Intermediate Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Title: Christopher Columbus
Author: Goodnough, David
Publisher: Troll Associates
ISBN: 0-89375-162-6 / Genre:
Biography / Text Structure:
Narrative Informational / Level:
Literacy Core Objective: 5th Grade
S2/O2 - Apply strategies to comprehend text.

Social Studies Core Objective:.5th Grade
S1/O1 - Describe and explain the growth and
development of the early American colonies. / Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading
Students will explore the facts and stories about the life of Christopher Columbus and his journeys to the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th Centuries. Students will understand the impact that his discoveries had on both Europeans and Native Americans.
ELL Strategies:
Ask students to share with a partner what they know about Christopher Columbus and then discuss as a group prior to filling in the K and W on the KWL chart. / “I Can Statements” - Essential Questions:
·  What were the intentions behind Columbus's voyages of exploration?
·  What were the consequences of Columbus’s voyages in the lives of Native Americans?
·  What were the consequences of Columbus’s voyages in the lives of Europeans?
Before Reading
Vocabulary: Use the graphic organizer for the vocabulary. Word, Kid friendly definition, and sketch. You may want to do the vocabulary in sections each day.
bustling (p.6) navigate (p.8) ambition (p.16) destiny (p.23) spurred (p.32)
toiled (p.6) fleet (p.9) monastery (p.19) astounded (p.24) devoured (p.33)
vowed (p.6) inherited (p.14) influence (p.20) headway (p.31) prospered (p.47)
Activate/Build Prior Knowledge:
Have students create their own KWL chart by folding a sheet of paper in thirds and labeling the 3 columns KWL. Have students fill in the K section with as much knowledge of Christopher Columbus that they already know. Then have students fill in the W section with ideas or questions that they watnt to know about Christopher Columbus. Click on the following link and then click on the PowerPoint titled, Christopher Columbus (nebo). Review the PowerPoint with the students. Have students add anything they learned to the L column and any new questions spurred by the presentation to the W column.
Comprehension Strategy:
Sequence of Events
During Reading
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Using appropriate Guided reading strategies, students will be reading at their own pace and teachers will be listening to students read, monitoring, giving feedback, taking anecdotal notes and running records.
Suggested Pacing:
Day 1 – p. 5-17 - Preparation to be a Mariner Day 3 – p. 29-38 - The Voyage
Day 2 – p. 18-28 - Seeking Support Day 4 – p. 39-48 – Other Voyages
Encourage students to continue completing the KWL chart as they read. Also have students make an ordered list of important events and dates in the life of Christopher Columbus to help in the assessment activity below.
After Reading
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Discuss the students’ KWL charts. Review the W column and determine if the answers were found and written in the L column or if further research needs to be done to find answers. If further research is needed, guide students to resources that will aid in helping them find the answers to their questions.
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.)
Create an interactive timeline of the life of the life of Christopher Columbus at: / Activities:
· Christopher Columbus Readers Theatre
· Additional ideas/lessons/activities can be found at the Columbus Day site at:

*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete. However, all students should be reading each time you meet.

Name ______Date ______


Word: ______

Definition: ______



Word: ______

Definition: ______



Word: ______

Definition: ______



Word: ______

Definition: ______

