Family Handbook
Creative Kids Learning Center, Inc.
991 Main Street
Suite 103
Holbrook, NY 11741
Director: Sheri Zilinskas, M.S. Ed./S.D.A.
Phone: (631) 585-1097
Fax: (631) 585-1301
Facebook Page:
The Preschool Where Kids PLAY to Learn!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Creative Kids Center, Inc. Thank you for choosing us to provide your child’s preschool education. We are committed to providing for your child a high quality and developmentally appropriate preschool education combined with a nurturing and loving environment.
Our program offers a wide variety of exciting, stimulating activities on a daily basis in order to help your child develop to the best of his/her ability in the five critical early childhood developmental domains: cognition, communication, social/emotional, physical (fine motor and gross motor) and self-help/adaptive.
This handbook contains information regarding our program. You will find many of our policies and operating procedures explained here. We suggest that you keep this handbook for reference throughout the school year. If you have any questions that you feel have not been addressed here, please feel free to speak with me at any time. My staff and I look forward to working with you and your child.
Sheri Zilinskas, M.S. Ed./S.D.A.
Owner/Educational Director
Director’s Experience
Master’s Degree in Special Education (1996)
Professional Diploma in School District Administration (since 2000)
Permanent NYS Certification in Special Education PreK-12 (since 1996)
Permanent NYS Certification in Elementary Education PreK-6 (since 2001)
Permanent NYS Certification in Secondary English Education 7-12 (since 2001)
Special Educator: AHRC Sagtikos Educare working with B-21 years (1995-2000)
Special Educator: Just Kids Early Learning Center with B-5 years (2000-2004)
Independent Contractor providing Early Intervention & Preschool services (2004-present)
Adjunct Lecturer, Child Study Department at St. Joseph’s College (2006-2014)
Home instruction tutor with Syosset Home Tutoring 2014-2015
Member of the following professional associations:
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Part One: About the Center
At Creative Kids Center our goal is to provide a safe, nurturing, and educational environment for children ages 2-5. Our play-based, emergent curriculum allows children to explore and participate at their own pace.
We recognize that each child has unique talents, learning styles and personalities. Our highly qualified teachers and staff are committed to working within each child’s comfort zone to optimize developmental success.
We offer high quality educational programming for your child by providing:
A safe, nurturing environment.
A learning environment with tremendous opportunities to explore the world in which we live.
Learning and growth is encouraged through play so that children may strengthen muscles, build coordination, stretch their imaginations, and most of all, have fun!
Children are naturally curious and the early years provide a prime opportunity to encourage the love of life-long learning.
An environment where the child’s natural desire to learn is stimulated through meaningful, appropriate, and playful learning experiences, one that meets the needs of each child as an individual.
We believe that children should be allowed to grow at their own pace and to learn in ways that encourage them to become confident.
Respect toward self, others and the environment will be emphasized.
We believe in the value of both structured and non-structured activities.
An appropriate approach to discipline.
Children are taught which behaviors are inappropriate, and why, and given acceptable alternatives. In this way, the behavior is being changed, without making the child feel “bad” or unloved. This helps develop their self-esteem and teaches them how to handle difficult situations for themselves in the future.
At Creative Kids Center, we embrace both contemporary and traditional approaches to learning as we nurture the whole child. Our unique approach to early childhood education includes a multi age classroom where children are respected and recognized as capable, competent and creative individuals. We believe children are the curriculum and are therefore, continually enhancing and reflecting on our practices in order to ensure the children are provided with a high quality educational program.
Creative Kids Center endeavors to grow lifelong learners. In our responsive learning environment, activities are personalized according to the individual needs and unique strengths of each child. Choices are encouraged. Learning is directed by child interest. Children are invited to explore while utilizing all of their senses. Offering a flexible transition process tailored to their individual needs allows us to follow the child’s pace. Our highly qualified staff collaborates as a team in order to facilitate, support and encourage children during their formative years.
Additionally, we pride ourselves on offering a parent-friendly, affordable and flexible program in a safe, comfortable environment. We genuinely care about our relationship with your child, your family and each other.
Our teaching staff includes NYS certified teachers with a Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in Education.
Our teacher assistants/aides include students enrolled in a NYS approved early childhood program and/or NYS certified teacher assistants &/or experienced teacher aides.
Part Two: Enrollment
Children must be two by 12/1 of the present school year to enroll.
Proof of current required immunizations.
Complete all forms and pay required fees.
Enrollment is granted without discrimination in regard to gender, race, color, religion, or beliefs.
We welcome students who receive early intervention and preschool special services along with their SEIT providers and/or related service therapists.
- Please inform the Director beforehand and provide the full name of the teacher/therapist who will visit our facility.
- The teacher/therapist will be required to show appropriate identification upon arrival for the safety of our children and staff.
