Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri /19 / 20
Syllabus Review (attendance, cell phone, cheating, expectations - ppt)
About the AP Exam
Essay Rubrics
Binder Acclimation
Data Analysis
Distribute SL novels
HMWK: Student Questionnaire / 21
Q1 Learning Targets
Introduce Universal Ideas
Complete GO
“Little Boxes” – Read and annotate for literary devices
Apply Universal Ideas to text
Discuss literal to figurative / 22
Visual media - “Little Boxes”
Finish “Little Boxes” discussion and class analysis
Formative Writing in response to text 25 / 23
“She Being Brand”
Read and annotate for literary devices (small group)
Explain the relationship between literal and figurative
Author’s Purpose (why make the poem metaphorical?) (individual written response)
Review allusions & archetypes (lecture and exercise in binder for allusions)
Archetype review activity (small group)
Introduce juxtaposition
Review Annotation Rubric
Read and annotate “The Pie” (whole group)
HMWK: Select children’s story for Thursday (must have text WITH you on Tues) / 27
Review “The Pie”
Complete GO (allusions & archetypes in binder in pairs)
Debrief – whole group
Introduce Universal TRUTH
Introduce shift/contrast
Complete shift/contrast and universal idea analysis on GO (back) / 28
Introduce AP Rhetorical Thesis
Write a thesis statement (pairs) and critique 25
Begin “The Jacket” / 29
Read & annotate “The Jacket” (independently)
Compare annotations with partner (submit 1 for score based on annotation rubric)
Write a rhetorical thesis (independently)
Peer Review rhetorical theses
Classroom critique of thesis statements
Revise thesis statements 25 / 30
DUE: Completed reading through chapter 6 of SL.
Scarlet Letter application to content and skills.
Read and annotate passage from novel.
Introduce Dialectical Journal.
Review model entry.
HMWK: Select children’s story for Thursday (must have text WITH you on Tues)
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri /2
Labor Day / 3
Summative Assessment: Annotation, shift, contrast, figurative language, rhetorical thesis, universal ideas/truths) 100
Introduce “Assessment Task Blueprint for Children’s Story Explication”
Q&A, Review Example & Rubric
Lab time available / 4
“Children’s Story Explication” workshop
Lab time available / 5
“Children’s Story Explication” workshop
Lab time available / 6
DUE: “Children’s Story Explication” (typed, MLA format) 100
Read background information on Early American Writing
Complete Organizer 25
Mini-lecture, debrief and assessment on background information 20
Lecture: The Rhetorical Triangle Introduce “Of Plymouth Plantation”
Begin reading “Of Plymouth” as a class, finish for homework
HMWK: Read and annotate (for Rhetorical Triangle elements) remainder of “Plymouth” and thesis 50 / 10
Introduce yntax (clause, coordination, subordination, cumulative, periodic, sentence structure)
Complete grammar activities in binder / 11
“Of Plymouth Plantation” debrief of rhetorical triangle elements and relationship to text
Critique thesis statements (random)
Complete grammar activities in binder
Finish syntax Part 1
Begin “Plymouth Plantation” syntax analysis in class / 12
Finish “Plymouth Plantation” syntax analysis in class
Complete grammar activities in binder
Formative Assessment: syntax analysis with “The Pie” (individual) 25 / 13
DUE: Completed reading, chapters 7 – 12 and SL Dialectical Journal entry #2 50
Scarlet Letter application to content and skills: Rhetorical Triangle, emergent themes, and connection to time period.
Review extended metaphor and conceit; literal to figurative.
Read and annotate (for metaphor /figurative language) “Upon a Spider” independently.
Illustrate the literal with partners.
Present illustrations and discuss figurative meaning of the poem.
Special focus: inverted syntax, shift/contrast / 17
“Burning of Our House”:
Independent reading and annotation (20 min.) with guided questions.
Whole group discussion of the conceits and universal subject and connection to the time period.
Small group discussion—compare/contrast to “Upon a Spider.”
Write an analytical thesis.
Apply the universal truth to American society today. 25
HMWK: Read “Are Americans Still Puritan”? Annotate text for author’s claims. / 18
Review Puritan beliefs.
Apply and argue: Are the claims made by author accurate? (whole group)
Discuss (small group): How do you know? Where do we see evidence in modern society?
Discuss difference(s) between summary and paraphrase.
