TIR Electronic
Pre-Declaration (EPD)

TIR Holder
User Manual

ã Copyright IRU 2009 June 2009

Table of Contents

Table of Contents i

I. Introduction 2

A. System Requirements: 2

B. Structure Of This Manual 2

C. Symbols used in the Manual 2

D. Primary Features Available to your company 2

II. TIR-EPD Application Conventions 3

III. Access/Login to TIR-EPD 3

IV. Manage Your Company Profile 4

V. Manage Your Users 5

A. Create New Users 5

B. Update Users 7

VI. Change Password 8

TIR-EPD Operations 9

VII. Create a new pre-declaration using new data 10

A. Start the new pre-declaration 10

B. Name the Customs offices concerned in this pre-declaration 11

C. Enter the details of the TIR Holder and the vehicle(s) involved in this TIR Transport 12

D. Country of Departure, Country of Destination 13

E. Enter the Consignor (and consignee) for the FIRST goods Item 13

F. Enter the details of the FIRST Goods Item 13

G. Describe any documents accompanying the FIRST goods item 14

H. Enter the details of the NEXT Goods Items 15

I. Submit your pre-declaration to Customs 16

VIII. Create a new pre-declaration using a previously sent declaration 17

IX. View/ Update a pre-declaration 18

X. TIR-EPD Follow-up Actions 19

A. Check for acknowledgement from Customs 20

B. Amend a Pre-Declaration 22

C. Request Customs to Cancel a Pre-Declaration 23

XI. System Security 24

A. The liability disclaimer 24

B. Company Controls 24

C. Keeping Your Password Safe 24

XII. ANNEX: Customs Authority Specific Information 25


TIR Holder User Manual

TIR-EPD Holder’s Manual

I.  Introduction

This manual explains how to use the TIR-EPD application functions available to TIR Holders.

A.  System Requirements:

A computer with access to the Internet (TIR-EPD has been tested with both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox - other browsers may not function properly).

B.  Structure Of This Manual

To the greatest extent possible the major sections of the manual match the main menu items of the application.

Example screens are used to illustrate how the TIR-EPD functions will appear to you and how they are used.

The start of each section of this manual has a short description of the main purpose of the functions explained within that section.

C.  Symbols used in the Manual

To bring your attention to advice or instructions in certain parts of this User Manual, symbols are used. The symbols and their meanings are: -

·  Notes and hints on using TIR-EPD.

·  “Caution”: meaning ‘take care with this…’

D.  Primary Features Available to your company

Manage your company profile.

Manage users of the application at your company.

Grant and deny permission to Your Association to submit pre-declarations on your behalf.

Use pre-declaration messaging features with participating customs authorities.

II.  TIR-EPD Application Conventions

Required data elements are shown in yellow boxes.

Important warnings are shown in red.

III.  Access/Login to TIR-EPD

1.  Connect to TIR-EPD using your Internet browser at this web addressXX https\\www.epd………..

The “Welcome to TIR-EPD Application” screen appears:

2.  enter your ‘User Name’

3.  press [Tab>] to move to the next data field – then type in your ’Password’

4.  press [Tab>] to move to the next data field – then select the language you wish to see on-screen

5.  “click” on ‘Login’

Note: The TIR-EPD application can be used in English, French, Bulgarian, Romanian, Finnish, Russian, Turkish, Polish or German.

The first time you login, and after a change to your user profile, you are asked to accept liability for any use you make of the TIR-EPD application

6.  “click” on the box.

7.  “click” on ‘Continue’

The TIR-EPD system opens with the “Holder TIR-EPD Main” screen

The system will recognise your combination of User ID and Password and give you access to main functions according to your level of authorisation.

IV.  Manage Your Company Profile

Some of your company profile information is used when you create a pre-declaration:

Customs could refuse to accept your TIR Transport if they later discover a mismatch between your pre-declaration and the information on your TIR Carnet.

Only your issuing Association is able to change the information displayed in the “TIR – EPD Profile” screen. Please, make sure that your Company Details are correct. If not, contact you Issuing Association.

