By Marian Tortorella © 2009

There has been so much confusion and controversey among astronomers and scientists as to the nature and validity of their not so distant cousin and ancient metaphysical science Astrology. It is my quest as a star-observing Astrologer to simply explaine the astrological system as astrologers use it today, but first I’d like to reveal some of the known, yet unrecognizable and historical facts hiding behind this mystifing subject of Astrology.

Many Astronomers and Scientists today are confused with the differences between the Astrologers Planetary Ephemeris (table of planetary positions) and Astronomers own palnetary positions and observations. This has been a source of conflict between Modern Astronomical Scientists and Astrologers.

Throughout history some very important scientific discoveries were made with Astrology as a foundation. It was Isaac Newton’s spellbinding interest in the “Astrological Influences” which inspired him to deeper levels of scientific awareness. Through his interest in Astrology, the door to Newton’s theory of Light and Gravity was opened. It has taken some 300 years for Newton to receive any serious scientific recognition for his interest in the Astrological Planetary Influences, and their effect.

Tycho Brahe, a teacher of Kepler, introduced the first astronomical observatory to the western world. The sole purpose of Brahe’s observatory was to expand his Astrological interests. He was able to complete the first star map since early Greek times consisting of 777 stars with his observatory.

With Tycho’s planetary calculations and figures, Kepler gained the information he needed for his world famous discovery, the Three Laws of Motion. There were many other scientists and mathematicians who were also Astronomers and Astrological observers. Ptolemy, Aristotle, Copernicus, and Galileo were all known to be aware of the planetary influences and their effect on living organisms.

By the time Newton began studying mathematics, Astrology and Astronomy were split. At the moment I am not going to explaine or describe the astrological influences on human behavior, but would like to explaine the difference between the Astrological system of the Zodiac as Astrologers use it today and how they do not exactly fit in with Astronomical Constellations of the Heavens which Astronomers go by. Our modern Astrological system is based on the movement and motion of the Earth in relation to Sun on it’s Ecliptical path. It has nothing at all to do with the Constellations from an Astronomical perspective. Are we confused yet? Hold on.

If you were to observe from the Earth, the suns path, travelling from North to South with it’s yearly revolution, you are creating an imaginary circle known to Astrologers as the Ecliptic. This circle gives you the image of the sun’s orbit to the earth. It is from an Ecliptical point of view that the planetary calculations are based in the Astrological Ephemeris, the most important tool to an astrologer.

As the Earth rotates daily and tilts toward and away from the sun during the course of a year, the Cellestial Equator and Plane of the Ecliptic are formed where the signs of the Zodiac will find their home. (See Diagram below) Each sign will consist of 30 degrees. The 12 signs each 30 degrees, create a circle of 360 degrees, making up the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

At the moment of the Vernal Equinox, on or about March 30th the Ecliptic intersects with the Cellestial Equator, the imaginary extention of the Terrestial Equator. This is to be the start of the Spring season and the sun has just entered the Zodiac sign of Aries at 0 degrees from an astrological standpoint, not astronomical. Now appearing to move North on it’s Ecliptic through Aries, Taurus and Gemini, while Earth spins daily and tilts foward, the sun completes it’s first 90 degree cycle. Right around the 21st of June, the Summer solstice occurs and the beginning of a new 90 degree cycle begins. This will be the sun’s highest position in the sky corresponding to the start of the Zodiac sign of Cancer. The sun at this point along the Plane of the Ecliptic has intersected with the Tropic of Cancer as seen from a globe. (See Diagram)

At the Summer Solstice, the Sun moves south another 90 degrees along the Ecliptic, through Cancer, Leo and Virgo until the Plane of the Ecliptic intersects with the Terrestial Equator. This is the point of the Autum Equinox, the beginning of the fall season and Sun astrologically the Sun’s position is at 0 degrees Libra. Once again as the sun moves further south along the Ecliptic Path, another 90 degrees, it passes through the Zodiac Signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Upon reaching it’s lowest point, on or about December 22nd, the sun has now entered the zodiac sign of Capricorn. If we were to look from another perspective, (see diagram) the sun would appear to be in conjunction with the Tropic of Capricorn. This is the start of winter at the solstice. The sun from an astrological perspective will be at 0 degrees of Capricorn and begins to move North as it goes through the Zodiac signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces completing it’s 360 journey along the Plane of the Ecliptic and then intersects with the Terrestial Equator at the Vernal Equinox which is 0 degrees Aries and the start of Spring.

These 4 points, which correspond to the start of each season, are called the 4 Cardinal Ingresses. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are the 4 Cardinal signs of the Zodiac. Perhaps this divine order and cycle of the Sun’s path in relation to the Earths tilt, to and fro, from Tropic of Cancer to Tropic of Capricorn can help to better explaine how our Astrological Zodiac System takes shape and the differences in the Astronomical Constellations as astronomers view them as well as the positions of the planets in each of the signs.

Some things we are unable to see with the naked eye, like a magnetic field. Does this mean it does not exist? As with any science, one must devote years of study and practice, with Trial and Error as a means of discovering any truth.