First Evangelical and Reformed Church

320 W. Wayne St. Lima, OH 45801

We are a Bible based Church that presents God’s relevant word

of caring and sharing for all people.

Rev. Edward Rinehart, Pastor

Pastor’s E-Mail:

Church Office: (419) 222-6700

Pastor’s Study: (419) 222-6200

Parsonage: (419) 225-8592


Visitors are invited to take the Welcome Packet found inside the cover.

Sunday, January 10, 2010





“Now Let Us With One Accord” Edward Broughton

HYMN “To God Be The Glory” # 35 “Crown Him with Many Crowns” # 69





OFFERTORY “Chorale” J. S. Bach



SCRIPTURE Romans 15:1-13 page # 985

MESSAGE “Lordship of Christ” Rev. Ed Rinehart

*HYMN “How Great Thou Art” # 1



POSTLUDE “Praise the Lord of Lords” Mark Williams

(*Indicates Congregation Standing / (For Those Who Are Able)

Serving You This Week

Elder Ted Coon

Pastor Rev. Ed Rinehart

Secretary Gloria Moening

Organist Charles Cheuvront

Director of Music Margaret Lewis

Nursery Director Joan Haines

Junior Church Don Snook

Greeters Dave & Holly Hall

Videographer Grant Coon

Annual Congregational Meeting: Will be held on January 17th with lunch following the meeting. Meat dish, beverage and table service provided. Please bring a Covered dish to share. If inclement weather it will be held on January 24th.

Men’s Brotherhood Breakfast – Saturday, January 16th, at 8:30 am. in the fellowship hall. All men of the church are welcome. Planning for the bean supper will be discussed.

Women’s Guild Breakfast - Saturday, Jan. 23rd at 9 a.m. We will be painting brick doorstops! The doorstops we are able to choose from will be on the podium in the Adult Sunday School today yet. We need you to sign your name and which one you would like to make, so all supplies will be ready for us on 23rd. Any questions please contact Sherri Maurer 419-234-7332.

Shut-in of the Week: Isabelle Rothe is this week’s Shut-in. Please take a few minutes of your time to send her a card and to pray for her this week.

Her Address is: Fairhaven Community #206

850 Marseilles St.

Upper Sandusky, OH 43351

Ph: 419-294-2303


TODAY: The Flowers on the altar are donated by Ralph Nusbaum in loving memory of his wife, Mary.

MONDAY: Elder’s Meeting @ 6:00 pm

Trustees’ Meeting @ 6:30 pm

Consistory Meeting @ 7:00 pm

WEDNESDAY: Choir Practice @ 6:30 pm

NEXT SUNDAY: Sunday School @ 9 am. – Come Join Us!

Jan. 17th, 2010 Morning Worship @ 10:15 am

Greeters: Naomi Clark and Sue Striff

Scripture: Acts 9:1-22

Sermon: “Committed to Christ”

Annual Congregational Meeting after Service

Financial Statement and Distribution

January 3, 2010 / Attendance @ 109

Weekly Budget / Account / Sunday Offering / Year to Date
Benevolent Fund / 203.00 / 203.00
Building Fund / 308.50 / 308.50
Current Fund / 1,940.50 / 1,940.50
Memorials / 50.00 / 50.00
Miscellaneous / 25.00 / 25.00
Total Giving / 2,527.00 / 2,527.00

If you have trouble hearing please let a Deacon know and they will assist you in getting a Hearing Device.


HEALTH: Sharon Montague, Brian LaRue, Dan Warner, Sandy Lucke, Tiffany Ward, Carolyn Arnett, Diane Bishop, Greg & Theresa Hawk, Jack Gross, Terry Lewis, Mark Offenbacher, Greg, Sarah & Ty Horstman, Rudy, Aaron Koogler, Doris Welker, Kayla, Kerry Snyder and Colleen Staver, Mark Nusbaum, Sasha & family and those that have had Loved ones pass away these past few weeks.

SHUT-INS: Isabelle Rothe, Leah JaneYates and others in Nursing Homes.



□ ______

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“And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:15 & 16

Bible Trivia: What is Christ’s food, according to John 4:34?

a. Manna b. Doing God’s will & work

c. Serving Others d. Prayer

Ponder: Prayer is the greatest way that we can cooperate with God.

2010 Souper Bowl of Caring & Sharing – On Sunday, February 7th, our Annual Souper Bowl collection of canned soup will be celebrated at the 10:15 am Worship service. Donations are now being accepted which will be dedicated and divided with C.U.P. (Churches United Pantry) and the Lima Rescue Mission.

Feeding kitchens, food pantries and other community service agencies are now reporting a serious food shortage due to fewer state and local donations and the increasing demand of people needing assistance. In this struggling economy and higher unemployment, many families are suffering and live with hunger every day.

Last year our collection resulted in 5314 cans of soup and again your generous support is needed. This is a good opportunity to let your purchases be an important part of your Missions and Benevolent giving. Cans of soup may be taken to the church office or placed on the altar in the sanctuary. Please do not put them on the missions rack.

Special thanks and blessings to all of you for your continued help to feed the hungry in our Lima community. The need is great!

God Bless,

Paul Kreher

Nominating Committee Members

Melissa Offenbacher (chairperson)

Chris Few Beverly Snook

Shannon Rapp Paul Kreher

The following names are up for re-election and have said that they will run again for the following terms:


Alvin Grapner

Paul Offenbacher


Tom Clutter

Lloyd Few

Russell Kaufman


Karen Kaufman Joe Moor

Carol Nusbaum Ted Nusbaum

Elaine Offenbacher Patricia Offenbacher

Beverly Snook

The following 2 positions are the ones that needed to be replaced and the following people have said that they will run for the positions.


Shawna Barhorst

Scholarship Committee:

Nicole Shoemaker

Deacon’s Meeting held January 24th following the service.

Contact Pastor Ed to schedule baptism or membership.

Contribution Statements ready – pick up from table in foyer.


Opening Scripture

Romans 15:1-13

Key Verses 5 and 6 NKJV

5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, 6 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Together we ______God.

Who are the we? vs. 7-9

1. Those of the promise. ______

2. Those not of the promise. ______

(Jews, Gentiles)

What was the role of Jesus? vs. 8-9

Jesus has become a ______of the ______of God for

the ______and the ______.

(Jew, Gentile, Truth, Servant)

Philippians 2:5-11

1. Jesus came as a ______.

2. Jesus became ______to the point of death, even death on a ______.

3. Jesus did this with ______.

4. ______, God exalted Him and gave Him a Name above every other name.

(Therefore, servant, humility, obedient, cross)

FACT: Jesus Christ is Lord with or without your acceptance. God has placed Him in this position of honor.

As we have our Identity in Christ then how should we live and show the Lordship of Christ in our life?

1.  Colossians 3:17 – Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of Christ.

2.  Proverbs 3: 5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

3.  Colossians 1:10 – Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects.

As we Respect, Love, Trust, Obey and place Him with Honor, high above all else in our life, His Lordship is shown.

NOTES: ______


