APPA Regional Presidents’ Conference Call
(Tuesday, February 10, 2015); (Time: 3:00 pm EST)
Call-in number – 1-800-264-8432; pass code 673401#
· Discuss items as desired by regional presidents – in order to enhance cross-communication, please don’t hesitate to discuss items or challenges so APPA and the other regions can help
· General Membership Survey & Strategic Plan Update – the APPA Board received a presentation of the report by the researcher (Debra Stratton of Stratton Research) along with an Environmental Scan (article attached); briefly discussed the report; and broke into 5 task groups (by the 5 Key Strategies) to brainstorm and prioritize a few, new initiatives for APPA’s Strategic Plan – briefly identified as follows:
o On-boarding strategies for engagement with a clear focus on relationships, mentorship, and networking
o Creating a user/ membership interface experience for greater value (e.g., expand and enhance availability of research and information; allow for greater electronic presence;
o Creating and implementing an engagement assessment (to include measurements and methods)
o Focusing on the elements of organizational culture and trust
o Using ‘experiential learning’ methodologies to solve FM content problems and issues
o Enhance all types of “local deliveries” (chapters, content workshops, drive-in programming, etc.)
· Focus on each region’s targets/ stretch goals – updated spreadsheets are attached for each regional president’s term of office (except that of Membership which coincides with APPA’s fiscal year and dues invoicing); please continue to share with your board and review for accuracy to ensure their commitment as well; we are continuing to focus on increased uptake of the Academy-on-Campus deliveries and a renewed drive for Credentialing; (the EP group still needs to clarify how we define and/or measure Internships and the Mentoring Programs, so we can determine how to handle on the matrices (I don’t have any timing for completion of this activity)
· Mentoring Programs – John Morris will present his survey research and the potential for next steps (see attached report for more details)
· MODIFICATION to NEW Credentialing business model and marketing approach – NO FEE WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FACE-TO-FACE PROGRAM DELIVERIES; THE MODEL IS PREDICATED ON EVERYONE SIGNING UP FOR THE E-LEARNING PREPARATORY COURSE SO ANY FACE-TO-FACE DELIVERIES WOULD BE AN EXTRA BENEFIT YOU COULD PROVIDE AT YOUR REGION AND/OR INSTITUTION AND BASED ON EACH INDIVIDUAL’S E-LEARNING COURSE SCORES; you have a copy of the marketing approach and fee structure document…[includes launch of the new On-line Preparatory Course, exams, and face-to-face Preparatory Course, along with the basis for the new fee structure which will officially begin at the start of the new fiscal year (4/1/2015)]
· Emerging Professionals – work has begun by the group for the EP Summit this August 3, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois
· APPA/Mexico Initiative – signing ceremony with ESDAI (of the Panamericana University) to occur on March 6 in Mexico City
· APPA Business Partner Advisory Committee – no new updates at this time
· Standards & Codes Council – APPA’s hopes to receive notification of ANSI’s decision soon regarding its Standards Development Organization status
· Financial status for FY 2014-2015 – status on the financials at this point in time (all programs are tracking reasonably well; we await the final hotel bill for APPAU in Tampa, Florida which will be important to the bottom line; we continue to expect a balanced budget by year-end, however, we will need publications sales, magazine and Job Express advertising, and the local deliveries to perform as projected/budgeted to achieve our 4th quarter targets
· APPA 2015 Conference – no new updates at this time; planning continues for the APPA 2015 Conference in Chicago, IL, August 4-6, 2015
· The Academy-on-Campus / Leadership Academy’s Levels 1, 2, & 3 programs are available for institutional/campus delivery – continue to discuss the opportunity; help us cement this fantastic set of deliveries in your region or at your institution
· Credentialing Program (EFP/ CEFP) – please continue to focus on ways to advertise, provide sponsorships, and gain support for this important program; we really need to crest 250 participants annually and you can ensure this happens
· Thought Leaders Symposium – the 2015 topic is “Bricks & Clicks and the Future of Higher Education”
· Membership Retention & Recruitment – dues invoicing for the new fiscal year (2015-2016) starts February 12
o Integrated Institutional Membership – ensure that all supervisory/managerial positions are signed up as ‘associates’ through the membership portal on the APPA website so that everyone is gaining access to APPA/regional products and services and communiques
o Update on HBCU’s – no additional updates at this time, however, there is progress to date on delivering Drive-In Workshops at HBCU’s and offering Toolkit scholarships to HBCU-based individuals all by SRAPPA; we do need your help to ensure individuals in the SRAPPA region remain committed to the effort
o K-12 Schools membership initiative – no new updates at this time
o Community College Engagement Group initiative – group has reactivated its monthly conference calls
o Military – no new updates at this time
· Drive-In Workshops – activity continues at a very good rate; [Don’t hesitate to sign up your institution to deliver a workshop; it’s great content for a chapter meeting as well; more details available on the APPA web site; these workshops continue to drive new Chapter discussions and offer a great potential for HBCU’s this spring/summer; and, therefore, greater grassroots engagement.]
