Which of the following best identifies the major economic activities of the Spanish colonies?

a. growing tobacco and building ships

b. mining, farming, and ranching

c. fur trapping and fur trading

d. searching for the seven golden cities

A major goal of the encomienda system was to

a.force Native Americans to work for Spanish colonists.

b. drive Native Americans off their land.

c. help Europeans adapt to Native American culture.

d. prevent the development of social classes in the Americas.

Which of the following best describes the Northwest Passage?

a. John Cabot’s sailing across the Atlantic Ocean from England

b. Ferdinand Magellan’s circumnavigating the world

c.a water route across North America

d. The Puritans’ route from England to Massachusetts

One way Georgia differed from Maryland was that

a. all faiths were tolerated.

b. only Catholics could live there.

c. it jailed debtors.

d.only Protestants could live there.

Pennsylvania was founded as a haven for

a. runaway slaves.


c. Quakers.

d. Roman Catholics.

The first Europeans to settle New York were

a. the Swedes.

b.the Dutch.

c. the English.

d. the Germans.

Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia are known as

a.the Middle Colonies.

b.New France.

c. the Southern Colonies.

d. New Netherlands.

Quakers believed that

a. the King of England was a god.

b. non-Christians should be killed.

c.all people were equal.

d. the Church should be purified.

Which of the following was the cause of King Philip’s War?

a.Spain attacked the New England Colonies.

b. The Puritans took up arms against the Pequot.

c.The Algonquins wanted to drive the English out.

d. The Puritans killed Metacom.

How did the rapid spread of English settlements affect Native Americans?

a. It expanded trade.

b.It threatened their way of life.

c. It improved village life.

d. It improved their farming methods.

Which of the following caused Jamestown’s near failure?

a. the discovery of gold and silver in the colony

b. John Smith’s leadership

c. the failure of the tobacco crop

d.the swampy site chosen for its settlement

Which of the following did the most to shape the growth of New France?

a. the search for gold

b.the fur trade

c. the establishment of farming communities

d. the enslavement of Native Americans

Which of the following was a driving force in Puritan settlements?

a.a love of luxury and wealth

b. a desire to live without religion

c. a passion for social order

d. a desire to return to England

Why did the English drive the Dutch from New York?

a.England wanted a base from which to fight the Spanish.

b. The Dutch had been persecuting English settlers.

c.England and Holland had gone to war in Europe.

d.England envied New York’s prosperity under the Dutch.

Which three colonies were founded in an attempt to escape religious persecution?

a.New York, New Jersey, and Georgia

b.Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Maryland

c.North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia

d.New York, Virginia, and Georgia

The Spanish encouraged settlement in Florida

a.to establish trade routes across the Pacific Ocean.

b. to mine the mountainous areas there.

c. to safeguard Spanish fleets with defensive bases.

d. to end the spread of English settlement.

Spain wanted to establish missions to

a.convert Native Americans to Spanish religion and customs.

b. reduce the Spanish population.

c. provide work for hidalgos.

d. help Spanish settlers to adapt to Native American culture.

English explorers like Cabot, Frobisher, and Hudson were searching for

a. the seven golden cities.

b. the Great Migration.

c.a Northwest Passage.

d. a land route to California.

The Virginia colony survived largely because the English colonists

a. were well cared for by the Virginia Company.

b. developed lasting friendships with Native Americans.

c.worked cooperatively for the good of the colony.

d. began growing tobacco for sale.

New France was shaped mainly by

a. raising cash crops.

b.the fur trade.

c. enslaving Native Americans.

d. the search for gold.

The Puritans migrated to New England to

a.escape religious persecution.

b. establish Catholic missions.

c. maintain the practices of the Anglican Church.

d. start tobacco plantations.

How did Puritans regard different ideas and cultures?

a. They ignored them.

b.They tolerated them.

c. They were open to acquiring them.

d. They adamantly rejected them.

Why did most Puritans come to North America?

a.to avoid imprisonment

b. to set up their own societies

c. to grow tobacco

d. to look for gold

What did the French hope to gain by settling in the Northeast?

a.trading opportunities

b. mineral wealth

c. productive farmland

d. fishing rights

What role did tobacco play in Virginia’s early colonial period?

a. It was banned by the Church of England.

b. It was traded for Native American crops.

c. It was not as profitable as raising livestock.

d. It became the foundation of the colony’s economy.

Why were the early years in Jamestown full of hardship?

a. Many settlers refused to work.

b. Powhatan destroyed the settlers’ crops.

c.John Smith was an ineffective leader.

d. The king abolished the Virginia Company.

The Spanish established outposts in the Southeast to

a. trade with Native Americans.

b. encourage Spanish immigration.

c. search for precious metals.

d.protect its trade routes.

In search of wealth, the Spanish conquered lands in present-day

a.Mexico and Peru.


c. the Pacific Northwest.

d.New England.

Both Pennsylvania and Maryland were established to

a.offer a haven for certain religious groups.

b. provide freedom for enslaved Africans.

c. train Native Americans in the colonists’ ways.

d. provide new homes for the New York Dutch.

The population of the Middle Colonies was known for its

a. lack of farming skills.

b. hatred of the other colonies.


d. lack of religion.