Self Reflection Tool on the Ten Wisconsin Teaching Standards
Instructions: This self reflection tool is designed to provide a personal profile of classroom performance assets based on the Wisconsin Teacher Standards for educators. The inventory consists of statements that describe classroom performance related to the Standards for teachers. The profile could be used to identify goals and which standards are addressed in a Professional Development Plan.
Check only one answer per question. Use the “notes” you take as you complete the survey to describe your personal reflections. Respond to every statement. After completing the self-reflection tool, spend some time thinking about how your answers could inform your professional growth plan.
Self Reflection Instrument Name_____Alyssa Yanzick______Date____8/1/13____
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Description ofAbility
/ Very
agree / Confident/
Agree / Uncertain/
Disagree / Very
STANDARD 1 The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.
1. I understand the major concepts and tools of inquiry in my discipline(s). / X
2. I create learning experiences for my students that connect them to the knowledge base of my discipline. / X
3. I keep abreast of new research and development in my discipline(s). / X
4. I engage in professional discourse about children’s learning of my discipline(s). / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 1 competencies:
During the course of the summer I gained a deeper understanding of major concepts and tools of inquiry. Through my clinical experience I connected what my client was learning to their life and tried to make each session functional. In order to make therapy more functional I needed to go to the research and learn more about current evidence-based practice. For example, when helping a child to increase his self-awareness during reading and utilize reading strategies, I needed to go to the research to determine what strategies may facilitate his success.
STANDARD 2 The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development.
5. I understand how children learn and construct knowledge. / X
6. I understand that students’ physical, social, emotional, moral, and cognitive development influence learning. / X
7. I respect the diverse talents of all learners. / X
8. I use my students’ strengths as a basis for growth, and their errors as an opportunity for learning. / X
9. I consider my students’ physical, social, emotional, moral, and cognitive development when making instructional decisions. / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 2 competencies:
I understand how children learn and that each child learns in their own unique way. This is why it is important to teach using multiple modalities and vary instruction. I respect that each child has their own style of learning as well as different strengths and challenges. When working with a group of children, I can utilize each child’s differences in a positive manner to enhance the learning of all students. I understand that you must consider the physical, social, emotional moral, and cognitive development during instruction. This is why it is important to plan ahead and be ready to scaffold and provide supports as well as take them away as needed.
Description of
/ Very
agree / Confident/
Agree / Uncertain/
Disagree / Very
STANDARD 3 The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of students, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities.
10. I understand that students have different learning styles. / X
11. I design instruction that helps use students’ strengths as the basis for their growth and learning. / X
12. I believe that all children can learn at high levels. / X
13. I persist in helping all children achieve success. / X
14. I am effective in adapting instruction to accommodate students with exceptional educational needs. / X
15. I know about strategies to support the learning of students whose first language is not English. / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 3 competencies:
I understand each child learns in a different way and it is necessary to facilitate the success of each individual student. By designing effective instruction I can utilize each students’ strengths and promote positive learning environment. I am flexible and can adapt and adjust instruction for students as needed. By being flexible I can ensure each student will be successful and achieve success. Through my coursework and reading various research articles, I have better understanding of strategies to support students whose first language is not English.
STANDARD 4The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology to encourage children’s development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
16. I understand the different cognitive processes involved in learning. / X
17. I know how to stimulate the different cognitive processes involved in learning through different instructional techniques, technologies, and resources. / X
18. I value my students’ active participation in the learning process. / X
19. I encourage my students to become independent, critical, and creative thinkers. / X
20. I constantly monitor and adjust my instructional strategies in response to students’ feedback and learning progress. / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 4 competencies:
I have learned about various instructional techniques and how to implement and utilize technology in my instruction. For example, the iPad provides different applications for different needs. There is an application for articulation that can be used for teaching a child where to place their tongue when making the /l/ sound. I can then use another application for practice of this /l/ sound to provide the child with multiple experiences. By using motivating instructional techniques and engaging practice activities I encourage my students to participate and become more independent learners. Through reflective questions, I can also facilitate my students in developing their critical thinking skills. I monitor my instruction and remain flexible throughout lessons to change and modify my instruction as necessary and appropriate to meet the needs of my students.
Description of
/ Very
agree / Confident/
Agree / Uncertain/
Disagree / Very
STANDARD 5 The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self- motivation.
