Paul Shields, Communications Officer

Phone: (902) 541-3005

Fax: (902) 541-3059


Highlights of the Regular Meeting

And the Annual General Meeting

South Shore District School Board

26 November 2003

Hebbville Academy

·  The Board expressed it sorrow at the recent passing of a student from Forest Heights Community School from terminal illness.

·  Southwest Regional School Board Chief Executive Officer Mr. Leroy Légère reported that provincially-mandated budget adjustments will be achieved without reduction to the 2003-2004 budget the South Shore District School Board approved in August, 2003.

·  In accordance with recent regulatory changes under The Education Act, the Southwest Regional School Board will establish an Audit Committee with one member from the South Shore District School Board.

·  The Board approved revised By-Laws to govern the conduct of Board Meetings, based on recommendations from the Board’s ad hoc By-Laws Review Committee.

·  The Board referred a request for courtesy busing from the community-based employment program, The Ark, to the Board’s Finance & Operations Committee for consideration of potential partnerships with other community-based agencies.

·  The Board referred a request for courtesy busing from the Park View Education Centre School Advisory Council to the Board’s Finance & Operations Committee for further consideration.

·  At its Annual General Meeting, the Board re-elected Wanda Broome as Board Chair and Elliott Payzant as Vice-Chair of the Board.

·  The Board appointed members to its three Standing Committees: Education Committee, Human Resources Committee, and Finance & Operations Committee. The latter is a new committee which replaces the former Operations Working Group.

·  Board Committee Members selected Chairs, including John Mosher as Chair of the Education Committee, Susan Joudrey as Chair of the Human Resources Committee, and Ken Foote as Chair of the Finance & Operations Committee.


For more information, contact Board Secretary Lori Ferraina at (902) 541-3002

or Communications Officer Paul Shields at 541-3005