Goal 11.5 Technological Innovations

·  Radio-

·  NASA-

·  National Defense-

·  Dr. Jonas Salk-

·  John Glen-

·  Neil Armstrong-

·  Interstates-

·  Suburbanization of America-

·  Computers, Calculators, Silicon Valley, ICBM’s, Hydrogen Bombs, Color T.V.s, Microwave technology, Nuclear Power, Commercial Jet Travel

·  End 11.5

11.1-Effects of the Cold War

·  Big Picture-

·  Bomb Shelters-

·  “Duck and Cover”-

·  National Securities Act 1947-

·  Senator Joseph McCarthy- falsely accused 1000’s of being Communist, and we believed him (they were victims of McCARTHYISM, we were paranoid

·  Hollywood Hit List-

·  Alger Hiss-

·  Selective Service Act-

·  The “New Left”-

·  Julius & Ethel Rosenberg-

·  Sputnik-

Other Stuff from the 50’s

Elvis, Rock-n-Roll, T.V.’s, Beat-Nik’s, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe,

Mickey Mantle, Shopping Centers, Suburbs, High-Ways, Interstates, Roller Skates, Hot-Rods, “Cruising”, Sock-Hops, Hoop Skirts, Penny Loafers,

Babies, Babies, Babies, Babies, Babies, lots and lots and lots of Babies end 11.1

11.2  The Civil Rights Movement

·  Brown vs. Board of Ed.-

·  Rosa Parks-

·  Martin Luther King-

·  Montgomery Bus Boycott-

·  Freedom Riders-

·  “The Little-Rock 9”-

·  “Sit-Ins”-

·  S.N.C.C.- (Snick)

·  C.O.R.E.-

·  The 1963 March on Washington-

Other prominent people of the Movement

·  Earl Warren-

·  Thurgood Marshall-

·  George Wallace-

·  James Merideth-

·  Stokely Carmichael-

·  Malcom X-

·  The Black Panthers-

·  Civil Rights Act 1964-

·  Voting Rights Act 1965-

·  Emmett Till

End 11.2

Solve the problem: You are the President of the United States and you see another Civil War coming in America. What would you have done to solve the racial tensions that were “boiling over” in America. Please be realistic.

11.3  Other Social Movements of the late 50’s and 1960’s

Big Picture: Many groups (who were long denied Equality) made their “move” in the 1960’s. People had to understand that THINGS WERE CHANGING & times were forever going to be different. Get used to it.

·  Women’s Liberation Mvt.-

·  N.O.W.-

·  Gloria Steinam-

·  Phyllis Shafy-

·  Betty Friedam’s “Feminine Mystique”-

·  E.R.A. amendment-

·  Roe vs. Wade-

·  The Beetles-

·  Haight-Ashbury –

·  Those “Hippies” ??????-

·  Woodstock-

·  Cezar Chavez-

·  Amn. Indian Mvt.-

·  Clean Air Act-

·  Clean Water Act-

·  E.P.A.-

End 11.3 test 11.5,1,2,3

11.6 Political events, actions and reactions, consequences

John F. Kennedy –

Big Picture: When JFK took office in ____, America was set for a “ ______”. He was younger, intelligent, progressive, rich, war hero ______, Pulitzer, hansom, and he married well. He had cut-away from being a “ ______” and he was the leader of THE FREE WORLD. We had Hopes and dreams for our nation’s future.

·  Peace Corp.-

·  V.I.S.T.A.-

·  Nat’l Endowment to the Humanities- JFK was a lover of the ______and gave $$$$ to build the ______to promote them.

Kennedy’s biggest disaster- ______

·  ______

·  ______* ______

·  ______

Kennedy’s biggest Triumph ______

·  ______* ______

·  ______* ______

·  ______* ______

·  ______

The Assassination: Dallas-Nov. 23, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald, Casket removed,

Single-Bullet- theory, Phones, Grassy Knoll, Brain was lost,

Ruby’s motive, Oswald’s quote, Warren Report.

Result: America starts to mistrust the American gov’t and have doubts

11.6  Lyndon Baynes Johnson (LBJ) and the ______


Big Picture: LBJ was a professional politician. He had a huge desire to make his place in our history books & would stop at nothing to obtain that.

1.  ______and the ______

2.  Great Society

3.  War Hawk ______

·  He made what he thought was the ______concerning all 3 of these. However, #2 and #3 had horrible long range consequences for which he is known for.

·  The Great Society-

·  H.U.D.- Dept. of Housing & Urban Development, looked into developing


·  Head Start-

·  Medicare-

·  Medicaid-

·  Welfare-

Question- What would be / are the negative aspects of all this “Assisting” LBJ wanted to do for the less-fortunate in America?

Know This:

Johnson wanted to march into Viet Nam and quickly defeat them. He and others ______

End 11.6

11.4  Viet Nam 1963-75


·  Who- ______(supported by the Americans)


______who were ______

supported by the ______

·  Why- North V. invaded South V. to spread communism. We followed our policy of ______and we had a reputation that was being challenged.

Read the Big Picture off the Pwr Pt.

·  JFK sent 1500 ______to SVN to train & advise them

·  LBJ was a war hawk and ______

·  The Beginning: Gulf of Tonkin Incident-

·  Tonkin Resolution-

·  Robert MacNamara-

·  General Westmoreland-

·  Ho Chi Minh

The Many Controversies

·  Living Room War-

·  Underestimation-

·  Napalm-

·  LBJ’s delimma-

·  Poor support-

·  Distractions at home-

·  LBJ’s Proclamation-

·  Walter Cronkite’s report-

·  TET Offensive-

·  Election 1968-

·  My Lai Massacre-

·  Pentagon Papers-

·  Kent State-

·  Draft Dodgers-

·  Cambodia 7 Laos-

·  Slow withdraw-

1973- Paris peace Accords-

1975 The fall of Saigon

What would have been a plausible solution?

Richard Nixon

Visits China-

Watergate Scandal-

End 11