21. I understand the principles of effective classroom management. / X
22. I use a range of strategies to promote positive relationships, cooperation, and meaningful learning experiences in the classroom. / X
23. I take responsibility for establishing a positive climate in my classroom. / X
24. I understand the importance of peer relationships to establishing a positive climate for learning. / X
25. I take responsibility for establishing a positive climate in my school as a whole. / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 5 competencies:
Through my coursework and clinical experience I understand how to manage a classroom and promote a positive learning environment. By making activities interesting and motivating I can keep students engaged and make learning meaningful. By establishing classroom rules and explaining the expectations to students I can create a positive climate and enable students to establish peer relationships. It is my responsibility for establishing and maintaining a positive climate in my school. By engaging in discussions with other professionals and enhancing my knowledge in classroom management I can more effectively create positive learning environment for all my students.
STANDARD 6 The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
26. I understand how cultural differences can affect communication in the classroom. / X
27. I understand how gender differences can affect communication in the classroom. / X
28. I recognize the importance of non-verbal as well as verbal communication. / X
29. I am a thoughtful and responsive listener. / X
30. I know how to ask questions and stimulate discussion in different ways and for different purposes. / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 6 competencies:
I understand that each student is different and I must consider this when teaching. I need to use varied communication techniques to reach each student and ensure positive interactions. Using both non-verbal and verbal communication will allow me to support my students in communicative interactions and provide cues for them about the interaction. During these interactions I am a thoughtful and responsive listener and support my students. I utilize the students strengths to maintain the discussion and ask different questions to facilitate the student.
Description of
/ Very
agree / Confident/
Agree / Uncertain/
Disagree / Very
STANDARD 7 The teachers organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals.
31. I am able to take contextual considerations (i.e. individual student interests and community resources) into account in planning instruction. / X
32. I value short- and long-term planning with colleagues. / X
33. I create learning experiences that are appropriate to curriculum goals. / X
34. I create learning experiences that are relevant to learners. / X
35. I create learning experiences that are based on principles of effective instruction. / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 7 competencies:
I consider what interests my students and incorporate that into my instruction to create meaningful, engaging activities. I like engaging in planning with my colleagues because it allows new ideas to be created and deep discussions to occur. By creating relevant learning experiences, students stay engaged and understand how the subject matter applies to them.
STANDARD 8 The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the student.
36. I understand the advantages and limitations (i.e. validity, reliability, and related concerns) of different types of students’ assessments. / X
37. I value ongoing and diverse types of assessments as essential to the instructional process. / X
38. I am committed to using multiple measures to assess student learning. / X
39. I maintain useful records of student work and performance. / X
40. I modify teaching and learning strategies based on the results of students’ assessments. / X
41. I am able to communicate student progress, knowledgeably and responsibly, based on appropriate indicators, to students, parents, and colleagues. / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 8 competencies:
Through my clinical experiences I understand the advantages and limitations of different types of assessments. Formal assessment allow you to compare a student to their same aged peers; however, an informal assessment may allow you to learn about different scaffolds you can implement to facilitate that students success. Ongoing assessment is important because we must constantly monitor and adjust our instruction. Keeping records on student performance and work allow me to monitor progress and see how each child has grown over time. By using different types of assessments and keeping records, I communicate student progress effectively and can provide others with evidence of this progress.
Description of
/ Very
agree / Confident/
Agree / Uncertain/
Disagree / Very
STANDARD 9 The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effect of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents/families, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.
42. I understand methods of inquiry that provide me with a variety of self-assessment and problem-solving strategies. / X
43. I am aware of the current research on teaching and learning and of resources available for professional learning. / X
44. I practice self-reflection and self-assessment in my professional learning. / X
45. I am committed to continually develop and refine my practices that address the individual needs of students. / X
46. I seek out professional literature, colleagues, and other resources to support my own development as a learner and a teacher. / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 9 competencies:
I am aware of current research and utilize this research to enhance my clinical skills and grow as a professional. I also engage in self-reflection and self-assessment to refine my clinical approach and become a better SLP. This allows me to continually develop and refine my knowledge and skills and meet the needs of my students more effectively. I actively participate in discussions and searching for research to continue to develop myself as a learner and teacher.
STANDARD 10 The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents/families, and agencies in the larger community to support student learning and well being and who acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.
47. I understand laws related to students’ rights and teacher responsibilities. / X
48. I respect the privacy of my students. / X
49. I am willing to consult with other professionals regarding the education and well-being of my students. / X
50. I establish respectful and productive relationships with parents/guardians of all my students. / X
51. I use community resources to foster student learning. / X
Your reflection/questions about your Standard 10 competencies:
I understand the laws and respect each student and their privacy. I collaborate with other professionals when appropriate to facilitate my students’ success. By establishing positive relationships with parents, I can work with them to help their child be successful. I seek out community resources to encourage my students to get involved and practice their skills in different environments.
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