Auspicious Incident – Packet 10

Questions by Ezequiel Berdichevsky, Paul Litvak, Matt Lafer, Ben Heller


1.The plot centers on the supposed murder of Skipps, although in the end, the old man is found. Richard, the major’s clerk, falls in love with Alizon. Two brothers fight over her, one reads their fate in the stars and knocks the other brother down on the ground. Nicholas and Humphery’s father, the mayor Hebble Tyson, attempts to sleep with the heroine, but she rejects him. After she is cleared heresy charges, she leaves Cool Clary with her new love, the soldier Thomas Mendip. FTP, identify this play about the accused witch Jennet Jourdenmayne, a comedy by Christopher Fry.

Answer: The Lady’s Not For Burning

2.Formed when the Narodna Odbrana shifted to focus on education and propaganda, it was organized in 3 to 5-member cells. They ran a military academy under the control of Major Tankosic where they trained men as guerillas. The ten-member Executive Committee was headed by Colonial Dragutin Dimitrijevic, also known as Apis. Initially supported by the government and patronized by the Crown Prince, they became displeased with Prime Minister Nikola Pasic when he did not support their cause sufficiently and they sent seven men, including Danilo Ilic, Nedjelko Cabrinovic and Grabez to Sarajevo. For 10 points, name this group that included Gavrilo Princip who successfully assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914.

Answer:The Black Hand or Union or Death or Ujedinjenje ili Smrt (Incidentally, Ilic hoped to avoid execution by admitting to everything. He was the only one of the 7 attempted assassins executed...)

3.This chemist, a frequent collaborator of Liebig, proved the polymerism of cyanates and fulminates in 1830. He discovered quinone, and its derivatives hydroquinone and quinhydrone, and showed that acetylene could be produced by the reaction of water with calcium carbide, which he also discovered. A lifelong friend of Berzelius, he was the first to isolate several elements, including berrylium, boron, and silicon but his more famous work was in the field of organic chemistry. FTP name this chemist who converted ammonium thiocyanate into urea and thus first showed that organic compounds could be formed from inorganic reactants.

Answer: Friedrich Wohler

4.When the hero of the drama is attempting to avoid a beating, his lover hides him underneath a porch, where he communicates with her by fondling her foot. It begins when Gihei, a rich man, comes to Osaka to buy a woman. However, she refuses because she is in love. Her betrothed wants to get out of a marriage but he lent the dowry money to his friend Kuheji, who betrays him. The hero’s uncle Kyuemon confronts Kuheji but he is too late to stop the title event. FTP, identify this drama about the self-destructive lovers Tokubei and the geisha O Hatsu, the most famous of Chikamatsu Monzaemon.

Answer: The Love Suicides at Sonezaki or Sonezaki Shinju

5.Marcus Pomeroy organized support for this party in Chicago and Richard Trevellick led it in the Detroit area. In their first national election Newton Booth was nominated for Vice President and when he declined Samuel Cary received the honor. They nominated Peter Cooper, the inventor of the Tom Thumb locomotive, for president in 1876 and in 1880 named James Weaver as their candidate for president. For 10 points, name this 19th-century American political party who named Benjamin Butler for president in 1884, ruined by the Bland-Allison Act, who took their name from their intent to promote currency expansion.

Answer:Greenback Party or National Party or Independent Party

6.Some of the most plentiful sources of this rock are in Sudbury, Ontario, where it is mined for its iron and nickel deposits; Montana, the Bushveld of South Africa, and Skye Island in the Hebrides. The San Marcos type is used in its pure form as a gauge block. It forms at divergent plate boundaries by partial melts of peridotite, and platinum, chromium, and titanium are nearly exclusively found within deposits of it. FTP, identify this plutonic igneous rock, composed mainly of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene, a coarse-grained rock which is the intrusive equivalent of basalt.

Answer: gabbro

7.British explorer Harry St. John Philby, while searching for the mythical city of Ubar in this region, discovered the meteor impact site of Wabar due to a mistranslation. Bordered on the north by the highland region called the Nejd and on the south by the Hadhramaut plateau, it is home to al-Ghawar, one of the world’s largest oil fields. A corridor of gravel plains known as the Dahna connects it with the Nafud desert to the north. Arabic for “empty quarter,” this is, FTP, what largest sand desert on Earth, comprising approximately 25% of Saudi Arabia?

Answer: Rub al Khali

8.The main character says of women that “everything about woman is a riddle and everything about a woman has one solution – pregnancy.” He talks to a tightrope walker who plummets to his death, telling him that if he dies, his soul will die before his body. Sections of this 4 part work include “The Spirit of Gravity,” “Old and New Tables”, and “Immaculate Perception.” The work begins when the title character comes down from mountain solitude and proclaims that “man is something to be overcome.” FTP, identify this work about a fictional Persian mystic, written by Friedrich Nietzsche.

