Competitors will enter as a team of doubles players and compete in 1 game each week. A player may play in only 1 (one) doubles team. Doubles teams can consist of both Male’s and/or Female’s.

Matches will be fixtured by Melbourne University Sport and begin between 12 midday and 2pm.

Matches will be played under the normal rules of tennis unless defined below:

Match Length and Scoring:

Matches start with a 5 minute warm up – followed by 35 minutes of match play.Matches are to be played under the ‘super set’ scoring system.

Each match will consist of one, 10 game super set (first team to 10 wins – you do not need to win by two). Each game will use theNo-Ad Scoring System. That means that in any game, if the game goes to deuce, the next point will win (first team to four points) If the game is tied at 3-3 in points (the equivalent to ‘deuce’), the receiver has the choice for which side to take the serve.

If the 40 minute timeslot end without a match winner, whoever is leading in ‘games won’ after the 40 minute timeslot ends. If the score is tied on games (not service score) at the end of the 40 minutes a draw will be declared.

All matches will be self-umpired and timed and an honor system will be in place.

Order of Service

First service will be decided by a toss of a coin/racket spin/rock paper scissors between 2 players on opposing teams. The winner will decide if to serve or receive. The opposing teams will chose ends.

Order of Receiving

The pair who have to receive service in the first game of each set shall decide which partner will receive the first service. Partners shall receive the service alternately throughout each game and the order will not be altered during the set.


This can be an issue in tennis, making courts unplayable. MU Sport will endeavor to make up games where and if possible, however no compensation will be offered to teams if weather forces cancellation of games. Teams will be informed by 11am on the day of competition if the days round has been cancelled.

Competition Ladder

3 points will be awarded for a win, 1 for a loss and 2 if there is a draw.

Teams will be then ranked on percentage according to games for versus games against