National Center of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry
University of Sindh Jamshoro, Pakistan.
Phone 022-9213429, 9213430, Fax 022-9213431
Email : ,
Analytical Services
Kindlysubmitseparateformforeachtechniqueandsample,incompleteformwillnotbe processed
Date: ......
Name of Student: ...... Name of Supervisor: ………………………......
Name of organization:......
Address: ……………………......
Sample code: ...... Type of analysis:......
(Please use separate form for each sample)
M.P./B.P.:...... Solvent for analysis, if any......
Molecular weight/Molecular formula (if known): ......
For CHNS Elemental analysis, specify the theoretical (%) of C: …….…., H: …………, N:...... ,S: ………….
Nature of sample (i.e. steroid, alkaloid etc): ......
Any other information:......
For CHNS analysis at least 2.5 mg of sample is required. Also specify whether sample contain phosphorus (Yes/ No).
Quantity, solubility and purity of the substance submitted should be checked carefully. Kindly make sure that it is organic in
nature and not a quaternary salt, betaine or a metal complex.
Payment should be made within 15 days of receipt of bills (wherever applicable) in the form of a pay order payable to the
Director, National Center of Excellence in analytical Chemistry, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. (Kindly see the rate list on the
back of the form).
Signature of Supervisor:...... Recommendation of Chairperson/Director with seal......
Approval of the Director NCEAC: ......
Received: Date: ...... No.: ......
Completed: Date: ...... Signature: ......
Signature of Section Incharge:
1. / UV Spectrum / Rs. / 500.00/=2. / IR Spectrum / Rs. / 1,000.00/=
3. / C.H.N. S. Microanalysis / Rs. / 5,000.00/=
4. / Gas Chromatic Analysis
Fatty Acid Compound (Include Transfats)
Pesticide residue / Rs.
Rs / 5,000.00/=
5. / Atomic Absorption Analysis
a) / Each metal / Rs. / 700.00/=
b) / Digestion charges / Rs. / 1,000.00/=
6. / Water Analysis
a) / Basic
(COD, pH, TDS, TSS, Grease & Oil) / Rs. / 4,000.00/=
b) / Extended
COD, pH, TDS ,TSS, Grease & Oil, BOD, Conductivity) / Rs. / 5,000.00/=
c) / Special
Carbonates, pH, TDS, TSS, Hardness, Bicarbonates, Color, Odor, Taste, turbidity, Conductivity, Chloride, Salinity, Fluoride, Sulphate, Nitrates / Rs. / 7,500.00 /= + Rs. 700.00/= per metal per sample
7. / Pesticide / Rs. / Rs. 5000/=
Note:Ratesarepersample.Samplesmustbesubmittedreadyfordirectanalysisassinglepureingredients with their solubility in MeOH for UV and the solvent in which the spectrum is to be recorded clearly specified.Theaboveratesareapplicableforgovernmentinstitution/publicsectoruniversitiesonly.