Answer: Thus Spoke Zarathustra also accept Also Sprach Zarathustra

9.The artist’s previous work designing sets for Diaghilev’s productions of Stravinsky’s Pulcinella and De Falla’s Cuadro Flamenco influenced the composition of this pair of 1921 works that reference the theater and the carnival. In one, the dominant color scheme is blue and black, while the other features more grey and white. Both feature a table in the foreground at which the title figures sit. Only the Monk’s position-- on the far right-- remains consistent in both canvases. Pierrot shifts positions from the left to the center, while the colorful yellow and red of the Harlequin’s costume draws attention to the instrument he holds. Painted to echo the cut and pasted style of collage, FTP, name these identically titled masterpieces of synthetic cubism featuring players of a flute, an accordion, and a violin, by Pablo Picasso.

Answer: Three Musicians

10.Along with his partner, Peter Laughlin, the title figure tries to adjust to the electricity revolution and the coming of the elevated lines. He is consistently plagued by his penchant for young girls and romances both Stephanie Platow and Berenice Fleming during the novel. The protagonist sets out to prove the legitimacy of his credit by donating $300,000 for a namesake observatory at the University of Chicago. Ultimately, however, his failure to bribe the transportation commission forces him to leave for London, a transition that is continued in The Stoic. FTP identify this 1914 novel, the second volume of a “Trilogy of Desire” about Frank Cowperwood, by Theodore Dreiser.

Answer: The Titan (prompt on Cowperwood)

11.In computer science it refers to a delaying effect utilized in operating systems when switching between menus and folders. In magnetic storage devices, a process called bias, in which the entire system is overdriven into a known state, is necessary when changing the value of the magnetic tape because this effect requires that the previous state of the magnetic tape be known before it be changed into the desired state. The work done in the cycle is equal to the area of the characteristic loop. FTP, identify this effect in ferromagnetism where the effect of a magnetic field on a material is dependent on the previous state of the magnet.

Answer: hysteresis

12.One famous example of this mythic item was made from the bones of a large sea monster, by Aiofe the woman warrior of Alba, and was used during the War of the Brown Bull, to fight the hero’s brother Ferdiad. That example—CuChulainn’s Gae Bulg— was notched to create maximum damage and may be less famous than the one made by the sons of Ilvadi from a branch of Yggdrasil. That item was known as the “swaying one” and was brought back by Loki after the theft of Sif’s hair, FTP, Odin’s Gungnir is what type of weapon most often seen in the hands of Greek heroes like Diomedes and Achilles.

Answer: spear

13.The scalping of Jane McRae so infuriated the civilians in the surrounding area that any advantage gained by using Native American warriors alongside the Hessians was mitigated. After Barry St. Leger took Fort Stanwyx he was to meet the primary force near the namesake site, yet a spirited colonial defense of the region led by Seth Warner and John Stark delayed his plans. Trapped between the forces of Benjamin Lincoln and the Revolutionary force at Bemis Heights the British struggled to hold their ground and were dealt a severe blow when second in command Simon Fraser was felled near Freedman’s Farm. The arrival of Benedict Arnold’s troops, however, truly spelled doom for Burgoyne’s men and he surrendered to Gates at, FTP, what New York battle that was fought for several weeks in 1777.

Answer: Saratoga

14.He postulated three forms of experience that progress as a person gets older: prototaxic, parataxic, and syntaxic. His student and biographer Helen Swick Perry describes his mother’s depression as motivating his entrance into psychology. He theorized the idea of personifications, when a person has an image of himself as another person, and is he the originator of the idea of self esteem. A student of William Alanson White, he argued that that culture causes peoples’ psychic problems in such works as Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry. Responsible for using Freudian analysis on patients with severe mental disorders, this is FTP, what psychologist, most famous for arguing that schizophrenia was the problem of environment?

Answer: Harry Stack Sullivan

15.The appearance of a mysterious coffin ruins the protagonist’s first wedding. When it is opened it is revealed that the former maid was with child. This causes the husband to leave Weatherbury Farm and he is thought to be lost at Sea. By the time he returns, however, his wife has already been remarried to a conservative farmer, who promptly shoots the sergeant and kills him. By the end of the novel the mess caused by Fanny Robin’s corpse between Troy and Boldwood, must be sorted out by the shepherd Gabriel Oak who also eventually marries Batsheba Everdeene. FTP identify this 1874 novel by Thomas Hardy.

Answer: Far From the Madding Crowd

16.He wrote the Bassoon Concerto in F Major and two symphonies, as well as two clarinet concerti for the virtuoso Heinrich Barmann. Though he was a secretary at Frederick I of Wurtemberg’s court he ran up so many debts that he was briefly thrown in jail. His early works include The Forestmaiden and Peter Schnoll and his neighbor. Other works include Silvana, Abu Hassan, and the orchestral waltz “Invitation to the Dance,” but the most famed works, by this student of Michael Haydn, were written during his time as kappelmeister at Dresden and include Euryanthe and Oberon. FTP identify this creator of Samiel, an evil spirit who tries to corrupt the hunter Max in the opera Der Freischutz.

