
Grade By Name

Chapter 11 – The Civil War

Sections 3 & 4– Life During the War & Turning Points in the War

A. Key Terms

Directions: From the bank below, choose the term that best fits each description. For any terms that are NOT used, write an original, brief definition on the last page of this assignment packet or on a separate sheet of paper.

a. income tax

b. bond

c. Homestead Act

d. conscription

e. Copperhead

f. habeas corpus

g. inflation

h. Clara Barton

_____1.an action of Congress that made western land available for a low price

_____2.a right that states a person cannot be detained without being charged with a specific crime

_____3.a system that requires military service

_____4.a certificate sold by the government that promises more money later

_____5.an amount of money paid to the government based on a person’s earnings

_____6.a person from the North who wanted to end the Civil War

B. Key Concepts

Directions: Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____7. What did the United States Treasury create when the Legal Tender Act was passed in 1862?

a. a new coin

b. the banking system

c. Confederate money

d. a common national currency

_____8. During the Civil War, the South’s economy

a. improved.

b. remained stable.

c. deteriorated.

d. declined and then grew.

_____9. What risk did a soldier face if he survived being wounded in a Civil War battle?

a. dying from disease

b. being forgotten

c. losing his pay

d. being dishonorably discharged

_____10. What profession grew substantially with women’s participation in the Civil War?

a. banking

b. nursing

c. governing

d. cooking

Directions: Circle the word in parentheses that best completes the sentence. For any terms that are NOT used, write an original, brief definition on the last page of this assignment packet

11. Capturing the Confederate stronghold at (Vicksburg/Gettysburg) on the Mississippi River was a key part of the Union’s strategy.

12. A battle at (Gettysburg/Fredricksburg) devastated Confederate forces and was a turning point in the Civil War.

13. When a military position is under (siege/total war), the enemy has surrounded the troops and cut off all supplies.

14. The last failed Confederate attack in the battle at Gettysburg was led by General (George Pickett/William Tecumseh Sherman).

15. The concept of (total war/surprise attack) was used to weaken the South’s troops, economic interests, and will to fight.

16. Union general (William Tecumseh Sherman/George Pickett) led an aggressive campaign through the South that destroyed much of Georgia.

Directions: Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____17. The Union gained control of the Mississippi River when troops captured

a. Gettysburg.

b. Vicksburg.

c. Georgia.

d. Chancellorsville.

_____18. After the Battle of Gettysburg, the South

a. never again fought on Union soil.

b. mounted one last march into the North.

c. surrendered immediately.

d. refused to retreat.

_____19. After 1863, what did General Grant want to do even if it meant thousands of Union soldiers would be killed?

a. wait for Confederate troops to attack

b. experiment with new war technologies

c. crush large numbers of Confederate troops

d. disregard his troops’ needs

_____20. What did Union forces decide to attack in their effort to demoralize the

South after 1863?

a. enslaved people

b. Confederate monuments

c. political leaders

d. military and civilian targets