· FPI survey – the survey generated over 300 institutional responses (very good for us); the Energy/ Sustainability (ESAT) module remains open indefinitely and a beta test group of approximately 20 institutions continues to solidify further development of the module to coincide with FPI’s outcomes; we will be launching a pilot program for the entity called “GRITS” from the folks at Second Nature and Sustainable Endowments this month
· BOK – chapters are being refreshed and updated with the help of the APPA Board’s regional representatives
· Research efforts – any questions you would suggest need more research? Could your region help support or fund them?
· Awards Recognition programs – we had a very good complement of institutional and individual awards submitted…Thank YOU ALL for taking the time to work this within your region
INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: (These can be discussed further if time permits.)
· Future fall regional meetings and updates of your regional board officers – REMINDER to please visit the regions’ section of the APPA website and look IMMEDIATELY at the bottom of the page for the table identifying your meeting dates contracted through 2015, 2016, and 2017; please notify Holly Judd () of updates to your meeting dates/locations and your officers listing
· Collaborative Projects with other associations: (as time permits…see new updates in BOLD below…)
o ASHRAE – I&R is planning to tie TCO to FPI and the BIM community…Doug presented his findings at the APPA 2014 conference; APPA staff to work with Doug to finalize the research report and presentation to meet the needs and expectations of the ASHRAE leadership
o CAUBO (Canadian Association of University Business Officers) – uptake of the FPI survey/reports was good but not as good for ESAT; we still need to seize the opportunity for a more formal strategic alliance given Dave Button’s presidency
o ACUHO-I – no new updates, yet they do support our Credentialing program
o NACUBO (National Association of College & University Officers) – plan is still to mail the TLS 2014 monograph executive summary on “Leveraging Facilities for Institutional Success” to their institutional members; have engaged John Walda in a co-delivery with APPA and SCUP for Phase 2 of the TLS 2012 topic on Space Management; analyzing the data from the new energy & sustainability benchmarking survey; the session proposal from Tom Becker and Lander was accepted for their 2015 annual conference this coming July; Lander provided a 25-minute video cast on a “Facilities Primer” that will go LIVE on their and our website in early March 2015
o SCUP (Society of College & University Planning) – plan is still to mail the TLS 2014 monograph executive summary on “Leveraging Facilities for Institutional Success” to their institutional members; great response on our TLS paper on “Campus Space” at their July 2014 annual conference; still expect to co-deliver (with NACUBO) a Phase 2 version of this topic on Space Management to the larger higher education community
o College Planning & Management & American School & University magazines – the editor has spoken with me for an article on Deferred Maintenance and one on ‘space management
o AIA (American Institute of Architects – a recent meeting with their credentialing arm along with a subset of their membership base focused on educational relationships may bear fruit for our credentialing program and in gaining CEU’s from AIA for APPA programming; continuing to work with them and a group called EDspaces to deliver our credentialing prep course (end of October in Tampa, FL) which now won’t happen (they could not generate attendees and we could therefore not justify its delivery…we will try again during the course of the coming yea
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