Answer: Carl Maria von Weber

17.When followed by “mustard,” it is the name of an alkylating agent used in the treatment of cancer.It was first derived from herring sperm and first produced in the laboratory in 1900. One of its derivatives, when phosphorylated, forms a coenzyme which plays a role in the synthesis of lactose and glycogen in mammals and sucrose in plants. Unlike its counterpart, it does not have a methyl group, but it does consist of a six member ring consisting of carbon and nitrogen atoms. Also called 2,4-oxy-pyrimidine, this is, FTP, what nitrogenous base which pairs with adenine in ribonucleic acid.

Answer: uracil

18.In the end of this work, the author makes up a proverb: “I hate a man who remembers what he hears.” The opening of this work compares it to Synescius’ description of baldness, Homer’s battle of the frogs and mice, and Ovid’s nut. The end of the work describes the madness of God in redeeming mankind with the Passion. Among its targets are the Monks, the Clergy, and the Pope. Written on the 5th of the Ides of June, it was famously translated by John Wilson in 1688. Its title in Latin is a pun on the name of Thomas More, to whom the work is addressed. FTP, identify this Humanist work which lauds foolishness, written by Erasmus.

Answer: In Praise of Folly also accept Moriae Encomium

19.During this man’s reign, Cornelia, the chief Vestal Virgin was buried alive. The First Roman emperor after Claudius to campaign in person, he fought a successful war against the Chatti, and made a peace with the Decian king Decebalus before campaigning against the Macromanni and Quadi. Although he easily crushed the revolt of Saturninus, he was killed in a plot possibly involving his similarly named wife in 96. FTP name this Roman emperor, the son of Vespasian.

Answer: Titus Flavius Domitianus

20.Following the arrest of several of their leaders by General Maurice Sarrail, they began an uprising that was ultimately put down in 1927. Their symbol is the five color star which represents the five ministers: red, is for the soul, an-nafs, and green is for the mind, ‘al-‘akl. They have seven moral principles, and if their lives are in danger , they may disavow their faith, which is called taqiyah. This is stipulated in their catechism, the at-Talim, and their holy book is the al-Hikma. The majority of people of this faith are not aware of its doctrine, and are called juhhal, while the inner circle of knowers are the uqqal. FTP, identify this secretive religious group, founded by Hamza ibn Ali, worshippers al Hakim, whose members are mostly found in Syria and Lebanon.

Answer: Druze


1.Answer the following from set theory FTPE:

(10) This theorem states that if a closed set of points on a line can be covered by a set of closed intervals, and every point is an interior point of at least one interval, then there exists a finite number of intervals with the covering property.

Answer: Heine-Borel Theorem

(10) A special case of the Heine-Borel theorem is this theorem which says that every bounded set in n-dimensional real space has a limit point.

Answer: Bolzano-WeierstrassTheorem

(10) Either of these theorems can be used to prove the non-emptiness of this special set, created by iteratively removing the middle third from the interval [0, 1].

Answer: Cantor set

2.Identify these things about the revolution in Haiti

1.This man was army chief under Jean-Jacques Dessalines, but overthrew him and declared himself King in 1811. His reign was known for its pomp and splendor as illustrated by the architecture at the palaces La Ferriere and Sans Souci.

Answer: Henri Christophe

2.Christophe placed great importance on his pure-blooded blackness and for much of his early reign struggled against this leader of mulatto supremacy in a series of violent encounters.

Answer: Alexandre Petion

3.This historian discussed the legacies of Christophe, Petion, and Toussaint L’Ouverture (who was subdued by Leclerc), in his monograph The Black Jacobins, other works by him include the cricket study Beyond a Boundary and a work on Moby Dick called Mariners, Renegades, and Castaways.

Answer: Cyril Lionel Robert James

3.Identify the following Flannery O’Connor works from a description FTPE:

1.In this tale, that takes its name from de Chardin’s idea of the “Omega Point,” Ms. Chestny, riding with her son Julian, encounters a black woman on a bus who wears the same hat, she then gets in a scuffle and dies on the sidewalk calling for her maid Caroline.

Answer: Everything that Rises Must Converge

2.In this story an old Southern gentleman lives in a cramped New York apartment with his daughter and her husband, with his only comfort the title plant, when it fall one day he is too scared of the black neighbor to ask for it back.

Answer: Geranium

3.In this story the one-armed drifter Shiflett charms the mentally challenged Lucynell and convinces her mother, Mrs. Crater, to fix up the car of his dreams if he marries her.

Answer: The Life You Save May Be Your Own

4.Answer some questions about the works of Aaron Copland FTPE:

1. The result of a commission from the conductor Eugene Goossens, this iconic work for brass and percussion was part of an ongoing project that produced a set of 18 patriotic works during WWII.

Answer: Fanfare for the Common Man