A Reading Riot – Gulf Harbour School Readathon 2018

Dear parents and caregivers,

We are excited to announceour Reading Riot ReadathonLaunch on Monday, March 5th.

In the four weeks of our Reading Riot Readathon every child will participate in reading challenges that are designed to help them practise their reading skills in a fun way. This is part of a school wide, year-long focus on reading at our school. Please, support our efforts by supporting and sponsoring your child.

During the Readathon our staff at GHS school will be sharing their love for reading enthusiastically and there is a chance you might bump into some very famous fictional characters, when you wander around our school. There will be mystery reader sessions, challenges during break times and the children will take part in a book character costume parade with a morning tea bake sale on Friday, March 9th.

Dear Kawau house parents, could you please bake for this event?We would very much appreciate your donation of baked goods for Friday, March 9th. We also need some parent helpers to come in at morning tea time and help us sell the baking.

On Monday your child will bring home the Readathon Challenge Sheet.

Please, have a chat with your child about the reading challenges on the other side of this sheet. Decide who could be a sponsor: family, friends, mum or dad’s work colleagues or other people you know and trust. Ask your sponsors how many challenges the student has to complete, before they receive the donation from the sponsor.

Keep a record on this sheet and colour in or tick your completed challenges. You can complete the same challenge several times. Especially younger students might find it harder to complete all the challenges.

Please, send the completed form and the collected donations in the plastic bag provided to you on April 4th 2018 and drop it off at the front office. For sponsors that live further away there is the convenient option of donatingonlinethrough the Give a Little website and searching for “Reading Riot Readathon 2018 Gulf Harbour School”.

Your support is much appreciated and funds raised will help purchase additional class readers and big books as well as increasing our resources of sophisticated picture books, and phonics tools for early readers.