The following forms must be completed prior to attendance. Additionally, these forms need to be updated annually.
Registration form
Enrollment Contract
About Your Child
Child Information
Health records
Immunization records
Parent consent forms
Please note that all records are confidential.
If information needs to be updated at any other point, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the director in writing.
Hours/Days of Operation and Fees
We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30-3:00.
Flexible hours are available upon request.
We follow the Sachem School District calendar. A schedule of holidays/vacations is attached.
- In case of severe weather, if Sachem is closed, we will be closed.
- If Sachem has a delayed opening, we will make every effort to open, but please be aware it might not always be possible to do so.
- Please note that there are no refunds for unexpected closings. We will make up snow days following the Sachem School District calendar.
Additionally, there are no refunds or make-up days for absences due to illness, vacations, etc.
The following programs are available:
Toddlers (2 hours):
5 days - 9:30-11:30 or 1:00-3:00 $2500 per year ($260/month for 10 months)
4 days - 9:30-11:30 or 1:00-3:00 $2200 per year ($240/month for 10 months)
3 days - 9:30-11:30 or 1:00-3:00 $2200 per year ($220/month for 10 months)
2 days - 9:30-11:30 or 1:00-3:00 $2000 per year ($200/month for 10 months)
Multi Age Program (3 hours):
5 days - 8:30-11:30 or 12:00-3:00 $3000 per year ($300/month for 10 months)
4 days - 8:30-11:30 or 12:00-3:00 $2700 per year ($270/month for 10 months)
3 days - 8:30-11:30 or 12:00-3:00 $2400 per year ($240/month for 10 months)
2 days - 8:30-11:30 or 12:00-3:00 $2100 per year ($210/month for 10 months)
Payment Policy
There is an annual registration fee of $50 due upon enrollment. Classes are kept to a low student-teacher ratio. Your spot will be reserved upon payment of the registration fee.
The first payment is due at registration and is allocated for June’s tuition.
- The registration fee and June tuition payment is non-refundable except for children who are accepted into their school district UPK program.
- A copy of the acceptance letter must be provided to the Director within one week of acceptance date in order to receive a refund.
Preschool tuition fees are paid in advance on a monthly basis. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month, except for September, which is due on the first day of school. Payment obligation is based on the sessions agreed to attend in the contract, not on actual attendance. There is no change in fee due to child absences. If a child is absent or we are closed on the payment due date, you are responsible to make payment as agreed on your child’s next date of attendance.
A personal check or cash will be accepted for payment, however, returned checks will incur a $30 fee. Additionally, because we are unable to use these funds the late fee for payment also applies. After two returned checks, all further payments must be made in cash. Non-payment or consistent late payments is cause for immediate termination. Checks should be made out to Creative Kids Center, Inc.
Late payments – A $10 late payment fee (per child) applies for any payment not received by the 10th of the month. If payment is not received by the 15th of the month, an additional $10.00 fee will be charged. After the 20th of the month, your child will not be permitted to return to preschool until both the payment and the late fee are paid in full.
We offer a 10% discount for tuition paid in full for the school year.
We offer a discount for sibling enrollment. Please speak with Director regarding rate.
- Discounts may not be combined.
Changes in Enrollment
If for any reason you should decide to withdraw your child from the program prior to the end of the school year, the June tuition payment is forfeited and will not be refunded.
Part Three: Creative Kids Center Policies and Procedures
Arrival and Pick-Up
Children must be escorted into the building.
It is not uncommon for children to experience separation anxiety when being dropped off at preschool, especially in the early days. Separation can be stressful for both the parent and the child. Please help us make this transition easier by adhering to the following guidelines:
- Try not to sneak out without saying goodbye to your child. This sometimes leads to distrust on the part of the child.
- Give your child a good-bye kiss and hug, say “I love you,” explain that it is time for you to leave and that you will return later.
- As difficult as it may be, make your good-bye short and sweet even if your child is crying. The longer the goodbye, the longer the child will cry.
- Our teachers are trained to handle these difficult but typical occurrences. We will comfort your child and involve him/her in an activity. It may last a day, a week, or more but most of the time, your child will stop crying before you leave the parking lot. Children generally adapt easier than we give them credit for. It is usually much harder on the parents than it is on the child.
- Please do not linger after you have said goodbye as this can confuse your child and prolong the crying.
Children must be picked up on time. Late pick ups will result in a late pick up fee of $5 for every 5 minutes after 11:35 a.m. or 3:05 p.m. Of course at times, there are extenuating circumstances. Please call the school or text the Director to explain the situation and when your child can expect to be picked up.
Please try to notify us if a child will not be attending or will be late on a particular day.
Authorization to release child
Children will be released only to those persons listed on the appropriate documents.
Identification will be required of any person picking up the child.