Note: The following information from your company profile is automatically included when you send messages to Customs using TIR-EPD, because your company is considered the Principle Trader for TIR pre-Declaration purposes.

Holder Unique ID
Transporter Company Name
Address Line 1
Zip code
Holder Country

V.  Manage Your Users

Your “Superuser” is initially responsible for managing the other users, setting their “User name”, and what EPD functions they can access.

A.  Create New Users

1.  “click” on the ‘Manage User’ Button on the “Holder TIR-EPD Main” screen.

The “Holder TIR-EPD User Management” screen appears

2.  “click” on ‘Add New User’

Complete the user information on the next screen

Note: The User Name must be unique and cannot be modified after it is ‘Saved’. The User Name is what the user will enter on the login page.

3.  enter the ‘User Name’ that you have chosen for the new user

4.  enter the real ‘First Name’, ‘Middle Name’ & ‘Last Name’ of the user

5.  set the ‘Password’ for this user (users can have the right to change their own password)

6.  to allow this user to “Login” to EPD you MUST tick the ‘Status’ box

7.  enter the ‘Users e-mail address’ (EPD messages may be directed to this address)

8.  select ‘Language’ (the user can re-select the language on “login”)

In the user rights table

9.  “click” on a box to assign this right to this user (see the following table for an explanation of the different user rights)

10. “click” on ‘Save/Update’ to save your selection

“click” on ‘Cancel’ to return without saving’

The new user will appear as a line in the lower window of the TIR-EPD User Management Screen.

11. Inform the new user of his User Name and his Password

12. Reselect ‘Add New User’ and repeat the above, until all your users are registered

Table of User Rights
Name of user right / Explanation of what the user can do, if assigned this right
CREATE/UPDATE EPD / Create a new pre-declaration for a TIR Holder (if the Holder has given his permission) and, before transmission, re-select and update the entire pre-declaration
AMEND EPD / After transmission, this is a pre-declaration modification request to Customs
CANCEL EPD / After transmission, this is a request to Customs to cancel a pre-declaration
SEND EPD / Transmit the pre-declaration to the Customs declared as receiver to this pre-declaration
DELETE EPD / Delete unsent EPDs
MANAGE USERS / Add/ Update/Deactivate the users at your own Company, including user rights
PRINT/VIEW / View and Print any pre-declaration and the messages exchanged (LRN, MRN).
CHANGE PASSWORD / The user can change his/her own password

B.  Update Users

1.  “click” on the ‘Manage User’ Button on the “Holder TIR-EPD Main” screen.

The “Holder User Management” screen appears

see middle window

  1. To see a list of ALL the users “click” on ‘Search’
    (limit your search by first entering start characters of the user’s “User Name” or entire e-mail address)

The list of users matching your criteria will appear in the lower window

2.  “click” on the ‘User Name’ that you wish to update

This “User’s” details will appear in the next screen.

As required …

3.  modify the user’s real name or other details

4.  re-set the user’s password

5.  “click” on ‘Status’ to deactivate this user (removes the tick)

6.  “click” on the box in the user rights table to add/delete this right

7.  “click” on ‘Save/Update’ to register your changes (or ‘Cancel)’

Note: To deactivate a user “click” on ‘Status’ to remove the tick.
User rights (levels of access) are explained on the previous page

VI.  Change Password

1.  “click” on button ‘Change Password’ on the “Holder TIR-EPD Main” screen.

The “Password” screen appears

2.  enter your current ‘Password’ and then the ‘New Password’ twice

3.  “click” on ‘Change Password’

4.  The “Holder TIR-EPD Main screen re-appears

TIR-EPD Operations

Caution: The TIR Holder details and the details of the TIR Transport included in TIR-EPD must match the details that the TIR Holder has entered on his TIR Carnets. A mismatch could result in the refusal of the TIR Transport by Customs.

Note: The following information from your company profile is automatically included when you send messages to Customs using TIR-EPD, because your company is considered the Principle Trader for TIR pre-Declaration purposes.

