Healthy living is much more than eating healthy and being physically active. Healthy living is living life to it’s fullest. It’s participating in activities you love. It’s eating foods you enjoy. Healthy living is making sure your choices match your values. Too often we are caught up in what needs to get done whether it’s taking care of the house, the family, or our jobs that we don’t take time to stop and smell the roses! Healthy living is finding a balance between work, home, and self. This does not mean the time is equally spent, rather that each area of our life is fulfilling and rewarding. Healthy living is more about quality than quantity! Healthy living is forgiveness of self and others. Healthy living involves your mind, body and spirit.
The Easy Buttons to Healthy Living: Arbonne Product Benefits
Protein ~ Replacement or Recovery
- Brown Rice, Yellow Pea, Cranberry ~ beneficial and unique (brown rice is known for digestibility and non-allergenic properties, pea curbs cravings and helps control appetite, and cranberry provides antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties)
- 20 grams of protein higher than other vegan proteins per serving
- Comparable to Whey / complete protein highly absorbable ~ more digestible and non-allergenic (non dairy, non gmo, free from gluten, non soy
Fiber ~ Soluble
- Used with protein, baking/cooking or even in water
- Balances blood sugar
- Avg American gets less than 8 grams per day, 32 is recommended
Fizz Sticks
- Replacement for acidic beverages like coffee and soda
- As many antioxidants as 4 cups of green tea
- B vitamins, Rhodiola, ECGC ~ provide mental clarity, energy and antioxidants
- Use in tea, on ice or during a workout for an extra boost
Body Cleanse
- Extremely gentle intestinal cleanse
- Helps kick start the system while changing food and eating healthier
- Helps the GI tract to flush the icky stuff that has been leftover in the colon for far too long (like taking the green side of a sponge and cleaning out the disposal
- Made with over 30 sea ingredients that act like little scrubbers
Detox Tea ~
- Decaffeinated so you can have it anytime hot or cold
- Milk Thistle and Dandelion Root uniquely provided together
- Provides liver and kidney support while you are shedding toxins and water weight
Digestion Plus ~ simply a MUST for EVERYONE
- Probiotics are important in everyday life
- Most disease and illness starts in the gut
- Probiotics protect the digestive system and increase nutrient absorption
- 90% of serotonin presides in the gut ~ controlling mood, sexual desire, sleep patterns, memory, appetite
- Arbonne digestion plus can survive the acid environment in the gut and is made highly absorbable with inclusion of enzymes (refrigerated probiotics are not able to survive stomach acid to get to small intestine to do their work)