The Director/Teacher should be notified in advance, in writing, if someone other than the parent is to pick up your child.
In the event of a discrepancy, the child will be detained until the parent can be contacted by telephone.
If a person is not on the list, you must provide a written note with your signature during drop off or your child will not be released to that person.
Temporary changes for the child’s release CANNOT be authorized via telephone.
We have to assume that both parents have the right to pick up your child, unless a copy of a court order stating otherwise is submitted. If there are custodial issues, please provide the Director with a legal custody agreement to keep on file. We will need to discuss how it should be handled if the non-custodial parent arrives to pick up your child. Without a copy of the court order, we cannot refuse a parent. If a court order is on file and a non-custodial parent tries to pick up the child, we will immediately call the custodial parent. If the non-custodial parent leaves with the child, we will immediately call the police and report the situation. We will not place the other children at risk in a confrontation with the non-custodial parent.
It is very important that your child arrives home safely. Therefore, if the person who arrives to pick up your child appears intoxicated or otherwise incapable of bringing your child home safely, we will call the parent or emergency contact person listed on the “Child Information Form” to request their assistance. If the situation occurs a second time, it will be grounds for terminating our preschool contract.
Behavior Management
Teachers will manage behavior in a non-punitive, age appropriate manner. Staff is trained in the process of positive discipline, which instructs children as to what they should do rather than telling them what not to do. For example, "Walking feet" rather than "No running."
Children will learn self-control by observing the natural consequences of their behavior. Teachers will quickly intervene if a problem occurs and redirect the child to a more appropriate activity. Language is utilized to help identify their feelings and learn to deal with them in a socially acceptable manner.
Children are encouraged to learn problem-solving skills and become self-correcting. They are given the opportunity to choose alternatives that will enable them to participate in a socially acceptable manner without reinforcing their negative behavior. For example, if a child is having difficulty sitting quietly during a story, he/she will be asked to do a puzzle or draw a picture until they feel they are ready to rejoin the group.
The safe place is a quiet, cozy place in the classroom a child can go when they are feeling upset, sad, or just want to be alone. The safe place contains a Calm Down Kit with items and visual supports to help a child calm down.
We use Green and Red Choices to teach students appropriate (green) behaviors. It is our goal for students to be happy, confident learners who can problem solve and work collaboratively with others. Being able to make good (green) choices when they are alone and interacting with others is a big part of that.
Staff will use positive reinforcement while supervising children, encouraging them to cooperate and continue using appropriate behaviors. Children will be redirected to an alternate activity if their behavior continues to be inappropriate.
- For example, when a child is doing something that could hurt others, themselves, or destroying property and choosing not to use problem-solving techniques, teachers will continue to be an active listener and support the child with conflict resolution.
- If a child's behavior is unmanageable within a group setting, parents will be consulted and an individual behavior plan implemented.
No child shall be subject to physical punishment, humiliated, frightened, verbally abused, or denied food, rest or bathroom facilities. Children will never be disciplined for toileting accidents, sleep habits, or food consumption. Any violation of this discipline policy should be reported to the Director immediately. All staff employed byCreative Kids Center is selected with the greatest of care.
Birthday Parties
We love birthdays and are delighted to celebrate your child’s special day. Please speak with your child’s teacher prior to the birthday to make arrangements.
If you would like to distribute birthday party invitations in school, either the entire class, or all the boys or all the girls must be invited. It is very hurtful to a child’s self-esteem when he/she is left out of an activity.
Child Abuse and Neglect Procedure
All staff members are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. We are required by law to report suspected abuse and neglect.
Communication is key to a successful preschool program. The family and provider need to have a good working relationship so they can communicate and work together. Family and teacher need to exchange pertinent information in the child’s life such as changes in routine, special events, or activities, as well as changes such as death, divorce, separation, moving, visitors, etc. All of this information can be important in understanding the child’s feelings, behavior, and well-being.
Additionally, communication between home and school is extremely important in order to ensure the success of your child. Please feel free to discuss any concerns you have with your child's teacher. It may not be possible for you to have a long conversation at drop-off or pick-up times as the teachers are responsible for all of the children in their class. If you have a special concern, a meeting or phone conference may be arranged.
Creative Kids Center will keep parents apprised of our activities and events via newsletters posted on our website ( and posts on our Facebook page ( Please be sure to “like” our FB page and check the website and FB frequently.The FB page is not always reliable and posts might not display on your timeline. The more you interact with our FB page, the more posts you will see on your personal page. If you would prefer a paper newsletter, please inform your child’s teacher.
- If you have a smartphone, please download the free Brightwheel and Remind 101 apps. If you have supplied us with your email, you should have received an invitation to Brightwheel. Brightwheel allows us to share pictures of your child with you privately if you would rather us not post on social media.