Integrated English Literacy Civics Education (IELCE)Program
as part of a Career Pathway
Name of Applicant/Consortium: Click here to enter text.
If consortium, name of consortium members: Click here to enter text.
Total points possible: 80Maximum number of pages including Budget Narrative: 5
This is separate from maximum number of pages for the other AEFLA Title II, KYAE Skills U funding.
For applicants to be eligible to apply for IELCE program funds (Section 243 funds), the service area for which they are applying for core services funds (Section 231 funds) must have a minimum of 2,000 English language learners (ELL). All ELL is defined as an individual between the ages of 18-64 that speak little to no English at home. The target population is defined by the 2012-2016 American Community Survey (ACS) as not speaking English well or not speaking English at all. See English Language Learners Target Population chart in Grant Requirements for county-level ELL population.
Describe and use headings for each section:
The English Language Learner (ELL) target population for each county within the service area for which they are applying. Additionally provide projected IELCE enrollment for each county as well.
Demonstrated Past Performance
County / Year / Target Population / Enrollment / % of Target Population2017
Projected Performance
County / Year / Target Population / Projected Enrollment2018-19
- Describe the student experience including recruitment, intake and orientation, program design, classes, curriculum, use of technology, roles and responsibilities of staff, and roles and responsibilities of partner service providers.
- Describe how the IELCE program will provide education services to English language learners who are adults, including professionals with degrees and credentials in their native countries that enables such adults to achieve competency in the English language and acquire the basic and more advanced skills needed to function effectively as parents, workers, and citizens in the United States. Describe how such services shall include instruction in literacy and English language acquisition and integrate instruction on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation.
- Describe how IELCE students will transition from English language acquisition to adult basic education (ABE) and integrated education and training opportunities.
Integrated Education and Training (provide description for each IET program offered):
- Describe standards-based academic instruction, including how the following will be accomplished:
- Workforce preparation contextualizing
- Students earning a KESC
- Sector occupational contextualizing
- Co-enrollment in workforce training
- Describe the in-demand sector pathway(s) and why it\they was\wereselected. Who is providing workforce/occupational training? Describe workforce training.
- Describe the recognized credential associated with occupational training.If not applicable, describe how the IET will conclude with the student’s educational and/or career advancement, e.g., educational and occupational competencies.
- Any employer involvement? If so, describe
- Describe how the program will work with workforce partners to place student into unsubsidized employment.