Notice of Intent to Form a New GNSOConstituency

Important Notices:

(1) This form’s purpose is limited to notifying the ICANN Board, community, and public of the applicant’s intention to form a new GNSO constituency. It is not a substitute for, or replacement of, formal petition requirements stipulated in the ICANN Bylaws nor does its receipt, acceptance, or acknowledgement represent an implicit or explicit Board approval.

(2) In addition to the Board, this form will be provided to the GNSO Council and constituencies and will be publicly posted [Note: phone and fax numbers supplied below will be removed].

Submit to ICANN Board at [Note: If you do not receive a confirmation after submittal or have questions, please contact ].

Your Name: / Cheryl B. Preston
Your Company/Organization: / Foundation
Tel. Number: / [redacted]
Fax Number: / [redacted]
Email Address: / [redacted]
Submission Date: / October 20, 2008

Section 1.0: Constituency Mission/Purpose

1.1What name/title do you propose to give the new constituency and in which Stakeholder Group are you recommending that it be associated, including rationale?

The tentative name is: Cybersafety Constituency. I propose it be included in the Non-commercial Stakeholder Group because the focus of this constituency will be Internet safety for individuals and non-commercial entities.

1.2What is the intended purpose of the new constituency?

The focus of the new constituency is Internet safety issues. I am concerned that, as Internet policies are developed at ICANN, the interests of families, children, consumers, victims of cybercrime, religions and cultures become better represented. For the new technology society, we need carefully to craft mechanisms involving law and industry that balance unfettered free speech and anonymity with some protections against exploitation of the most vulnerable, the ability to address and reduce criminal activity, and, among other things, the right of Internet users to have choices in the nature of their access.

1.3How will the addition of this constituency improve the GNSO’s ability to carry out its policy-development responsibilities?

At the present time, all non-commercial users are represented by the NCUC, and thus subject to the capture of that constituency by narrow policy objectives. Although ICANN makes decisions about the technical coordination and function of the Internet, sometimes these policies have an impact on bigger social issues. For instance, ICANN makes policies that have the potential to thwart, encourage, or be irrelevant to any present and future efforts by parents, governments, industry and other global policy makers to address the cultural, moral, and political implications of the Internet. For instance, some policies hold significant ramifications for efforts to protect children online, stop the flow of child pornography and hardcore obscenity, reduce cybercrimes, and trace predators, sex traffickers, phishers, pharmers, and other abusers of the Internet.

In addition to a focus on Internet security, the new constituency will seek to provide broad representation of particular categories of users, such as parents and children.

1.4How will the establishment of this new constituency augment, complement, and otherwise contribute differential or unique value to the GNSO and ICANN’s existing structures?

This new constituency will add another much-needed dimension to the discussion of issues impinging on safety. The primary policies advocated by the existing representative organization for non-commercial users are unfettered free expression and anonymity. Along with these issues, other values need to be considered in the mix. This constituency will advocate for policies that fairly consider safety implications and that represent a previously absent, but significant, group of Internet users.

Section 2.0: Membership

2.1What connection do you have to this proposed constituency and what membership representation do you propose (e.g. market/interest-area/community; expertise/knowledge of members).

I am involved with two non-commercial entities that have an interest in balancing Internet safety, the Foundation and Brigham Young University. I have been a member of the NCUC and actively followed ICANN work. I have taken the initiative to identify and involve others. When we are organized as a constituency, we will hold elections of officers. I have no vested interest in being anything other than a member of this constituency.

This new constituency will be organized around both an interest in Internet security, and around a community of previously unrepresented users, including parents, children, women, cultural organizations, religions, and others.

2.2If this constituency will be formed from other pre-existing entities, please describe current memberships, including size/reach, and any public exposure offered (e.g. websites, email lists).

This constituency will not be formed from any pre-existing entity.

2.3What organizations/entities would be eligible/ineligible to join this constituency?

Membership will be open to individuals and non-commercial entities who share an interest in Internet safety. Specific criteria for eligibility has not yet been formulated, but no restrictions are anticipated, as long as the applicant shares a commitment the principles articulated by the constituency mission statement, or represents an existing organization with a significant share of its activities devoted to issues of families, children, and Internet safety.

2.4How would the Constituency adequately represent its membership on a global basis?

This constituency will be committed to two efforts. First, it will engage in a formal recruiting and outreach program. I have begun with circulating flyers in hard-copy and online, posting email notices and announcements, publishing articles in journals, and other requests for participation. I have contacted a list of public policy organizations. The constituency will seek representatives from each global region, and especially underdeveloped nations.

Second, this constituency will affirmatively seek for input directly and indirectly through research and education to become fully aware of the security issues of non-commercial users in various cultures and regions.

2.5What plans for recruitment/expansion do you envision for the constituency?

As discussed above, the constituency will devote a reasonable portion of its attention to discovering and including people, organizations, and ideas. Recruitment initially will be targeted at civil society organizations, participants at the WSIS Internet Governance Forums, global academic organizations, and other international policy consortiums. We will request contacts and suggestions for members from other ICANN participants residing in various parts of the globe at ICANN meetings. A more complete agenda for recruitment has not yet been developed, but breadth of representation is a strong commitment. Issues of Internet safety carry significant importance to all regions of the world, especially developing nations.