Public Affairs Section

Due Wednesday, March 12 by 5:00 p.m. (Beijing Time)

All applications must be submitted . If you have any questions prior to submission, contact Hu Hejuan

at (010) 8531-3000 x 3046

The Application Must Be Submitted in English

Proposals must support program activities that promote Multilateral Engagement; Economic Issues;Civic-Engagement - Human Rights/Democracy/Good governance/Rule of Law; Education and Culture/Sports/American Society.

Eligible organizations are non-governmental, not-for-profit organizations based in China that demonstrate long-term sustainability beyond the proposed program activity. Individuals are not eligible under this grant competition. Third-country organizations and individuals are also not eligible to apply under this program. Proposals may be for up to $20,000 USD.Grants are not normally be made for multi-year projects.

Modest administrative expenses are allowable, including honoraria/partial salaries of grant implementers, but only when they are directly linked to the conduct of the specific grant program. General operating expenses, long-term infrastructure costs and undefined miscellaneous or “overhead” expenses are not acceptable. High costs to produce materials are also not a good use of the small grants program. Grant funds may not be used to fund travel to international conferences, nor may they be used primarily for food expenses. Grant funds may be used to train trainers, but they may not be used to provide direct social services. Grant funds may be used for seminars and workshops, but proposals must describe the expected audience, content and timeframe. Grant funds may be used for the publication of materials, however the proposals must describe the audience, content and means of distribution.Grant funds may not be used for alcohol or entertainment.

Successful grantees will be required to submit one interim and one final project and budget report in English.

Embassy/Consulate (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang or Wuhan):

Embassy/Consulate Point of Contact:

Name of the project:

Amount requested (in US $):

* Maximum amount is $20,000

Name of the organization (in English):

Name of the organization (in Chinese/original language):

Address (in English and Chinese); remember to include the postal code:

Phone and fax numbers; e-mail address; web site address:

Project Coordinator (name, title):

Brief background of the project coordinatorand key people:

Brief background of the organization:

Any previous U.S. Government funding:

Project description (up to one page):

Project dates:

Detailed budget (can also be submitted in attached xls if necessary):

* Short-term salaries and other minor administrative expenses directly linked to implementation of the program are eligible for funding. General operating expenses and infrastructure costs, however, are not. Grant funds may not be used to fund travel to international conferences, nor may they be used primarily for food expenses.Grant funds may be used to train trainers, but they may not be used to provide direct social services.Grant funds may be used for seminars and workshops, but the proposals must describe the expected audience, content, and timeframe and justify the activity in terms of outcome and benefits to U.S. national interests.Grant funds may be used for the publication of materials, but the proposals must describe the audience, content and means of distribution. Grant funds may not be used for alcohol or entertainment.

Who will prepare the interim and final program and financial reports? (Please note that all program and financial reports MUST be submitted in English)

Other sources of support for this project (including from the applicant organization):


City, dateSignature of Applicant (typed name is fine for electronic application)


EAP/PD STRATEGIC PRIORITY (see announcement for details):

MRR GOAL (see announcement for details):

PROJECT JUSTIFICATION (including purpose and prospects for sustainability, and a description of how the grant will be monitored and evaluated. Please include the name and section of the drafting official (must be an Embassy/Consulate official)):