Civil War Internet Scavenger Hunt SLAUGHTER

NAME ______

Instructions – Click on the links, answer the questions on this document, save the documents with the answers, print out and submit WITH THE ANSWERS.

  1. What were the economic, cultural and constitutional differences between the North and South?

North / South
Differences / factories, favored taxes that protected them from foreign competition / large plantations, opposed taxes that would raise prices and hurt sales to New England states
money not plentiful, but developing / prospered from farming tobacco & cotton
Cultural Differences / freedom for slaves / depended on slavery
urban society, people held jobs / lived in small villages and on farms
Constitutional Differences / Strong central government, wanted the nation to stay together / State's rights important (secession)
  1. Compare the North and the South by answering the following questions:
  2. Which region had the highest population?
  3. Which region had the highest slave population?
  4. Which region had more major cities?
  5. Where were most of the manufacturing plants located?
  6. Which region seemed to rely the most on agriculture?
  7. If you relied heavily on rail transportation, where would you want to live?
  8. What was the Great Awakening? How did churches attract people to join?
  9. What other reform movements did the Great Awakening lead to?
  10. Slavery in New England!
  11. Many historians believe that the main cause of the Civil War was slavery. According to this timeline, which British colony legalized slavery in 1641?
  12. A Necessary Compromise?
  13. Slavery was an unsettled issue right from our nation’s start. What was the name of the compromise that convinced slave-holding Southern states to join the Union?
  14. How did this invention help fuel the need for slavery?
  15. Keeping the Balance
  16. In 1820, another compromise was made to keep a balance of power between the slave and free states. What were the provisions of the Missouri Compromise?
  17. Capturing Runaways
  18. Still another compromise over slavery was needed in 1850 to hold the Union together. In return for admitting California as a free state, what new law did Southern states receive?
  19. Bidding for Slaves
  20. This drawing and story below depicts the method used to sell many slaves. How do the drawing and the story depict the buying and selling of slaves?
  21. What is the Doctrine of Nullification? Why did the South create it?
  22. Slavery and the Supreme Court
  23. What is the name and the ruling of this case?
  24. What happened in Kansas after the Kansas-Nebraska Act was put in place? What do they call Kansas at this time?What is popular sovereignty?
  25. Why was the Wilmot Proviso so important?
  26. Massachusetts Senator Caned!
  27. The debate over slavery became violent even before the Civil War began - and in some surprising places! Where was U.S. Senator Charles Sumner almost beaten to death?
  28. John Brown's Raid
  29. One of the immediate causes of the Civil War was John Brown’s raid. What was the goal of and reaction to this raid?
  30. Red State or Blue State?
  31. Why was the Election of 1860 a cause of the Civil War?
  32. (Click on “election results” then Click on General Year go to the election of 1860)
  33. Write down the voting percentages in the popular and the Electoral College for the following three candidates for President.
  34. Lincoln pop. Vote % ______electoral vote % ______
  35. Breckinridgepop. Vote% ______electoral vote % ______
  36. Bellpop. Vote% ______electoral vote % ______
  37. Douglaspop. Vote% ______electoral vote % ______
  38. The Union Dissolved!
  39. Locate December 20, 1860 on this timeline. Which was the first state to secede from the United States of America on that date?
  40. List some of the causes of the Civil War.
  41. The Confederate President
  42. What was the name of the city in the South which became the capital of the Confederacy, and where Jefferson Davis served as its President?
  43. The States Take Sides
  44. Here’s a map of how the Civil War divided the nation. Which states joined the Confederacy? Which states were called Border States? Besides California, which other western state remained loyal to the Union?
  45. War Begins!
  46. The Confederate attack on Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC signaled the start of the Civil War. What problem did Abraham Lincoln face when he entered office regarding Fort Sumter? What did Jefferson do? What ended up happening?
  47. Union Strategy
  48. Part of the Union’s war strategy was to prevent the South from selling its cotton and receiving supplies by sea. What tactic did the Union use to accomplish this goal?
  1. What were some of the major battles fought, when and where were they located?
  2. Who were some of the generals for the Confederacy? For the Union?
  1. The Turning Point
  2. A 3-day battle in July of 1863 marked the turning point of the war. Near what small Pennsylvania town did Union forces turn back Lee’s 2nd invasion of the North? Why is it so significant?
  3. Four Score and Seven Years Ago
  4. Read this short speech that President Lincoln made at the dedication of the cemetery at Gettysburg. What famous final words did he use to describe our government?
  5. Who did the Emancipation Proclamation really affect?
  6. What was the Underground Railroad?
  7. History For Your Eyes
  8. Browse through these Civil War photos (click to enlarge). Choose one you think is especially good and create a title for it. (Click “Part II” at bottom to see more photos.)
  9. Click on Civil War Index then Click on Medicine Click on Medicine in the American Civil War
  10. Why did the soft lead slugs cause such damage to the human body that the wounds were beyond hope to repair?
  11. Battlefield Amputations
  12. Amputation of arm or leg was the most common surgery performed during the Civil War. Read this vivid description. How long did the average battlefield amputation take?
  13. Lincoln and Civil Liberties
  14. (Scroll to “Suspension of Habeas Corpus“) During the Civil War, Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus - the right of an arrested person to be brought before a _?_.
  15. Paragraph # (-9 x –9) /27= ?
  16. How much did it cost to get out of the draft?
  17. Mass 54th Honored
  18. The Massachusetts 54th, the Civil War’s first African American regiment, is honored by the monument shown here (click to enlarge). Where in Boston is it located?
  19. Confederate Soldiers in Boston!
  20. During the Civil War, Confederate prisoners of war were held at a fort which was located in Boston. It can still be visited today. What is its name?
  21. Women at War
  22. Here are some of the women of the Civil War. Click on the photo of Clara Barton. What famous organization did this “angel of the battlefield” establish?
  23. Civil War Songs
  24. Scan this list of Civil War songs. Name one of the song titles which you recognize.
  25. Counting Up the Losses
  26. With the end of the war, both sides mourned their losses. Here’s a list of the casualties at many of the major battles. What was the total number of casualties at Gettysburg?
  27. Lincoln's Final Hours
  28. Lincoln’s last day and final hours are detailed here. Scroll down to 10 pm. What injury did Booth suffer when he leaped to the stage after shooting the president?
  29. Slavery Outlawed
  30. One of the results of the Union victory in the Civil War was to end slavery in the United States. Which amendment to the Constitution outlawed slavery?
  31. Reconstruction President
  32. Here’s a picture gallery of U.S. Presidents. What was the name of the vice-president who succeeded Lincoln and became our 17th president?