2015 State FFA Ag Sales and Service Test

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Please mark all answers clearly on the Judging Card scan sheet using a #2 pencil. Double check that your name and chapter number are bubbled in as well.

1) Closing a sale always means asking for a commitment from the customer.

A)True B) False

2) Successful sales people have______.

A) Positive Attitudes B) Good Time Management C) Product Knowledge D) All of the above

3) You will know how to sell to a person when you know:

A) How long they have been in business B) How often they shop in your store

C) What motivates them to make decisions D) How much money they have to spend

4) To reach a very select group of consumers, you would probably use which of the following?

A) Trade Journals B) Newspaper C) Television D) Magazines

5) Which of the following is not important to do when demonstrating your products (services)?

A) Suggest only those products that meet identified needs

B) Avoid discussing too much detail about the specifics of your products

C) Identifying the style of clothing your customer is wearing

D) Continually translate service features into benefits

6) In handling customer objections you should NOT…

A) Pause before answering questions B) Try and close the sale right away

C) Restate the objection D) Show empathy

7) When you first call or meet a woman who is a prospect, how should you address her?

A) First Name B) Mrs. C) Miss D) Ms.

8) A meaningful, easy to remember Internet address is actually a effective promotional tool for E-commerce.

A) True B) False

9) Marketing mix includes the following.

A) Customer, product, price, promotion, and packaging

B) Product, price, promotion and place

C) Product, price, place, promotion, and packaging

D) Customer, product, price, place and promotion

10) Salespeople spend approximately what percentage of their time in sales-supporting functions?

A) 90 B)75 C) 50 D) 25

11) Market penetration is a term used to define:

A) The percentage of all customers you sell your products to

B) The depth of your product line

C) The percentage of product you sell to each customer

D) The number of products sold

12) Every sales call needs to end with a sale.

A) True B) False

13) A handwritten letter is acceptable if you don’t have access to a computer, however be sure to use:

A) Black or Blue Ink B) Green Ink C) Blue or Green Ink D) Black or Red Ink

14) The sales person says “The flowers you selected are our best performers! Do you need potting soil or garden gloves?” This is known as ______selling.

A) impulse B) pressure C) timely D) suggestion

15) Research shows that when presenting different alternatives of the same product, it is recommended to only display _____varieties at one time. This helps avoid customer confusion.

A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four

16) An objection is any reason that is valid in the customers mind for not making a purchase.

A) True B) False

17) A unique value bundle :

A) is defined as a combination of products put together by the marketing team

B) Is a special combination of goods and services to focus on the customer’s needs

C) is a combination of products that are heavily promoted to the public

D) are new products that no one has ever heard of

18) Customers who know what they want to buy are called______customers.

A) Know-it-all B) Easy C) Great D) Decided

19) Which of the following would not be part of a promotional campaign?

A) Cost Analysis B) Public Relations C) Sales Promotion D) Advertising

20) Relating to the customer includes:

A) Telling the customer they don’t know the product

B) Beginning with a smile

C) Arguing with the customer to make sure they know the right answer

D) None of the above

21) Mr. Spelhaug, who is a bird watching enthusiast, called to complain that the birdseed he purchased had spoiled. He went on to say that the seed was moldy and the birds would not eat it. He is very upset and normally is a good customer. He mentioned that he purchased the seed approximately six weeks ago. Should you automatically offer to replace the birdseed?

A) Yes B) No

22) Personal Grooming plays a minor role in communicating in a good image.

A) True B) False

23) What are some of the questions you should answer before a face-to-face appointment?

A) What products will they potentially have interest in that you are selling?

B) What is my objective with this appointment?

C) What do I know about the prospects organization?

D) All of the above

24) Tam Maddock has a 3,000 acre row-crop operation and is considering a different herbicide choice for her soybean acreage. You have successfully maintained her business for the past 4 years; but in your recent visit she mentioned she was shopping around for another choice. It is in your best interest to…

A) Let her shop around because you know she’ll be back for you product.

B) Suggest to your competitor that Tam Maddock might be interested in their products.

C) Ask questions in order to uncover the real reason for considering another herbicide.

D) Offer Tam Maddock the chance to meet with your boss.

25) Agri-sales managers require sales people to use selling strategy and call plans:

A) To make the best use of their time and the customers time

B) As a strategy to increase sales concentration

C) Avoid sales people from going on a sales call under-prepared

D) As a strategy to increase sales penetration

26) Most people buy from their______.

A) intellect B) advisors C) emotions D) savings account

27) Making sure that a prospect has the authority and ability to purchase your product is known as:

A) Cold Calling B) Qualifying C) Percentage D) Enlisting

28) Dan Spellerburg sells his famous pickled asparagus to major grocery chains. He is frustrated because his competitor, Anderson Veggies, keeps undercutting him on price. The best way for him to get around the price issue is to point out to his grocery customers how terrible Anderson Veggies are.

