark introduced herself and stated she has started

working with the Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living and is working on the micro enterprise program.

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Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2003

Karla McComb introduced Anita Puentes from the southern NDALC. Kitti Barth introduced Ned Reed Deputy Attorney General from the Attorney General’s office who was the Deputy A.G. for the former Governor’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. Ms. Barth also introduced Ron Swirczek from DETR and Gary Olson from the public. Karla McComb introduced Libby Jones, Deputy Director, DETR .


Dr. Tom Venardos thanked the nominating committee (Jim Skaggs, Ronnie Wilson, and Gillian Wells) for doing an outstanding job. Dr. Venardos remarked there are two people to consider voting for. One is Karla McComb, to be considered as Chair for the Governor’s Council and Gary Cottino as Vice Chair for the Governor’s Council. Jean Peyton made a motion to have Karla McComb as Chair for the Governor’s Council and Gary Cottino as Vice Chair for the Governor’s Council. Elaine Kochevar seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Libby Jones announced Kraig Schutte, Division Administrator for Vocational Rehabilitation, has elected to return to his former position with the Bureau of Disability Adjudication. During the interim, Ms. Jones will be Acting Administrator and Ron Swirczek will be assisting Ms. Jones.

Continuing, Libby Jones referred to the Administrator’s Report, the response for the Division on the Canon Center Satisfaction Survey, the performance indicators, and the Status on the Transition Forum Recommendations and asked if there were any questions, comments or discussion. There being none, Karla McComb requested an update on the Transition Forum Committee Recommendations after six months to see if any progress has been made.

Libby Jones replied the update is a great request as DETR is interested in increasing transition services. Ms. Jones stated she asked Kitti Barth to work with Karla McComb in identifying a time in January for an Orientation for all of the Council members. The date would be Tuesday, January 13, 2003. Ms. Jones said she would like to provide Karla McComb with an overview to answer questions in regard to the state plan and to educate the new Council members. Karla McComb thanked Libby Jones for her input.


Ron Swirczek, filling in for Cecilia Colling, remarked the Report on Gifts and Contracts should be a report on Grants and Contracts. Ms. Swirczek stated there are 6 grants and a number of fees for service. The fee for service is for those entities that wish to provide

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job placement services for VR clients. Ron Swirczek directed everyone to the current list of grants and fee for service contracts.

Regarding the budget update, Mr. Swirczek stated in the column entitled Adjustments, funds were moved based upon the actions of the Council. In-State Travel was increase by $1,087, Operating decreased by $2,894, Training increased by $1,268, Advertising/Legal Notices decreased by $1,500, postage decreased by $364, and there was an additional cost of $300 for court reporting. Ron Swirczek remarked with all of the adjustment made, there is $5,235 unallocated for the year.

Kitti Barth addressed the Ticket to Work Summary stating there is the same number of employment networks this month. Ms. Barth said rollouts of the tickets have been completed in Nevada. The last group of tickets (6,143) went out in September . Kitti Barth stated the amount of tickets that have gone out in Nevada were 10,000 more than was initially projected which reflects the tremendous growth in Nevada, and services are stretched pretty thin.

Kitti Barth referred to the Number of Ticket Assignments, stating there are 34 for the ENs for the month of September and 21 for VR, with 1 going to reward status in VR.


Regarding the Gifts and Grants Account, Restricted Funds, Kitti Barth recommended that the Southern Nevada Committee funds in the amount of $397 be reallocated back to the Governor’s Council on Rehabilitation and Employment of People with Disabilities since there is no Southern Nevada Committee to perform those services anymore. Ms. Barth indicated she would like to allocate the David Foote Memorial Fund to make it a memorial scholarship and that $3 be added to the $497 amount to make it an even $500 scholarship. Kitti Barth requested there be a scholarship group to come up with the scholarship parameters and qualifications.

Continuing, Ms. Barth stated $800 was allocated for the life sized puppets with disabilities and the Jr. League in Reno was contacted. The Jr. League is still actively doing the Kids on the Block Program which uses the life-size puppets of people with disabilities, going to schools to educate school children about interacting with people with disabilities on a one-to-one basis. Kitti Barth indicated that in talking with the

Chairman, Deborah Johnson, about this project, Ms. Johnson said the $800 would go towards purchasing another puppet as they have been using the puppets for 20 years. The Jr. League has sent in their paperwork.

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Employment of People with Disabilities

Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2003

Jim Skaggs made a motion to approve the allocations of funds as Kitti Barth recommended and Elaine Kochevar seconded the motion.

Karla McComb queried whether there was a Kids on the Block Program in southern Nevada. Ms. Barth replied she tried to call the Kids on the Block Program in southern Nevada, left a message and the call was not returned.

Libby Jones stated the scholarship committee for the David Foote Scholarship fund in the amount of $500, could consider either giving $100 for five years to students perhaps through the transition forum, or it could be a one-time thing.

