Programme Descriptions for the Electrical Trades, 2006
Basic study in the electrical trades (GR) 80 credits
Basic study in the electrical trades provides a general trade-oriented basic education for specialised learning in electrical trades, i.e. electronics, electrotechnics, electro-mechanic technics, electric distribution technics and film projection technology It is moreover a prerequisite for enrolment into specialised study in those fields. The average duration of study is four semesters in a school.
General subjects23 credits
Foreign languagesENS 102 DAN 102 + 4 credits8 credits
IcelandicÍSL 102 2024 credits
AthleticsÍÞR 101 111 201 2114 credits
Life skillsLKN 103/101 111 1213 credits
MathematicsSTÆ 102 122 4 credits
Specialised subjects57 credits
Electronics and measurementsRTM 102 202 3026 credits
Electric installationsRAL 103 203 302 40210 credits
Electric theory and measurementsRAM 103 203 303 40312 credits
First aidSKY 1011 credits
Controls and logical circuitsSTR 102 202 302 4028 credits
Computers and network technology TNT 102 202 303 40310 credits
Introduction to practical
electric technologyVGR 102 202 303 40310 credits
Film projection technology (KS) 92 credits
Vocational study on a contractual basis
The main objective of the study programme is to provide students with knowledge and skill in cinematic film projection technology. The average duration of study is two and a half years, including basic study in the electrical trades. Basic study is followed by vocational study in the workplace, amounting to 12 credit units. This incorporates a minimum of 300 projection hours over six months.
General subjects23 credits
Foreign languagesENS 102 DAN 102 + 4 credits8 credits
IcelandicÍSL 102 2024 credits
AthleticsÍÞR 101 111 201 2114 credits
Life skillsLKN 103/101 111 1213 credits
MathematicsSTÆ 102 122 4 credits
Specialised subjects57 credits
Electronics and measurementsRTM 102 202 3026 credits
Electric installationsRAL 103 203 302 40210 credits
Electric theory and measurementsRAM 103 203 303 40312 credits
First aidSKY 1011 credits
Controls and logical circuitsSTR 102 202 302 4028 credits
Computers and network technologyTNT 102 202 303 40310 credits
Introduction to practical
electric technologyVGR 102 202 303 40310 credits
Vocational training 12 weeks12 credits
Electronic engineering (RE8)164 credits
Technical study in a vocational study programme
Electronic engineering is a certified trade. The main objective of the study programme is to provide students with the knowledge and skill to carry out tasks that electronic engineers perform in their work, particularly the installation, maintenance and repair of communications systems and electronic equipment, user equipment and computer equipment in private homes, businesses and organisations, as well as electronic equipment in sea, air and land vehicles. The average duration of study is four years, including basic study in the electrical trades, a total of seven semesters in a school and 24 weeks of vocational training. The programme concludes with a journeyman’s examination that provides qualifications to work in the trade and to enter a course of study leading to a master’s examination.
General subjects26 credits
Foreign languagesENS 102 DAN 102 + 4 credits8 credits
IcelandicÍSL 102 2024 credits
AthleticsÍÞR 101 111 201 211+37 credits
Life skillsLKN 103/101 111 1213 credits
MathematicsSTÆ 102 122 4 credits
Specialised subjects, compulsory 110 credits
Communications technologyFJS 104 204 30412 credits
Local Area NetworksNET 103 203 3039 credits
Electronic equipmentRAB 104 204 30412 credits
Electronics and measurementsRTM 102 202 3026 credits
Electric installationsRAL 103 203 302 40210 credits
Electric theory and measurementsRAM 103 203 303 40312 credits
First aidSKY 1011 credits
Construction and design of
electronic devicesSMH 104 2048 credits
Digital technology and automationSTS 104 204 30412 credits
Controls and logical circuits STR 102 202 302 4028 credits
Computers and network systemsTNT 102 202 303 40310 credits
Methods and techniquesVGR 102 202 303 40310 credits
Specialised subjects, electives4 credits
Communications systemsBOT 104
Construction and design of
electronic devicesSMH 304
Programmable logic controlesSTR 503
Recording technology,
sound/imagesUHM 104
Vocational training 24 weeks24 credits
Electric distribution technics (RT9) 163 credits
Technical study on a contractual basis
Electric distribution technics is a certified trade. The main objective of the study programme is for students to gain the knowledge and understanding needed to perform the work of electric distribution technicians, particularly the set-up, measurements, maintenance and repair of electric installations and equipment, for the transfer and distribution of electrical energy from the production plant to the end user. The average duration of study is four years including basic study in the electrical trades, a total of six semesters in a school and 48 weeks of vocational training. The study programme concludes with a journeyman’s examination that provides qualifications to work in the trade and to enter a study programme leading to a master’s examination.
