This is a draft schedule in progress. Check back for updates!

Student/parent orientation, July 7, 7-9pm at Portland State University, Smith Center, room 333

Week One, July 11-15


Monday, July 11th


Classroom: Welcome, staff introductions, small group activities, camp-long project planning

Guest instructors: Dr. Jennifer Dill, PSU and Hau Hagedorn, TREC (PSU)

Zan Gibbs, Equity and Inclusion Program Manager, Portland Bureau of Transportation

Field Trip: Tour Portland State University campus

Tuesday, July 12th

The downtown core, the city, transportation and how people use it: central questions. Also: how and why should these things be beautiful?

Guest Instructors: Jessica Roberts, Alta Planning

Lunch with Michelle Traver, Public Art Project Manager, TriMet,

Field Trip: Scavenger hunt using downtown Portland transportation options, visit Portland Bureau of Transportation, hosted by Sarah Goforth

Wednesday, July 13th

Transportation and Communities: Case Study, N/NE Portland

All-day field trip! Hosted by Know Your City

Tour using a variety of modalities (walking, max, bus) to visit sites of transportation infrastructure development and displacement of historically Black neighborhoods, including stops at Rose Quarter, Dawson Park, One North Development, Sons of Haiti, Unthank Park, North Williams bike lanes, I-5 development and urban renewal, Vanport.

Thursday, July 14th

Doing field research for livability/looking to leadership and taking action

Guest instructors: Tara Goodard, PhD Candidate at PSU, Tara Sulzen, Field Representative for Congressman. Earl Blumenauer

Lunch guest: Samantha Taylor, historian whose research has focused on girls’ transportation activism

Field Trip: Field research project about Pedestrian Observation with Tara Goddard., location TBD

Friday, July 15th

GIS and Mapping Crashes

Guest instructors: Sirisha Kothuri and Kristi Currans, PSU

Field Trip: Guided tour of Tilikum Crossing/Max and streetcar systems with Amy L. Fandrich, PE Manager, Design & Construction Capital Projects and Construction Division, TriMet.

Week Two, July 18-22


Monday, July 18th

Bikes! And Apps!

Guest instructors: Sara King, Portland Public Schools Director of Planning and Asset Management, Brittany Smart, designer/frontend developer on the City of Portland's eGovernment team and Christine Rutan, GIS specialist for Safe Routes PDX, an app for PPS students to use to find walking routes to their neighborhood schools and for crowd-sourcing of walk route conditions.

Jessica Horning, Oregon Department of Transportation Transit and Active Transportation Liaison for Region 1 (Portland metro) and Sheila Lyons, Oregon Department of Transportation Oregon Department of Transportation, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager; Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (OBPAC).

Field Trip: Bike outing TBD

Tuesday, July 19th

Bigger systems: the state of Oregon and the Port of Portland

Guest instructors: From the Oregon Department of Transportation Jerri Bohard, Division Administrator for Transportation Development, Tracy Wroblewski, Chief Financial Officer for Financial Services Branch, Jane Lee, Chief Human Resource Office, Human Resources, Central Services Division.

Field Trip: Port of Portland hosted by Susie Lahsene

Wednesday, July 20th

Transportation and Environmental Justice

Guest instructors: Vivian Satterfield, OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon

Lunch guest: Gwen Shaw, planner for the Better Naito Project

Afternoon workshop: GirlsStrength self-defense workshop – safety on and around transit

Thursday, July 21st

Planning/Safety and TriMet

Guest instructors: Susan Wright/Kittelson, head of WTS

Beth Wemple, Cambridge Systematics

Field Trip: TriMet Headquarters, hosted by Coral Egnew, Senior Community Affair Representative and Chapter President for the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials.

Friday, July 22nd

Final day and celebration

Classroom: Project work time

Lunch guest: Leah Treat, head of Portland Bureau of Transportation

Afternoon meeting with guest Susan McLain, State Representative for House District 29, Hillsboro - Cornelius - Forest Grove (serves on the Joint Committee on Transportation Preservation and Modernization)

Concluding celebration and project presentations, with members of WTS providing critique and feedback.