E-board Meeting 10-11-07
Attendance: Eric, AM, Matt, Craig, Brad, Ke, Lara
Upcoming Events:
Economics Camp
Haunted House
State Fair
10/12-10/14 Payson (4pm – 12pm)
10/19 at Griffith
- CCI / CampVisits
- Any CCI issues that need to be resolved?
- Brad needs an “ice chest”
- no one has one, so he will buy one and donate it to CS
- Brad is going up early to set up by himself
- CampVisits
- Sarah, Brad, Matt, and anyone else who is not driving and wants to go will be visiting possible Big Camp camps on Sunday
- Economics Camp
- AM needs to get supplies and finish writing one station
- If anyone has ideas for how to tie the concept/game of monopoly into a station, let AM know
- One more staffer needed
- Current staffers = Sarah M, Lara, Alison D
- Alison A could staff for 1st half of day / Craig could do the rest?
- E-retreat Follow-up (video, fundraising, online scrapbooking…)
- We need to make sure we follow through on these ideas
- Video
- Alison Davis said she could help with filming/editing
- Fundraising
- AM found out that we need to contact Phoenix Speedway
- WalMart
- Matt is on top of this
- We should organize a calling party to make sure they got our letters and are going to respond
- Online Scrapbook
- Lara is finishing up the pages for the first two camps
- Additional Business
- New Program Coordinator needed
- Sarah Hensler resigned, so we need to replace her
- It won’t be too much of a problem because Sarah planned the whole semester already, but we need a contact person
- Sarah will train the new person to keep up the awesome work she has started with this position
- Eric will e-mail CampSparky to tell everyone that we need someone and nominations are open
- he will also talk about it at CCI and next general mtg
- We could appoint someone to take over for the rest of this semester and then hold formal elections at the end of the semester (the elected person would start newly next semester)
- Who to appoint?
- Raquel, Sara, or Kristen?
- Raquel is least busy of these three
- Roster
- Verify what we have so far at next meeting
- Put it on website (w/password protection) and tell anyone not on it to e-mail camp.sparky address to get a copy or ask to be added
- E-mail password to everyone actually on the roster
- don’t give the password to everyone on cmpsprky listserv cause there are too many inactive members on it
- *side note: we need to start bringing counselor application forms to general meetings because we have some people on the roster who have not filled them out
- Constitution Revision
- Membership Coordinator
- Development Officer
- Treasurer