What disciplinary actions can I take in my role as the immediate supervisor?

  • Verbal warning
  • Written letter of reprimand
  • Recommend suspension with or without pay
  • Suspension with or without pay is reviewed and approved by the Department Director OR the Senior Manager for HR
  • Recommend termination
  • Termination is reviewed and approved by the Department Director OR the Senior Manager for HR

What do I note in my records at the worksite?

  • Record of verbalwarningissued to address infraction
  • Include dates, behavior/incident, and expectations for improvement
  • Retain copies of written letters of reprimand

What do I send to HR?

  • Written letters of reprimand (signed by employee)
  • Notice of suspension with or without pay with Department Director approval
  • Notice of request for termination with Department Director approval

What formats may I use to draft the written reprimand?

  • A letter of reprimand (samples provided)
  • The FCPS Support Employee Performance Correction Notice (samples provided)

What is in the written reprimand?

  • Specific facts such as date, time, place, and actions of the individual
  • A reference to the regulation, rule, conduct procedure or order violated
  • A reference to previous oral reprimands or warning if those occurred
  • A statement that “this letter is a written reprimand”
  • An alert that repeated infractions could result in the potential for further disciplinary action
  • An expectation for improvement
  • Employee signature acknowledging receipt of the letter.

What do I do with the written reprimand?

  • Provide copy to the employee.
  • Have the employeesign the written reprimand to indicate receipt.
  • Send copy of the reprimand to the HR Support Office. It is placed in the personnel file.
  • Note: Employee has the right to provide a signed and dated response attached to the letter which may be placed in his/her personnel file.

What steps can I institute to correct performance?

  • Conference with employee to discuss performance concerns. Could result in:
  • No action
  • Verbal warning
  • Written counseling letter
  • Issue a letter of reprimand
  • Issue a suspension
  • Take one of the above actions and issue a “work plan”
  • Write a “work plan” that sets expectations for performance. (A work plan includes specific levels

of performance, a date for meeting the expectations.) (sample provided)

I do not see counseling as a discipline option in BOE Policy 323 – Support Personnel Discipline Policy?

  • A counseling letter is not a disciplinary action but an attempt to correct behavior before disciplinary action is taken.
  • Provide an opportunity for “due process”.

What should I do prior to taking disciplinary action?

  • Investigate the incident and know your dates, times and facts.
  • Know what regulations and/or, policies mayhave been violated.
  • Choose a private place to meet with the employee.
  • Study the employee’s file
  • Do not pre-judge – have an open mind
  • Meet with the employee

A pre-disciplinary meeting has certain procedural requirements that include providing the employee:

  • A notice of time and place for the meeting
  • A notice of the charges to enable the employee to present evidence related to them
  • The opportunity to present evidence in his/her defense
  • The right to representation from FASSE
  • This procedure is known as DUE PROCESS

What support can I expect from Human Resources?

The HR Division can:

  • Serve in a consulting role
  • Arrange mandatory EAP referrals
  • Review disciplinary measures upon request
  • Provide sample letters of discipline and work plans
  • Review suspension and termination letters OR
  • Issue letter of suspension and termination.

Source: Human Resources

December 2012