City of Trenton 2016 Automatic Tax Bill Payment Program
YES! Sign me up for the City of Trenton’s free 2016 Automatic Tax Bill Payment Program.
Applicant authorizes the City of Trenton to withdraw the tax amount due for the property specified in this application on the date(s) checked below. This application is only for the 2016 tax season. You will need to fill out a new form each year.
Please complete an application for EACH parcel number you intend to pay by automatic bank withdrawal (ACH).
COMPLETED APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF TRENTON ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST DATE CHECKED BELOW. All applications received after the specified date WILL NOT BE PROCESSED and you will be responsible for making your tax payment using another payment option.
If the City of Trenton is unable to debit your bank account for the tax amount due because of non-sufficient funds (NSF), the City of Trenton will charge your account a $35 NSF FEE and YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL INTEREST/PENALTY because of late payment.
Name (First) ______(Last)______Address______City______State______Zip______
Phone ______E-mail Address______
Parcel Number (from your bill)
5 / 4 / - / - / - / -
Property Address:______
I authorize the City of Trenton to withdraw from the bank account listed below the full amount of taxes due on the above indicated parcel for the following: (Check Summer and/or a single Winter option.)
Withdrawn August 29th
Application due on or before
August 19th / 2016 WINTER TAXES
YES _____
Withdrawn December 28th
Application due on or before December 21 / OR / 2016 WINTER TAXES
YES _____
Withdrawn February 10th; Application due on or before February 1
Bank Name:
Bank Routing Number:
Bank Account Number: / Select One: Checking ( ) Savings ( )
Please attach a voided check with this application for verification purposes.
I have read the IMPORTANT PROGRAM INFORMATION above and agree to the terms therein listed. I also understand that I must provide written notice to modify or cancel this authorization to the City of Trenton Treasurer, 2800 Third St, Trenton, MI 48183. This application is only for the 2016 tax season.
Authorized signature: / Date:Please mail completed application to: City of Trenton Treasurer, 2800 Third St, Trenton, MI 48183 before the application deadline(s) listed above. Make a copy for your records.