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Friday 19th January 2018

Collective Worship theme: TRUST

God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. Psalm 46:1-2

Despite the wet and windy weather and staff absences due to illness, lots of impressive learning has been taking place this week. Year 5 and 6 classes have been researching about the problem of plastics in our oceans ahead of writing persuasive letters fast food companies urging them to stop using plastic straws. Year 3 and 4 have been writing their diaries as if they were a passenger on the Titanic and year 1 have been writing recounts of their trip to Exmoor Zoo.

Next week we are due to welcome Mr Paddon back after his paternity leave. Thanks to Mrs Jarvis for all her work with Willow class over the last two weeks.

Children currently in year 2

A reminder to parents that we will be taking a year 3 intake for September. The admissions team have written to parents of children in year 2, advising them of the process of transfer should you wish for your children in year to come to SMUPS in year 3 in September. We will host an open evening for those parents who are interested in their children starting with us in year 3 in September. Date will follow shortly.


A reminder that parents/carers should not be parking on the school site at pick up and drop off times. This is because of safety as large numbers of children are coming into and out of school. We have noticed a number of parents parking on site at pick up and drop off times. Please use the off street parking in the roads near to school and park in a safe, considerate and responsible way. Many thanks for your co-operation.

Word Millionaire

A huge well done to Verity in year 5 for becoming the second Accelerated Reader word millionaire of the school year. Well done Verity – a very impressive achievement.

South Molton Sings and Plays

A reminder that South Molton Sing and Play is open to children in years 3-6 on a Thursday afternoon at school between 4:30 and 6pm. Children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument or develop their singing with a group of music teachers. It is great value and the children who took part last term really enjoyed it and put on a great concert. If you are interested please contact for more details or to register a place.

Year 6 KS2 SATS information session

We will be hosting an information session for parents/carers of children in year 6 on Thursday 25th January at 5pm. Please do come along as we will give out information on the tests, the format and how you can help support your child.