WCPG 3 February 2017

West Coast Partnership Group

Minutes / Action Points

of a meeting held at Ministry of Health Offices, 6 Hazeldean Business Park, Addington,

Christchurch on Friday, 3 February 2017 at 10.15am

MembersCathy Cooney (Chair), Jenny Black, Terry Moore, Trevor Wilkinson

Ex-Officio membersMichael Hundleby, David Meates

AttendeesTony Lloyd, John Hazeldine, Chris Picard - Minutes (MoH)

Margo Kyle, Mark Newsome, Pradu Dayaram (WCDHB)

Alistair Burke (Johnstaff)

Item / Discussion/Decision/Action
Jenny Black, the recently appointed West Coast Chair, was welcomed as the new member.
Apologies were received from Evan Davies,Michael Frampton, Margaret Wilsher, Jim Coard and Adam Flowers (CCM Architects)
Jenny Black to provide a declaration of interests to be incorporated into the register. Her interest as Chair of West Coast DHB was noted. It was noted that the conflict of interest register would be included in future agendas. There were no conflicts of interest declared.
As the only consultant present at the meeting it was noted that Alistair Burke would leave the meeting prior to discussion on Buller.
Action Point: Current Interests Register to be circulated to WCPG members for review to ensure that they are up to date and to be included in future agendas.
3.1Review of Minutes
The Minutes of the West Coast Partnership Group meeting held on the 24November 2016 were accepted as a true and correct record.
MovedCathy/Seconded Terry
3.2Matters Arising
Item 6 Buller refers to:
  • confirmation sought that the annual operating cost impact of the increase from $XXXX to $XXXXXX is acceptable to the WCDHB; and 9(2)(b)(ii)
  • The WCDHB to consider the tabled QS report and offer any comment.
It was noted that these should be recorded as action points and that an email was subsequently received from Michael Frampton confirming WCDHB agreement to the $XXXXX and referring also to contingency covering the second bullet point. 9(2)(b)(ii)
Action Point: Email from Michael Frampton referring to $XXXXX and contingency to be included in correspondence for the next meeting.9(2)(b)(ii)
Action list updated, as attached.
Fletchers have not yet submitted information on the impact of the Kaikoura earthquakes on costs or programme. They have advised that it will be a further 2-3 weeks before the impact is finalised, arising predominantly from steel coming out of Blenheim.
Who / By
4.1Health and Safety
The Johnstaff Health and Safety report dated 23 January 2017 was taken as read.
4.2Project Manager’s report - Johnstaff
The Johnstaff Project Manager’s report dated 23 January 2017 was taken as read.
Programme – Progress on site
A planning workshop has been scheduled by Fletchers with a focus on mitigation and re-sequencingtodevelop a recovery programme. The revised programme is expected late February.
4.3Quantity Surveyor’s report - AECOM
AECOM’s report dated 17January 2017 was taken as read.
4.4Architect’s report - CCM
CCM’s report dated 19 January 2017 was taken as read.
Colour boards presented on 26 January 2017 with general acceptance.
At the recent consultation with Iwi, the possibility of greenstone and carvings being provided was discussed, as well as having their graphic designers do some of the graphics on the glass. More detailed renders of the areas involved will be re-issued by CCM for the artist. They will also be involved in signage.
4.5Engineer’s report – Opus
Opus report dated 18January 2017 was taken as read.
Potential challenges of car parking and access via a gravelled area were noted, particularly given West Coast weather conditions, highlighting the need to land the right solution. This item will be given further consideration once cost pressures are clarified. It was agreed that the priority list should be refreshed before that discussion.
Action Point: PCG to refresh the priority list of items to be considered subject to affordability.
Risk register page 49 item 5.12 about Greymouth District Council building authority IANZ accreditation has gone to Selwyn so should be closed.
Action Point: Risk reporting to be simplified to reflect the risk, impact, risk treatment and status. / JC
JC / 22/3
The Facility Redevelopment Change Management report dated February 2017 was taken as read.
Alistair left the meeting at 11.22am.
6.0 / BULLER
The Buller IFHC status report dated 1 February 2017 was taken as read.
Joint Ministers have approved $XXXXfor consultant fees to inform the site selection process. On-site geotechnical and contamination testing has been done with a report expected in the next two weeks. Once structural, mechanical and architectural works are complete, these will be brought to WCPG as a package on 22 March with a recommendation for preferred layout. Any site contamination issues will be covered in the report.
The draft programme with key milestone dates was noted. Detailed decision points were requested, particularly given the September election and the close out period for key decisions by Ministers. It was noted that consultation with community once site decision is made should be added, as well as requests for construction finance to joint Ministers.
Action Point: Critical decision point details with timing for the Partnership Group to be developed and added to the Buller draft programme and integrated timeline including construction sequence. / 9(2)(b)(ii)
JC / 22/3
22 March 2016.
The meeting concluded at 11.45am.
Reports/Documents Distributed prior to the Meeting
-Minutes of Previous Meeting 24November 2016
-Johnstaff Project Manager’s report dated 23 January 2017
-AECOM QS report dated 17January 2017
-CCM Architect’s report dated 19 January 2017
-WCDHB Facility Redevelopment Change Management report dated February 2017
-Buller IFHC Project Status report dated 1 February 2017

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