Reading Unit 1: Poisoners Handbook by Deborah Blum

– LHS Berkemeier and Perkerson

Guided Discussion Questions are provided for each unit by chapter. Answer the questions in complete sentences on notebook paper. Please write legibly!

These questionsencourage students to engage in a close reading of the text, prompting them to clarify or infer meaning and to pause to examine not only what is written, but why andhow it is written.

Writing Prompts are thematic and organized in sections that may be of special interest for specific poisons. These prompts guide studentstoward an in-depth analysis of the themes and issues central to the story of The Poisoners Handbookand may promote outside reading or research. There are severalquestions that would require students to expand their thinking and engage insignificant research activities related to subjects or issues raised in the book.

Time line – students are required create a time line based on their unit readings. At the end of each unit, students are to identify at least 15 significant discoveries related to chemistry, poisons and their significance in each reading unit. Students should use this as their self-generated study guide.

1st Reading Unit (Prologue – Chapter 3)

Prologue: The Poison Game

  1. Why was the cataloging of the Periodic Table of Elements important?
  2. Who was Mathieu Orfila and why was he mentioned in this prologue?
  3. What is belladonna? Where is it found in nature?
  4. Explain the term corpus delecti
  5. What are alkaloids? How are they found in human tissue?
  6. Explain why Blum (author) decided to use Jazz Age New York as focus of her book.

One: Chloroform

  1. Describe the symptoms of Typhoid Mary and how was it contracted? Any cure?
  2. Explain why Frederic Mors was being investigated.
  3. How would you describe the investigators feels about Frederic Mars?
  4. Whowas William Rice? What happened to him?
  5. Is chloroform found in nature? Why or why not?
  6. Why would a murderer choose to kill with chloroform poisoning?
  7. What are the symptoms of chloroform poisoning?

Two: Wood Alcohol

  1. Why is Charles Norris an important character in this reading? What is his significance?
  2. What are the connections of wood alcohol and Alexander Gettler?
  3. How does one obtain wood alcohol?
  4. What are the symptoms of wood alcohol poisoning? Is there a cure?

Three: Cyanides

  1. How is killing with cyanide different from chloroform from the victims point of view?
  2. Why were three different types of cyanide (HCN, KCN, NaCN) discussed in this chapter? Are there any differences?
  3. Explain the term putrification.
  4. What’s the significance of Hotel Margaret in this reading?
  5. What are the symptoms of cyanide poisoning?
  6. Research on your own: Is there a gender preference of using cyanide as a poison?

Create a time line-identifying at least 15 significant discoveries related to chemistry, poisons and their significance in this reading unit.