Cemetery Security

Due to increased vandalism and theft of various objects from gravesites last fall, it became necessary for us to secure the main gates leading to the Cemetery to protect the resting places of your loved ones. This will remain in effect until we have our Caretaker in place for the summer. Access to the Cemetery can be made through the gates in front of the Old Historic Church, or the gate off Spruce Hill Road. During April and May, the main gates will be unlocked on Saturdays and Sundays in order to permit vehicle access. You will, however, be responsible for opening and closing the gates behind you when you leave. If vehicle access is required during the week, please call the office.

Parish Office Summer Employment

Any high school students (post secondary) that would be interested in working in the Parish Office during July and August are asked to submit their resumes marked “Parish Summer Employment” to the Parish Office. Any positions available are subject to the approval of applications made by the parish to the Human Resources Student Programs 2013.

Applications for the positionsmust be submitted by April 30, 2013.

Cemetery Summer Employment

Any high school students (Grade X1 or X11) or post secondary students who may be interested in working at the Cemetery during July and August are asked to submit their resumes marked “Cemetery Summer Employment” to the Church Office. Any positions available are subject to the approval of applications made by the parish to the Human Resources Student Programs 2013. Applications for the positionsmust be submitted by April 30, 2013.

Welcome to the Parish of

St. John the Evangelist

Conception Bay South, Newfoundland

Third Sunday of Easter

The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God

and in Loving Memory of:

Chesley P. Tapp


Glenda & Stephen

If you are looking for a spiritual home, please consider joining us here at St. John the Evangelist. If you are a visitor, please enjoy the hospitality of our congregation.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

PRAY for Nambale - (Kenya)

Tri-Diocesan Intercessions

Parish of Lake Melville

Rector-The Ven. Charlene Taylor

Parish of St. Timothy, Rigolet

Rector-The Rev. Julie Brace

The sick

Graham TrickettJackie CollinsElaine Marshall

Sunday Duties for Sunday, April 21, 2013

E A / Sidespersons / Sound / Counting / Readers
8:30 a.m.
Lisa / Team 8
Dave M. / Lisa / Philip
10:30 a.m.
Robert / Team 14

A donation has been given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Maize Carter by Stella Jones

A donation has been given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Father & Mother, Josiah & Margaret Babb, Sister, Joan Fournier & aunt, Hilda Babb by Rosalind Babb Stokes

A donation has been given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Parents, Charles & Hazel Saunders by Kevin Saunders

A donation has been given to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Departed Loved Ones by Dianne & Arthur Squarey


Cold Plate Dinner – Take out

The parish cold plate take will held May 31st Details to follow.

Confirmation 2013

Bishop Pitman will confirm this year’s confirmation candidates on Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 a.m.

Pennies for PWRDF

We are in the process of having our pennies rolled and counted for PWRDF. We will have an amount included in next week’s bulletin