A) True B) False

29) After dealing with an upset customer one should:

A) Review the incident B) Tell your co-workers

C) Forget about the incident D) Take the comments personally

30) Customers are more interested in benefits than facts.

A) True B) False

31) A skillful salesperson always attempts to make customers feel better about themselves.

A) True B) False

32) Customers justify their buying decisions with their….

A) spouse B) mood C) intellect D) checkbook

33) When faced with a price objection, sales people should respond by…

A) discuss how your product adds value

B) lowering the price

C) asking their supervisor for assistance

D) none of the above

34) While talking with a customer on the phone you hear the following comment, “I think your service is quite good”. This comment is best described as a:

A) Question B) Objection C) Statement D) None of the above

35) Which is a good method of preventing customer complaints?

A) Tell the customer you had nothing to do with it

B) Walk away when he/she starts to talk to you

C) Sell only non-refundable goods

D) Make sure the warranty is understood

36) What is the retail price using a markup of 20% for an item that lists for $30?

A) $32.50 B) $36.00 $38.50 D) $40.00

37) When asked to supply references for a job you are applying for,

A) Ask former employees B) Ask permission first

C) Do not use relatives names D) All of the above

38) Which of the following items would you consider NOT to be a communication skill?

A) Dictating B) Speaking C) Writing D) Listening

39) When one individual prospect is seen as more desirable and given more attention than other potential customers it is known in sales or marketing as…

A) Segregation B) Segmentation C) Separation D) Superiorization

40) Sales people are considered to be problem solvers, influences and facilitators. Which of the following best describes the sales professional’s role as a facilitator?

A) Sends them information to read to about products

B) Brings a wide variety of products so the customer can choose the product they want

C) Provides tremendous production information for the customer to evaluate and make a good decision

D) Carefully listens to the customer, understands the customer’s needs, helps the customer focus on the most important needs, and provides a solution.

41) What are the four communication styles?

A) Detail Seeker, Results Seeker, Excitement Seeker, Harmony Seeker

B) Detail Seeker, Confrontation Seeker, Excitement Seeker, Humble Seeker

C) Results Seeker, Counselor Seeker, Excitement Seeker, Relationship Seeker

D) Harmony Seeker, Extrusion Seeker, Detail Seeker, Results Seeker

42) A close is really the beginning and start of an ongoing relationship.

A) True B) False

43) Facts about your product should be….

A) Qualitative B) Queasy C) Quantitative D) Questionable

44) To probe successfully for needs, you should occasionally rephrase your prospect’s comments by feeding them back in your own words for clarification and then redirecting the discussion with another question.

A) True B) False

45) According to some experts, selling is _____percent preparation and _____percent presentation.

A) 70, 30 B) 80, 20 C) 90,10 D) 100, 0

46) What is the first step in the closing pyramid?

A) Ask trial closing questions and answer objections

B) Ask for the sale

C) Capture your prospect’s attention

D) Build rapport and trust

47) Customers expect salespeople to…

A) Have a neat appearance

B) be interested in customer satisfaction after the sale

C) help them buy to their best advantage

D) All of the above

48) A pleasing personality is essential to sales success. Personality is the total of your ….

A) aptitudes, habits, and features B) attitudes, habits, and feelings

C) attitudes, humor, and feelings D) attitudes, habits, and features

49) Extroverts are more successful at selling then introverted people.

A) True B) False

50) What are the five mental stages the customer’s buying process?

A) Attention, interest, desire, conviction, action

B) Attention, intrigue, duplicity, conviction, action

C) Action, interest, desire, convention, auction

D) Attentive, intrigue, desire, conviction, action

Key-2015 State Ag Sales & Service Test

1.  A

2.  D

3.  C

4.  A

5.  C

6.  B

7.  D

8.  A

9.  B

10.  C

11.  A

12.  B

13.  A

14.  D

15.  C

16.  A

17.  B

18.  D

19.  A

20.  B

21.  B

22.  B

23.  D

24.  C

25.  A

26.  C

27.  B

28.  B

29.  A

30.  A

31.  A

32.  C

33.  A

34.  C

35.  D

36.  B

37.  D

38.  A

39.  B

40.  D

41.  A- Pg. 67 (Professional Selling: Practical Secrets for Successful Sales)

42.  A- Pg. 47 (Professional Selling: Practical Secrets for Successful Sales)

43.  C- pg. 40 (Professional Selling: Practical Secrets for Successful Sales)

44.  A- pg. 48 (Closing- A Process, Not a Problem)

45.  C- pg 44 (Selling- Helping Customers Buy, 3rd Edition)

46.  D- pg 5 (Closing- A Process, Not a Problem)

47.  D- Pg. 25 (Selling- Helping Customers Buy, 3rd Edition)

48.  B- pg. 23 (Selling- Helping Customers Buy, 3rd Edition)

49.  B-pg. 10 (Sales Training Basics, 3rd Edition)

50.  A- pg. 35 (Selling- Helping Customers Buy, 3rd Edition)