Math SAT Prep Syllabus 2013-2014

Greer Middle College Charter High School

Teacher: Ella Kate Williams

Email: (preferred method of contact)

Room: B14


SAT Prep is a semester course designed to help prepare students for the SAT test. In addition to reviewing the basic mathematical (Ms. Williams) and verbal (Ms. Schonhar) skills assessed on the SAT test, students learn test-taking strategies specific to the exam. Material includes samples with explanations, grading rubrics for peer and self-assessment, practice tests with complete multiple-choice assessments, essays prompts, and study resources. Independent practice is followed by guided collaborative review. Upon successful completion, students will possess the tools necessary to complete the SAT to the best of their ability.

**Please note that students will switch from Ms. Williams to Ms. Sho (or vice versa) after the first 9 weeks of the semester.


  • Gruber’s Complete SAT Guide (to be purchased from Miss Williams)
  • PENCILS; because the SAT must be completed in pencil
  • Scientific or Graphing Calculator


  • Behavior: Follow all rules and requirements listed in the GMC student handbook.
  • Preparation: Come to class each day, on time and prepared (with all materials required for that day). Students may have three absences for the entire semester (Verbal and Math sections); unexcused absences in excess of three will result in no credit for the class.
  • Productivity: Use class time to focus on the work and learning, and complete assignments as they are assigned.
  • Cell Phones: Phones may only be used with explicit instruction from Ms. Williams. When students have permission to use phones they must use it ONLY for that purpose, no texting, surfing internet, etc unless instructed. Using technology in the classroom is a privilege that may be revoked at any time.
  • Late Work: Complete and submit work on time. Late work will not be accepted.
  • Honesty: Students are responsible for the integrity of their work. Looking up answers for SAT practice problems without permission is considered cheating.The purpose of this course is to improve scores, so the temptation to cheat on homework/in-class assignments should be nonexistent.
  • Office Hours: Ms. Williams’ office hours are on Tuesdays from 3:05-3:45 and otherwise by appointment. Students are encouraged to seek additional help during these hours. In the event of a major grade below 80, students will be given the opportunity to retest (please see handbook for more information).
  • Parent Portal: Parents will be able to follow students’ progress by checking grades on the Parent Portal. Please check students’ grades regularly, and do not hesitate to contact Ms. Williams at with concerns.
  • Website: See Ms. Williams’ site for more detailed information regarding due dates and announcements.

GRADING SCALE: (SC Grading Scale)

A: 100-93


C: 84-77*No course credit will be given for final grades below 80.

D: 76-70

F: 69-0


  • 43% SAT Practice Tests/Project: (20-50 points each) Students will take a practice SAT test every A-Friday. Tests will be assessed using a formula that includes participation (completion of test) and achievement (score on current test in relation to previous test, as well as a curved average if needed). Students will be able to re-take practice tests as they wish, although they will include different questions. There will be one project assigned at the end of the 9 weeks.
  • 43% USA TestPrep/Quizzes: (10-20 points each) Before and/or after instruction on test taking strategies, and math concepts, students will complete a set of practice problems corresponding to the instruction. Students will be required to complete a set of practice problems via USA TestPrep online weekly. These problems will be due by 10:00 every Sunday evening.
  • 14% Participation/Classwork: (10-20 points each) This class consists mostly of in classwork/participation. As there is no major test or project, students must contribute and work daily to improve test-taking skills. Students will be assessed based on level of participation—100%=excellent; 90%-above average; 80%=expected; and 70% or below is unsatisfactory. Classroom work includes partner/group work and other activities given in class as SAT preparatory work.