General subjects25 credits
Foreign languagesENS 102 DAN 102 + 4 credits8 credits
IcelandicÍSL 102 2024 credits
AthleticsÍÞR 101 111 201 211+26 credits
Life skillsLKN 103/101 111 1213 credits
MathematicsSTÆ 102 122 4 credits
Specialised subjects90credits
Statics and materials technologyBUR 1033 credits
Programmable installationsFRL 103 2036 credits
High voltage technologyHST 1033 credits
The power distribution systemODK 1022 credits
Electronics and measurementsRTM 102 202 3026 credits
Electric installations diagramsRLT 102 202 4 credits
Electric installationsRAL 103 203 302 40210 credits
Electric theory and measurementsRAM 103 203 303 403 502 60216 credits
RegulationsRER 1033 credits
First aidSKY 1011 credits
Low voltage installationsVSM 1033 credits
Controls and logical circuits STR 102 202 302 402 50311 credits
Computers and network technologyTNT 102 202 303 40310 credits
Environmental concernsUMK 1022 credits
Introduction to practical
electric technologyVGR 102 202 303 40310 credits
Vocational training 48 weeks48 credits
Electro-mechanic technics (RV8) 164 credits
Technical study in a vocational study programme
Electro-mechanic technics is a certified trade. The main objective of the study programme is for students to gain the knowledge and skill required to perform the work of electro-mechanic technicians, particularly in the installation, connection supervision and maintenance of all types of electrical machinery and equipment in homes, companies and organisations. The average duration of study is four years, including basic study in the electrical trades, a total of seven semesters in a school and 24 weeks of vocational training. The study programme concludes with a journeyman’s examination that provides qualifications to work in the trade and to enter a study programme leading to a master’s examination.
General subjects26 credits
Foreign languagesENS 102 DAN 102 + 4 credits8 credits
IcelandicÍSL 102 2024 credits
AthleticsÍÞR 101 111 201 211+37 credits
Life skillsLKN 103/101 111 1213 credits
MathematicsSTÆ 102 122 4 credits
Specialised subjects114 credits
Programmable installationsFRL 103 2036 credits
Lighting technologyLÝS 1033 credits
Electronics and measurementsRTM 102 202 3026 credits
Electric installations diagramsRLT 102 2024 credits
Electric installationsRAL 103 203 302 402 503 60316 credits
Electric theory and measurementsRAM 103 203 303 403 502 602 70218 credits
Electric machinery theoryRVF 1033 credits
Electric machineryRRV 103 203 3028 credits
Electric machinery controlsRVS 1022 credits
Electric machinery windings RVV1044 credits
RegulationsRER 1033 credits
First aidSKY 1011 credits
Low voltage installationsVSM 1033 credits
Controls and logical circuitsSTR 102 202 302 402 503 60314 credits
Computers and network technologyTNT 102 202 303 40310 credits
Final project in
electro-mechanic technicsVLV 1033 credits
Introduction to practical
electric technologyVGR 102 202 303 40310 credits
Vocational training 24 weeks24 credits
Electro-mechanic technics (RV9) 163 credits
Technical study on a contractual basis
Electro-mechanic technics is a certified trade. The main objective of the study programme is for students to gain the knowledge and skill required to perform the work of electro-mechanic technicians, particularly in the installation, connection, supervision and maintenance of all types of electrical machinery and equipment in homes, companies and organisations. The average duration of study is four years, including basic study in the electrical trades, a total of six semesters in a school and 48 weeks of vocational training. The study programme concludes with a journeyman’s examination that provides qualifications to work in the trade and to enter a study programme leading to a master’s examination.