Jim Skaggs recommended the scholarship be a one-time offer and Elaine Kochevar was in agreement. The vote on the motion was passed unanimously.

Karla McComb asked for some volunteers to be on the scholarship fund subcommittee to look at establishing parameters for the awarding of the $500 scholarship. Denyse Liser, Robert Desruisseaux and Charlott Serline volunteered to be on the subcommittee, and Kitty Barth will work with the subcommittee to develop guidelines for the awarding of the scholarship.


Robin Renshaw, a transition specialist from Nevada Pep, stated he was at the meeting on behalf of Gillian Wells. He said he hoped everyone had seen the transition forum goals that Kitti e-mailed to everyone. Kitti Barth replied she had e-mailed everyone the recommendations that were made to Vocational Rehabilitation, the old VR council.

Mr. Renshaw read a report from Gillian Wells. Kitti Barth requested a copy of the report so it could be sent to all of the members of the Council. Robin Renshaw stated he would e-mail the report to her.


Kitti Barth stated a request was made to all of the coordinating councils, asking them to mark their calendar for the upcoming meeting. A projected meeting schedule was also sent to them in addition to requesting reports that relate to employment issues. Ms. Barth indicated to date no reports have been received. A follow-up letter will be sent to the

coordinating councils reminding them we need the reports probably two weeks in advance.

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Kitti Barth stated there would be a meeting on December 5, 2003 to review the draft of the final report for the annual report to the RSA. Ms. Barth indicated Bill Hamilton has taken the first half of the year’s meeting minutes and pulled out the information. Kitti Barth stated she is working on the second half of the year, and that she and Bill Hamilton will layout a draft of how it flows together. The draft will be sent to the Council in advance of the December 5, 2003 meeting so the Council members can make suggestions, changes, or corrections.

Karla McComb queried whether the December 5, 2003 meeting would not be a full meeting with all of the full committee reports but would be more or less a single agenda items. Kitti Barth replied this was her proposal. Karla McComb indicated the agenda items that legally need to be placed, should be placed on the agenda plus the primary one, plus public comment.


Kitti Barth remarked there is an open seat on the council. Joe Buckley, who was with the Governor’s Committee for many years, passed away recently due to heart problems. Ms. Barth stated if anyone wanted to send condolences cards or any information, to please send them to her and she would make sure they go on to Joe Buckley’s family.

Ms. Barth indicated Oi Lemon, who became a Council member last month, was promoted into a supervisory position and, as such, is not eligible to sit as the Rehabilitation Counselor Representative. Kitti Barth introduced Kathryn Cordell as the new Council member replacing Oi Lemon.

Karla McComb announced Easter Seals in southern Nevada, is currently recruiting nationally for a Chief Development Officer. Ms. McComb stated the position requires a lot of fund-raising experience, and if the Council knows of anyone the person should contact Easter Seals southern Nevada Executive Director, Vince Triggs at (702) 870-7050. Karla McComb stated the closing for this position would be about the second week in December.

Libby Jones said the replacement position for Joe Buckley on the Council is a business representative. Ms. Jones requested Kitti Barth to draft a letter for Karla McComb to sign on behalf of the council to the family of Joe Buckley.

Elaine Kochevar gave a short update on the status of the Northern Nevada Transportation Coalition. Ms Kochevar indicated most of the services in Ely, Wendover, Elko and Winnemucca have been cut. In addition the vans are only running from 7:30 AM to 3:30

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P.M. and the rest of Northern Nevada has no service at all. Denyse Lizer stated she had spoken with Katie Board who runs the Transportation Program in Humboldt County. Per Ms. Board, there were several pots that came in to provide the overall funding, mostly from federal sources, and many of the pots did not come in at all. Several of the pots came in with lesser amounts. Ms. Lizer stated as of yesterday, 25 jobs have been lost and most persons cannot go anywhere without paying for a taxi or other means of transportation. Denyse Lizer said we cannot do anything as a Council to mediate this but that vocational rehabilitation administrators and supervisor can look into addressing this as well as representatives. Karla McComb queried whether this was a federal program. Ms. Lizer replied this was an NDOT program also funded with federal dollars, and the federal dollars coming in were the ones that were highly impacted.


Karla McComb stated as discussed the next meeting will be Friday, December 5, 2003, and it will be primarily a single agenda item. Ms. McComb asked if there were any items for the next regular meeting of the Council.

Jim Skaggs requested a discussion on continuing the previous award programs for the Governor’s Committee. Karla McComb asked Kitti Barth to make a note of it.


A motion was made by Jim Skaggs and seconded by Dr. Tom Venardos to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:56 AM.

Recorded by:

Denise Phipps, Captions Unlimited of Nevada

Edited by:

Kitti Barth, Chief, Office of Disability Employment Policy

Approved by:

Karla McComb, Chair

Gary Cottino, Vice Chair