Review elements of Rhetorical Triangle (speaker, purpose)
Whole Group: Practice paraphrasing with “Journal of Sarah Kemble Knight”, finish in partners, review model. / 19
Independently: paraphrase assigned section from journal.
Debrief and compare with small group. 25
EQ: How does this journal support the representation of women during this time period?
Connect to Universal Truth.
Show and discuss model of paraphrase. / 20
Summative Assessment: Understanding of pre-20th language, text, universal concepts, etc. using SL 100
Introduce “General History of VA”, Disney clips of Pocahontas, purpose of mini-unit (same subject, different perspectives and purposes – no longer Puritan)
HMWK: Read and annotate “The General History of VA” for Rhetorical Triangle elements, differences from Puritan texts, UI’s
Jigsaw with “General History of VA”
Complete GO, “Comparing & Contrasting Rhetorical Triangle via Historical Texts”, for Perspective #1 (“General History”) / 24
Whole Group read and annotate “The Pocahontas Myth”
In pairs, complete Perspective #2 on GO; compare with Disney clips and “General History”
HMWK: Read and annotate “The Mattaponi Sacred History Regarding Pocahontas” for Rhetorical Triangle elements, differences from Puritan texts / 25
Discuss annotations and understanding of “Mattaponi”
Introduce/discuss bias, subjective and objective accounts.
Complete GO comparing/contrasting historical views on Pocahontas and John Smith; Submit texts with annotations 100 / 26
Introduce Assessment #2, Colonialism Performance Assessment and Q & A
Independently begin working on assessment.
Disclaimer: Cheating/discussing assessment, passage, etc.
HMWK: Assessment Preparation / 27
Type final submission of assessment.
Assessment is DUE at the END of class. You must print and submit. 100
DUE: Completed reading, chapters 13- 18 and SL Dialectical Journal entry #3 50
Scarlet Letter application to content and skills: Universal Ideas/Truths, compare/contrast characterization
HMWK: Read “7 Deadly Sins” article. / 1
“7 Deadly Sins” application.
Small group analysis and whole-group debrief and presentations.
HMWK: Read “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and annotate for rhetorical devices, figurative language, archetypes, rhetorical triangle elements. / 2
Based on annotations, complete the SOAPStone GO in pairs.
Write a rhetorical thesis. 25
Introduce Topic Sentence and Body Paragraph writing. / 3
Show, evaluate and discuss samples (in binder.)
Goal: Complete 3 topic sentences and one body paragraph on a rhetorical device found in “Sinners.” (with a partner) 25
Paragraph may not be imagery. / 4
Introduce Persuasive Appeals (ethos, logos, pathos.)
Introduce Fallacies.
Apply “Sinners” to the appeals and fallacies (whole group lecture and discussion.)
7Optional: For additional practice with time period literature, refer to Thomas Paine’s ‘Common Sense’.
Introduce parallel structure, juxtaposition, and antithesis.
Complete exercises in binder.
Introduce inductive and deductive reasoning.
Introduce “Speech to the VA Convention”. Finish reading and annotate for HMWK. / 8
Formative Assessment (independent):
“Speech to VA Convention” syntax-focus assessment.
Thesis + all topic sentences + 1 body paragraph. 50 / 9
Debrief: Discuss formative assessment and how syntax was used as well as persuasive appeals.
Complete M/C passages. Passages are time-period appropriate.
Refer to data tracking grid at the front of the binder. / 10
DUE: Completed reading, chapters 19 – 24 and SL Dialectical Journal entry #4 50
Scarlet Letter application to content and skills.
HMWK: Read and annotate “George Bush’s 9/11 Speech” for the appeals and what devices create the appeal. Also, focus on syntactical structures that emphasize key ideas in the speech. / 11
Discuss and debrief on understanding and annotations of Bush’s speech. 25 / 15
Writing Workshop Begins:
(independently) Write a thesis + topic sentences + 1 body paragraph.
Body paragraph needs to create an appeal, which will be analyzed via commentary. / 16
Peer Review and revisions to thesis, topic sentences and body paragraph. 50
IF no revision is needed, create a new paragraph analyzing a new direction.
* general feedback will be provided / 17
Scarlet Letter TEST
(written) 100 / 18
Q1 Summative Assessment 100
(thesis +all topic sentences+2 body paragraphs. 1 body paragraph on syntax, the other on any direction that leads to an appeal.)