General subjects25 credits
Foreign languagesENS 102 DAN 102 + 4 credits8 credits
IcelandicÍSL 102 2024 credits
AthleticsÍÞR 101 111 201 211+26 credits
Life skillsLKN 103/101 111 1213 credits
MathematicsSTÆ 102 122 4 credits
Specialised subjects90 credits
Programmable installationsFRL 103 2036 credits
Lighting technologyLÝS 1033 credits
Electronics and measurementsRTM 102 202 3026 credits
Electric installations diagramsRLT 102 202 4 credits
Electric installationsRAL 103 203 302 40210 credits
Electric theory and measurementsRAM 103 203 303 403 502 602 70218 credits
Electric machinery theoryRVF 1033 credits
Electric machinery controlsRVS 1022 credits
RegulationsRER 1033 credits
First aidSKY 1011 credits
Low voltage installationsVSM 1033 credits
Controls and logical circuitsSTR 102 202 302 402 50311 credits
Computers and network technology TNT 102 202 303 40310 credits
Introduction to practical
electric technologyVGR 102 202 303 40310 credits
Vocational training 48 weeks48 credits
Electrotechnics (RK8) 164 credits
Technical study in a vocational study programme
Electrotechnics is a certified trade. The main objective of the study programme is for students to gain the knowledge and skill required to perform the work of electrotechnicians, particularly in the laying of electrical installations, set-up and connection of electrical equipment, measurements, supervision, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment. The average duration of study is four years, including basic study in the electrical trades, a total of seven semesters in a school and 24 weeks of vocational training. The study programme concludes with a journeyman’s examination that provides qualifications to work in the trade and to enter a study programme leading to a master’s examination.
General subjects26 credits
Foreign languagesENS 102 DAN 102 + 4 credits8 credits
IcelandicÍSL 102 2024 credits
AthleticsÍÞR 101 111 201 211+37 credits
Life skillsLKN 103/101 111 1213 credits
MathematicsSTÆ 102 122 4 credits
Specialised subjects114 credits
Programmable installationsFRL 103 2036 credits
Lighting technologyLÝS 1033 credits
Electronics and measurementsRTM 102 202 3026 credits
Electric installations diagramsRLT 102 202 302 6 credits
Electric installationsRAL 103 203 302 402 503 603 70420 credits
Electric theory and measurementsRAM 103 203 303 403 502 602 70218 credits
Electrical machineryRRV 103 203 3028 credits
RegulationsRER 1033 credits
First aidSKY 1011 credits
Low voltage installationsVSM 103 2036 credits
Controls and logical circuits STR 102 202 302 402 503 60314 credits
Computers and network technology TNT 102 202 303 40310 credits
Final project in electrotechnicsVLV 1033 credits
Introduction to practical
electric technologyVGR 102 202 303 40310 credits
Vocational training 24 weeks24 credits
Electrotechnics (RK9) 163 credits
Technical study on a contractual basis
Electrotechnics is a certified trade. The main objective of the study programme is for students to gain the knowledge and skill required to perform the work of electrotechnicians, particularly in the laying of electrical installations, set-up and connection of electrical equipment, measurements, supervision, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment. The average duration of study is four years, including basic study in the electrical trades, a total of six semesters in a school and 48 weeks of vocational training. The study programme concludes with a journeyman’s examination that provides qualifications to work in the trade and to enter a study programme leading to a master’s examination.
General subjects25 credits
Foreign languagesENS 102 DAN 102 + 4 credits8 credits
IcelandicÍSL 102 2024 credits
AthleticsÍÞR 101 111 201 211+26 credits
Life skillsLKN 103/101 111 1213 credits
MathematicsSTÆ 102 122 4 credits
Specialised subjects90 credits
Programmable installationsFRL 103 2036 credits
Lighting technologyLÝS 1033 credits
Electronics and measurementsRTM 102 202 3026 credits
Electric installations diagrams RLT 102 202 302 6 credits
Electric installationsRAL 103 203 302 40210 credits
Electric theory and measurementsRAM 103 203 303 403 502 602 70218 credits
RegulationsRER 1033 credits
First aidSKY 1011 credits
Low voltage installationsVSM 103 2036 credits
Controls and logical circuits STR 102 202 302 402 50311 credits
Computers and network technology TNT 102 202 303 40310 credits
Introduction to practical
electric technologyVGR 102 202 303 40310 credits
Vocational training 48 weeks48 credits
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