Holder Unique ID
Transporter Company Name
Address Line 1
Zip code
Holder Country

TIR EPD Operations include options to:

Create and send pre-declarations. These pre-declarations may be created by

o  entering all data for the first time, or

o  using a previously sent pre-declaration, thus minimising data entry when the contents of the new pre-declaration are similar to a previous one.

Create and send amendments to pre-declarations

Create and send requests to cancel pre-declarations

View messages from Customs regarding these pre-declarations, amendments and cancelation requests.

Search and retrieve previous and pending messages

A management dashboard to highlight unsent TIR-EPDs, new messages from Customs, and TIR-EPDs where Customs messages are anticipated but not yet received.

Receive e-mails at the email addresses entered in your company profile, that contain messages received from Customs, and optionally, the content of messages you have sent to Customs.

Not all Customs authorities use all message types. Appendix XII_ lists all TIR-EPD participating Customs and the messages that they accept from trade, and that they send to trade.

Note: Your Association could create pre-declarations on your company’s behalf :
Make sure the permission box is ticked in the TIR-EPD Main Page.

VII.  Create a new pre-declaration using new data

This function is available to users with the rights to “Create/ Update EPD”

Note: You must have the exact details of the completed TIR Carnet, its validity date (expiry date), goods detail, and details of any accompanying documents

A.  Start the new pre-declaration

1.  “click” on the ‘EPD Operations’ Button on the “Holder TIR-EPD Main” screen.

The “Holder TIR-EPD Operations Main Page” appears

2.  “click” on ‘Create New EPD’

The “TIR Carnet Validity” screen appears

3.  enter the ‘TIR Carnet No.’ (number)

4.  enter the ‘Validity Date’ (dd/mm/yyyy) or use the calendar

5.  “click” on ‘Continue’

The “TIR-EPD Offices of Departure and Destination” screen appears

Note: The application will not let you continue if there is a mismatch between the data you enter and the data sent by your Association and stored in the database CUTE-Wise.
- This TIR Carnet must have been issued to your “Holder Unique ID”
- The validity dates must be the same

B.  Name the Customs offices concerned in this pre-declaration

Make your selection from the drop-down lists:

1.  first country

2.  first Customs Office

3.  last country

4.  last Customs Office

5.  enter the VPN as the page number in the TIR Carnet that will be used at first Customs Office

6.  “click” on ‘ADD’

Example: When the goods are leaving the EU – send the pre-declaration to the Customs Office of departure in the EU Country AND give the Customs Office on the EU border where the goods will exit the EU
When the goods are entering the EU – send the pre-declaration to the Customs Office on the EU border at first point of entry into the EU AND give the Customs Office in the EU Country where the TIR Carnet will be terminated.

Your selected Customs offices now appear as a line in the lower window.

7.  If you would like to change the Customs Office, please delete the line using the “delete” hyperlink and repeat steps 1-6 to enter the new one.

Note: If you need to send the pre-declaration (with exactly the same goods items, vehicle, etc.) to more than one Customs office you may repeat steps 1-6 – and TIR-EPD will send your pre-declaration to each “First” Customs offices

8.  “click” on ‘Continue’

The TIR-EPD Holder and Vehicle” screen appears

C.  Enter the details of the TIR Holder and the vehicle(s) involved in this TIR Transport

1.  check that the ‘Holder Name’ is correct

If not, go back and make the appropriate change using “Manage Profile”

2.  enter where you are sending this declaration from in ‘Declaration Place’

3.  …. and enter the language in which you are making your pre-declaration

4.  enter the registration number(s) of the truck (and trailer) in ‘Truck/Trailer Reg No’

5.  …. and enter the language that you have used for the registration number(s)

6.  enter the country of registration of the truck in ‘Nationality Truck/Trailer’

7.  ‘Container’ MUST be ticked if part or all of the goods are in containers

8.  “click” on ‘Continue’

The “TIR-EPD Goods Item Data” screen appears

This screen is explained in sections on the following pages