West Greeley Conservation District

Board of Supervisors

Meeting Agenda

4302 W. 9th St. Rd. Greeley, CO 80634

Monday, December 14, 2015

11: 00 AM- 1:00 PM


Welcome, roll call, and meeting called to order
Introduction of Guests: Tracee Bentley; Chuck Call PLC
Approval of Board Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2015
Officer and Board Reports
·  Treasurer’s Report: Review and Approval of November Financials and Bank Statements/Reconciliations
·  Richard Foose: 2015 CACD recap and 2017 NACD meeting in Denver
Approval of Bills for the Month
Chuck Call, PLC (10 minutes)
·  Financial Request for Well Watch Program
Staff Report
·  DM
·  Conservation Technician
Partner Reports
NRCS Report: Will Owsley/Acting DC
CSU Extension Report: Keith Maxey/ County Director
Unfinished Business
1.  SWIIM Facility (Leafgren Farm) Reporting Extension Requested until 4/30/16 (Informational)
New Business
1.  Legacy Land Trust Stewardship Enhancement Program [Proposal voted Nov 2014 meeting]. (vote)
2.  2016 Budget Approval (vote)
3.  2016 Annual Plan of Work Approval (vote)
4.  Equipment suggested for sale (vote)
5.  Gilcrest De-watering Wells Pilot Project [Does district have interest in performing as Coordinating entity for project] (vote)
Applications and Agreement Review and Approval
·  Armknecht, Steven (Amended Site Plan Review)
·  LA Resolution LLC (Recorded Exemption)
·  Journey Ventures ( Minor Amendment to Site Specific Development Plan and Use – Mineral Resource)
·  Messick, Edie & Steven ( Site Specific Development Plan and Use)
·  White, Jerrie (Subdivision Exemption – O/G Support and Service)
·  Birgenheir, Ronald and Lee (Change the Zone)
·  Yeoman Freehold LLC ( Two Lot Recorded Exemption)
·  Platte River Midstream ( Site Specific Development Plan and Use – Mineral Resource)
·  Bradt, Jerry & Rosenthal, Billee c/o Sterling Energy Investments LLC
(Site Specific Development Plan and Use – Mineral Resource)
·  Hemberger, Clyde and Janice c/o Sterling Energy Investments LLC
(Site Specific Development Plan and Use – Mineral Resource)
·  Johnson, John (Subdivision exemption for O/G Support and Service)
·  Franklin, Isabel ( Two lot recorded exemption)
·  Lariat Homes ( Two lot recorded exemption)
·  Miller HFI LLC (Site Specific Development Plan and Use – Mineral Resource)
·  Schrant, Kenneth ( Two lot recorded exemption)
Conservation Plans for Review
Announcements and Reminders
·  Board Members should turn in mileage reimbursements.
·  Farm Show January 26-28th
Executive Session *Time is reserved on the agenda for Executive Session in accordance with (CRS 24-6-402 (4) (e). I move that we enter Executive Session pursuant to 24-6-402(4)(e) C.R.S. for the purpose of determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations and instructing negotiators concerning Houston Gardens operations.”
1:00 pm Adjournment