Emergency Medical Technician ClassSyllabus

Fall 2015

Course Information

Instructors / Email
Paul Fleenor /
Nathaniel Davis /


Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad

1300 Progress Street Blacksburg, VA 24060


Mondays and Wednesdays – 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Sundays (as needed) - 1:00pm – 5:00pm

Course Fees

$475 – Class Tuition

Course Materials

Required Text

Brady Emergency Care 13th Edition w/ MyBrady Lab

(Students my purchase the stand alone MyBradyLab access which includes an E-text of the Brady Emergency Care 13th Edition)

Other Supplies (Not required but recommended)

Stethoscope, Sphygmomanometer (BP cuff), Pen Light

General Information


This is a hybrid EMT course which will utilize the MyBradyLab online learning system. Students will be expected to complete online assignments prior to the start of each class. By utilizing this method of learning we are able to allocate more classroom time to hands on education.

Emergency Medical Technician (4 year certification)

The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification program is designed to train an individual to function independently in a medical emergency. This course provides the basic knowledge and skills needed to deliver Basic Life Support (BLS) care and is required to progress to more advanced levels of prehospital patient care.

The course requires a minimum of 144 hours of classroom and skills instruction and 10 hours of Clinical/Field rotations for a total of 154 hours of training. Virginia certification requires successful completion of a standardized cognitive and psychomotor skills examination. This course is designed to train individuals to serve as a vital link in the chain of the health care team. This includes all skills necessary to provide emergency medical care as an attendant-in-charge with a basic life support ambulance service or other specialized rescue service.

Upon successfully completion of the training program, the student will be capable of performing the following functions:

(1) Recognize the nature and seriousness of the patient’s condition or extent of injury to assess requirements for emergency care.

(2) Administer appropriate emergency care to stabilize the patient’s condition.

(3) Lift, move, position and otherwise handle the patient in a way as to minimize discomfort and further injury.

The EMT training program is based upon the Virginia EMS Education Standards derived the USDOT National EMS Education Standards.

Course Schedule

Date / Topic / Chapter / Instructors
8/22 / Orientation / PJ / Nathan
8/24 / Intro to Emergency Medical Care / 1 / PJ
Well-being of the EMT / 2
Medical, Legal and Ethical Issues / 4
8/29 / Skills Lab / PJ
(Lifting and Moving Patients) / 3
(Medical Terminology) / 5
8/31 / Airway Management / 9
Respirations and Artificial Ventilation / 10
9/7 / Skills Lab
(Anatomy and Physiology) / 6
(Principles of Pathophysiology) / 7
9/12 / Scene Size-Up / 11 / PJ
The Primary Assessment / 12
***Exam #1 and 2 Due***
9/14 / Vital Signs and Monitoring Devices / 13 / PJ
Secondary Assessment / 14
9/19 / Skills Lab
(Life Span Development) / 8
(Communications and Documentation) / 15
9/21 / Pharmacology / 16
Respiratory Emergency / 17
***Exam #3 Due***
9/26 / Cardiac Emergency / 18
9/28 / Skills Lab:
10/3 / Diabetic and Altered mental Status / 19
Allergic Reaction / 20
10/5 / Poisoning and Overdose / 21
Abdominal Emergencies / 22
10/10 / Skills Lab
10/12 / Behavioral and Psychiatric Emergencies / 23
Hematologic and Renal Emergencies / 24
10/17 / Bleeding and Shock / 25
Soft Tissue Trauma / 26
***Exam #4 Due***
10/19 / Chest and Abdominal Trauma / 27
Musculoskeletal Trauma / 28
10/24 / Skills Lab
Date / Topic / Chapter / Instructors
10/26 / Trauma to Head Neck Spine / 29 / 13
Multisystem Trauma / 30 / 13
11/2 / Skills Lab
11/7 / Environmental Emergency / 31 / 13
11/9 / PediatricEmergencies / 33 / Nathan
Geriatric Emergencies / 34
Patients with Special Challenges / 35
***Exam #5 Due***
11/14 / OB / GYN Emergency / 32 / PJ
11/16 / Skill Lab
(EMS Operations) / 36
(Hazmat, MCI and Incident Management) / 37
***Exam #6 Due***
11/21 / Skills Lab:
***Exam #7 Due***
11/28 / Skills Lab / PJ
(Highway Safety and Vehicle Extrication) / 38
(EMS Response to Terrorism) / 39
Clinicals Hours DUE!!!
Online IS Training DUE!!!
11/30 / Skills Lab / PJ
12/3 / State Practical Test Site - 0800 @ Blacksburg High School

Required Online Courses

Due Date / Course / Offered By
11/30 / IS-100 Intro to Incident Command / FEMA
11/30 / IS-200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents / FEMA
11/30 / IS-700 NIMS Introduction / FEMA
11/30 / IS-800 Intro to National Response Framework / FEMA

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